A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Bodl. 355

Summary Catalogue no.: 2444

Physical Description

Composite: three parts
Extent: iv + 228 leaves
Dimensions (binding): 12.75 × 9.125 in.


Provenance and Acquisition

Notes on calendar added, fols. ii recto, iii verso.

The three parts of this manuscript were bound together in the 15th century.

When bound together, arts 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 seem to have been marked B-F.

Fols 159-223: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, Franciscan convent: 'Isti 6 quaterni sunt de ordine Fratrum Minorum & custodia Cantebrigiensis' (fol. 159r, s. xiv, referring to Part 3). 'Istós 6 quaternos contulit frater Thomas Totyngdon fratri Thome de Wynbotisham qui eos contulit postea fratri Iohanni de Wynbotisham \ad vitam et post conuentui Walsinghamie/' (fol. 159r, s. xv) (MLGB3)

Fols 159-223: Walsingham, Norfolk, Franciscan convent: see above (MLGB3)

The (15th century) name 'Bychyngham' is on fol. 188v and 'Wychyn' on the next page, cf. fols 161, 166

Probably acquired by the Library c. 1618-1620

MS. Bodl. 355 – Part A


1. (fol. 1)
Martinus Polonus, Chronicon pontificum et imperatorum
Incipit: ||post hunc regnauit Capis

Almost the whole of the first leaf is missing

At fol. 10v and 11r the text is continued in a rather later and very different hand, also responsible for annotating the earlier folios

The chronicle appears to end with Boniface VIII (1296)

Fols 31r-32v are about the topography of Rome

Language(s): Latin
2. (fol. 32v)
Chronicle of England from Brutus to 1221
Incipit: Britannia insularum optima
Explicit: mos regni exigebat facta fuerat

Written in the hand that annotated and continued the preceding item.

On fol. 32v, a 17th century hand erroneously attributes this chronicle to Walter of Coventry (see Stubbs' edition of Walter [Rolls Series, 1872] i, p. xxvi).

Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment


Origin: 14th century, first half and middle ; England

MS. Bodl. 355 – Part B


3a. (fol. 51)
Isaac Iudaeus, De dietis universalibus
Rubric: Liber dietarum uniuersalium Ysaac
Incipit: Quod in primis coegit antiquos

Preceded by a list of chapters

(Translation from Arabic by Constantinus Africanus)
Language(s): Latin
3b. (fol. 89)
Isaac Iudaeus, De dietis particularibus
Rubric: Liber Ysaac de dietis particularibus
Explicit: nutrimentum dicamus. De pecudibus

With a list of chapters

Some leaves are lost

(Translation from Arabic by Constantinus Africanus)
Language(s): Latin
4. (fol. 111)
Isaac Iudaeus, Liber urinarum
Rubric: Liber urinarum Ysaach
(Translation from Arabic by Constantinus Africanus)
Language(s): Latin
5. (fol. 135v)
Isaac Iudaeus, Liber febrium
Rubric: Liber febrium Ysaac translatus a Constantino Montis Cassianensis monacho
Explicit: Quia eius inuentio est necessaria cuius inuestigacionis
(Translation from Arabic by Constantinus Africanus)
Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment


2 cols


Origin: 14th century

MS. Bodl. 355 – Part C


61. (fol. 159)
Thomas Aquinas, Commentary on Aristotle, Metaphysics
Rubric: Commentarius S. Thomae Aquinatis in Metaphysica Aristotelis
Incipit: Sicud docet philosophus in Polliticis suis
Explicit: quod quorundam contrariorum est medium

Ends during the commentary on the 10th book, some leaves being lost

A 17th century hand erroneously attributes the commentary to Petrus de Aluernia

Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment


2 cols


Origin: 14th century, early

MS. Bodl. 355, flyleaves, fols 224-226


Natural science
Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment


Origin: 14th century

Additional Information

Record Sources

Description adapted (December 2022) by Stewart J. Brookes from the Summary Catalogue (1922)


Last Substantive Revision

2022-12-26: Description revised to incorporate all the information in the Summary Catalogue (1922)