MS. Bodl. 284
Summary Catalogue no.: 2339
Psalms and Athansian Creed with commentaries of Alexander Nequam
Language(s): Latin
The text of the Psalms, with the commentary on them by Alexander Neckam, the latter by the side or round the former, with prologue. Pss. cxlvii-1 are wanting, but the MS. is not imperfect. A 16th cent. index of the titles of the Psalms is on fol. 296.
Neckam's commentary on the Athanasian creed, with the text, similarly arranged. The author's name does not occur anywhere in the volume.
Physical Description
In treble or double columns
Modern style about A.D. 1840-50. About 1655 Langbaine describes the volume as 'holosericatus, nigro tegmine, bullis æreis munitus'.
Provenance and Acquisition
Cirencester, Gloucestershire, Augustinian abbey of St Mary the Virgin: "Cirencestrie" (fols. iii recto, 119r, 153r, 294r); s. xvi. (MLGB3: evidence from an ex-libris inscription or note of gift to an institution).
Title in Leland's hand (?) (fol. iii recto), later than the "Cirencestrie" inscription. (MLGB3)
It was owned by king Henry VIII, see MS Bodl. 218 (S.C. 2054).
Presented by Charles Howard, earl of Nottingham, in 1604.
Record Sources
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (13 images from 35mm slides)
Online resources:
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2024-10: Description revised to incorporate all information from Summary Catalogue.