A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Bodl. 339

Summary Catalogue no.: 2400


Language(s): Latin

(p. 237
Quaestio on the power of a general council
Rubric: Questio . Vtrum generale Concilium ... habeat potestatem a pape potestate distinctam
Incipit: Quamuis ut ait beatus Thomas

Fourteen conclusiones.

(p. 235)
Colophon: Explicit iste liber scriptor sit crimine liber | Qui me scribebat .Jo. barbe nomen habebat | Et scriptus fueram cum scribebatur in anno .|Mille. quater centum. necnon triginta nouemque | in sexta feria post ascensum quoque xpristi[sic]

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: viii + 292 + 1 pages
Dimensions (leaf): 308 × 220 mm.


2 cols., 48 lines, column space 215 × 67 mm.


Written by Jo. Barbe (Baert, Baerts), who also wrote MS. Rawl. G. 48, Magdalen College MS. Lat. 191, and New College MS. 219.


Good miniatures, borders, initials. Iconography the same as MS. Bodley 338. (Pächt and Alexander i. 668)

Illuminiated miniatures, borders, initials, coat of arms; coloured initials, rubrics.


Origin: 1439 ; Italy, Florence

Provenance and Acquisition

Arms of Andrew Holes (d. 1470), p. 3 (quarterly 1 and 4 argent two piles sable, 2 and 3 argent a lion rampant azure).

Fol. iv verso: ‘Clericus Forratus de Catis’, early 16th century.

‘Liber Joannis Whithell in artibus bauch. lauren.’, ‘Joannis Whithell his booke’, 16th century, second half.

‘Liber Gulielmi White presbiteri et in legibus bacc.’, 16th century, second half.

John Greaves’, late 16th/early 17th century.

Acquired about 1618–20 (Summary Catalogue I, p. 103).

Record Sources

Description adapted (2018) from the following sources:
A. G. Watson, Catalogue of Dated and Datable Manuscripts c.435–1600 in Oxford Libraries (Oxford, 1984), no. 78 [physical description, origin, provenance]
Otto Pächt and J. J. G. Alexander, Illuminated Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, I (1966), no. 668 [decoration]
Summary Catalogue (1922) [contents, acquisition]


Last Substantive Revision

2018-11-12: Revised to incorporate all information in Watson, Pächt and Alexander, and SC.