MS. Bodl. 395
Summary Catalogue no.: 2215
Language(s): Latin
Preceded by five letters between the author and Braulio, and with lists of chapters preceding each book. The handwriting changes after fol. 54 (cf. fols. 25-7), and the second hand has written on fol. iii v a brief abstract of the whole encyclopaedia: there are also figures and diagrams (see fols. 31v, 59v).
Begins as the Commentarii of Priscian; ends abruptly, some leaves being lost, 'proferuntur in i longam'.
A Greek and a Hebrew alphabet, the Latin Lord's Prayer in Greek characters, and also in Latin verse, etc.
A 15th cent. list of contents shows that the lost leaves at the end contained 'multa notabilia de Cronicis. Item liber Methodij episcopi, clv'.
Physical Description
2 cols.
Contemporary white leather on boards; traces of five bosses on each cover; two bookmarkers. Cf. binding of MS. Bodl. 371 also from Buildwas (MLGB).
Provenance and Acquisition
Buildwas, Shropshire, Savigniac and (1147) Cistercian abbey of St Mary the Virgin and St Chad: '. . . . DE . . . DEWAS' (fol. iii v at end of table of contents, in red) (MLGB3: evidence from an ex-libris inscription and from the binding).
Windsor, collegiate chapel. Table of contents of s. xv with "l [?] b" below it (not CLV as in S.C.) in the same ink. If this is the Windsor pressmark it is in a different hand as usual. (MLGB3: inferred evidence)
Given by the dean and canons of St George's Chapel, Windsor, 1612.
MS. Bodl. 395, endleaf (fol. i)
Language(s): Latin
Unfinished: from the common preface to Quam oblationem in the canon.
Physical Description
2 cols. of 30 lines, written space 236 × 155 mm.
Some coloured capitals in green, brown and red.
Blank space for large initials.
Additional Information
Record Sources
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (8 images from 35mm slides)
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2022-10: Revised to incorporate all information in printed catalogues.