MS. Bodl. 238
Summary Catalogue no.: 2050
Language(s): Latin
Fifteen homilies; the first begins:
Preceded by testimonia, the prologue of the translator Dionysius Exiguus, and a list of chapters.
Preceded by a 'tabula Rogeri monachi Sancti Edmundi de exposicionibus uocabulorum Biblie', and a prologue which states that the names of the 'collector' and of the 'corrector' of the work can be gathered from the first words of the leonine verses prefixed to each section of the work, the first of which is 'Respice nos, Christe, quia iam liber incipit iste' (Genesis), the next 'Omnis ab egipto fugit Israel hoste relicto' (Exodus), etc. The complete sentence is: rogervs compotista reginaldvs de vvalsingham monaci sancti eadmvndi regis. The work is a short commentary on biblical words (not names) in the order of the Bible, gathered from glosses for the use of novices. One leaf is missing after fol. 252.
Physical Description
2 cols.
Illuminated capitals.
Provenance and Acquisition
New College, Oxford: given by W. Wykeham, see list in O.H.S. Collectanea 3. 228. (MLGB)
In James's Ecloga (1600) this MS. is MS. New college, Oxford, no. 250.
Presented by dr. Thomas James in 1601.
MS. Bodl. 238 - endleaf (fol. i)
Language(s): Latin
Physical Description
MS. Bodl. 238 - upper pastedown
Language(s): Latin
Perhaps from the same manuscript as in SC 2123.
Physical Description
MS. Bodl. 238 - endleaves (fols. 264 seq)
Language(s): Latin
Physical Description
Additional Information
Record Sources
Online resources:
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2020-04-27: Description revised to include all information in SC.