A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

Brasenose College MS. 15


Language(s): Latin

(fol. 18)
Speculum peccatoris
Incipit: Quoniam carissime vite hujus
(fol. 24v)
Ps.-Bernard, Meditationes piissimae
Incipit: Multi multa sciunt
(fol. 41v)
Innocent III, De miseria hominis libellus
Incipit: Mirabilis est
(fol. 48)
On the articles of faith
Incipit: Primus articulus est credere
(fol. 52v)
On the seven deadly sins
Incipit: Septem autem sunt
(fol. 59)
Cases when a priest may not grant absolution
Incipit: Sunt autem plures casus
(fol. 61)
Uthred of Boldon, Meditatio
Incipit: Domine vere cogitabo tibi omnes annos meos in amaritudine anime mee
(fol. 67)
Berengar Fredoli, Summula in Foro Penitentiali
Incipit: In primis debet sacer

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Parchment; quire [I] paper
Extent: 72 leaves, quarto
Dimensions (leaf): 207 × 142 mm.


Brown ink, headings in red.


2 line decorative initials in blue with red extensions.


18th century calf binding


Origin: 15th century ; England

Provenance and Acquisition

MLGB3: from the library of Syon Abbey, identifiable in Betson's catalogue as M.44. on the basis of contents and second folio. 'Ex dono M. Iohannis Steyke et pro quibus tenetur' (fols. 1r, 72r). There are vellum tags or remnants thereof as are often found in Syon books, but there is no Syon list of contents or binding label. The beginning of each new piece is marked by a tag, projecting from the fore-edge. It is folded over and pasted down to both sides of the leaf.

Manuscript inscription at head of first leaf: "Ex dono M. Joh[ann]is Steyke …" [repeated on verso]. John Steyke (c. 1454-1513).

Record Sources

Description by Sophie Floate. See H. O. Coxe, Catalogus codicum mss. qui in collegiis aulisque oxoniensibus hodie adservantur, II (1852) [sections separately paginated], Brasenose, p. 6


Last Substantive Revision

2023: First online publication.