Brasenose College MS. 7
Language(s): Latin
(fol. 88)
Liber de Amicitia (fol. 111)
Liber de Senectute (fol. 134v)
Epistola Lentuli (fol. 135)
Fabricii et Aemilii ad Pyrrhum epistola super proditione Marginal inscriptions decrying the Abbot of Godstow (i.e. Osney) dated 1528 (folio j¹v)
Language(s): Middle English
Physical Description
Form: codex
Support: Parchment;
Extent: ii + 139 leaves
Dimensions (leaf): 273 × 195 mm.
a⁵⁽⁶⁾, b-o⁸, p⁷⁽⁸⁾, q-r⁸, s⁶
Lacking two leaves (a⁶ and p⁴)
double column, 24 lines, written space 166 × 125 mm.
Written in dark brown ink in a cursive gothic bookhand.
2 very large illuminated initials in gold and colours on e⁷r. and h⁵v
Initials with illuminated bar extensions fitting the writing area with flowery tendrils
calligraphic ink extensions into some borders
Paragraph markers in red and blue, decorative cadels in red and blue
18th/19th century calf over boards; blind tooled panel design.
Provenance and Acquisition
Record Sources
Description by Sophie Floate. Previously described in H. O. Coxe, Catalogus codicum mss. qui in collegiis aulisque oxoniensibus hodie adservantur, II (1852) [sections separately paginated], Brasenose, p. 2
This manuscript is held at Brasenose College. Please direct any enquiries to Brasenose College Library.
Mellor, Katherine. “Epistle of Lentulus.” e-Clavis: Christian Apocrypha
Edward Wilson, A ‘Damned F…in Abbot’ in 1528: The Earliest English Example of a Four-Letter Word, Notes and Queries, Volume 40, Issue 1, March 1993, Pages 29–34,
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2023: First online publication.