A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Bodl. 321

Summary Catalogue no.: 2237


Language(s): Latin

1. (fol. 1: A + B)
Gregory the Great, Homiliae in Ezechielem

With preface, and (fol. 64v) an index of subjects.

2. (fol. 67: A)
Ps.-Augustine, De spiritu et anima
Rubric: Tractatus beati Augustini de spiritu et anima

With an index at fol. 66.

3. (fol. 73: A)
Paulinus of Aquileia, Liber exhortationis
Rubric: Epistola beati Augustini ad Iulianum comitem

With an index at fol. 66v.

4. (fol. 82v: A)
William of Tournai, Flores Bernardi
Rubric: ... Excerpciones collecte de diuersis opusculis beati Bernardi ... abbatis Clareuallensis

With prologue and leonine verses: in ten books, each, except the first, with a list of chapters

An index is at fol. 155v.

5. (fol. 159v: C)
Ps.-Augustine, De quattuor uirtutibus caritatis (serm. 106)
Incipit: Desiderium caritatis vestre
6. (fol. 162: C)
Nicholas de Gorran, Commentary on Galatians
Rubric: Prologus Gorham super Epistolam ad Galathas
Incipit: Quis dedit gallo ... Olim Galli venientes

Prologue only.

7. (fol. 162v: C)
Nicholas de Gorran, Commentary on Revelation
Incipit: (prol.) Cognouit Deus omnem ... Ecce manus missa ad me
Incipit: (text) Apocalipsis Ihesu Christi ... Liber iste principaliter diuiditur in tres parte

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: ii + 196 leaves
Dimensions (binding): 14.375 × 10.625 in.


2 cols.


Three hands (A, B, C).


Penwork (Pächt and Alexander, addenda).


Origin: 14th century, end ; English

Provenance and Acquisition

'Precium ij marcas,' about 1400 (fols. ii v, 195).

Windsor, Berkshire, Royal collegiate chapel of St George: Probably traces of chain mark. Certainly identifiable from Benefactor's Book. (MLGB3: inferred evidence).

Presented by the dean and canons of Windsor in 1612.

Record Sources

Description abbreviated (August 2024) from the Summary Catalogue (1922) with additional reference to literature as cited; date follows Pächt and Alexander, addenda.


Last Substantive Revision

2024-08: Matthew Holford: encode full description from Summary Catalogue.