A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Bodl. 253

Summary Catalogue no.: 2123**


Language(s): Latin

Gregory the Great, Moralia in Job (Volume 2 of a two-volume set; the first volume is MS. Bodl. 683)
Rubric: Moralia beati Gregorii pape per contemplationem sumpta libri sex

Parts 4–6 (see fols. 95v, 178), books 17–35.

On fol. 326v the scribe has added an exhortation to confess sins, in nine hexameters

Incipit: Ad se nos Dominus

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: iii + 327 leaves
Dimensions (binding): 15.625 × 11.375 in.


2 cols


Pächt and Alexander iii. 82

Good initials


Stamped white sheepskin (about 1602) on older sewing and boards, worn.


Origin: 12th century, beginning ; England

Provenance and Acquisition

Exeter Cathedral: identifiable in the catalogues of 1327 and 1506 (MLGB3)

MS. Bodl. 683 (pars i) and MS. Bodl. 253 (pars ii) form one set (MLGB3)

Presented by the dean and chapter of Exeter in 1602. By accident this MS. escaped numeration in the Old Catalogue of 1697. In 1655 it was NE. C. 6. 15, but perhaps the two last volumes on that shelf (this and no. 2123* [MS. Bodl. 230]) were temporarily moved away, for the last volume recognized in the Old Catalogue is no. 13

Record Sources

Description adapted (June 2020) from the following sources, with additional reference to published literature as cited:
Otto Pächt and J. J. G. Alexander, Illuminated Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, III (1973), no. 82 [decoration, origin, date]
Summary Catalogue (1922) [contents, physical description, provenance and acquisition]


Last Substantive Revision

2022-11-10: Stewart Brookes: Minor encoding changes and revisions