MS. Bodl. 39
Summary Catalogue no.: 1892
Collectanea of St Mary's Abbey, York
Language(s): Latin
With prologue and list of chapters, and drawings of an abbot and novice: imperfect at end, wanting all after 'subditum & magis' in ch. 60. A form of admission for a novice 'ad monasterium sancte Marie Eboracensis' in the time of Simon de Warwick (abbot 1258–96) is at fol. 1.
Including: (fol. 38) the papal constitutions appointed in 1268 to be written after the monastic rule: (fol. 46v) Statutes of Ottobonus, made at London in 1268: (fol. 52v) Statutes of a Chapter of the province of Canterbury, 1275: (fol. 67v) Treatise on the obedientiaries and rites of a certain monastery, evidently St. Mary's abbey, see fol. 91v: imperfect, ending with the rubric of a section 'De ingressu nouiciorum ...'
With a list of abbots and brief annals to 1267, with drawings.
A copy of a letter from Thurstan, archbp. of York, describing the foundation of St. Mary's abbey at Fountains by a colony from the York house in 1132: but foll. 101–9, 113–114 are later copies of about 1400, substituted: foll. 114v-115v are blank.
Detailed annals of the abbey, with drawings, in perturbed order and with erasures and substituted leaves: at 1284 come in (foll. 135–149) Statutes of Benedictine Chapters of the province of York, 1222–1333; (foll. 150–161) lists of priors or wardens of cells of the abbey. The hands seems to change and be contemporary from about 1312: later substituted leaves are foll. 135, 149, 171, 174. At fol. 205v a late 14th cent. hand has added 'Modus & forma eligendi abbatem'. At fol. 116 is a list of the monks in 1258.
Physical Description
Miniatures (pen-and-ink drawings). (Pächt and Alexander iii. 538, pl. LII)
Provenance and Acquisition
St Mary's Abbey, York: evidence of contents.
'Henricus Jacksonus Oxoniensis. Anno 1600,' erased.
Seemingly acquired by purchase from him in 1619–20.
MS. Bodl. 39 - endleaves (fols. iv-ix)
Physical Description
MS. Bodl. 39 - endleaves (fols. 209–212)
Language(s): Latin
Excerpts from Hugo de Sancto Victore, etc., except that 211r contains a list of Latin words beginning with P.
Physical Description
Additional Information
Record Sources
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (3 images from 35mm slides)
Printed descriptions and editions:
Online resources:
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2020-03-24: Description revised to include all information in SC with reference to published literature.