MS. Bodl. 234
Summary Catalogue no.: 2196
In three books, with list of chapters.
Physical Description
Good border (mutilated)
Historiated initial. (Pächt and Alexander iii. 787, pl. LXXIV) Fol. 1, the author presenting his work to Philip IV of France.
Reddish pink leather on boards, with painted edges (three fleurs-de-lys), worn, English contemporary work.
Provenance and Acquisition
The middle part of the lower margin of fol. 1 has been cut out, slightly injuring the text. The missing part no doubt bore a coat ot arms, but on each side are still left gules a fess argent between six fleurs-de-lys of the second (Thorp), and a crest.
Among some 16th cent. scribbling are some figures of 'The worthie bugle [i.e. bull] the noble Erele of Southamptons badge of his almes [i.e. arms]', and 'Jane Hughes' (fol. 250v).
Acquired not after 1602.
Record Sources
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (2 images from 35mm slides)
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2021-01-15: Description revised to incorporate all information in SC and Pächt and Alexander.