A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Bodl. 406

Summary Catalogue no.: 2297


Language(s): Latin
Euangelium Nicodemi
Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment


Drawing added in 1551 to a MS. of 1291 on fol. xviii verso. (Pächt and Alexander iii. 1192)


Old boards and sewing, re-covered about a.d. 1600, and lately re-backed and mended.


Origin: 1291; added decoration, 1551 ; English

Provenance and Acquisition

Leeds, Kent, Augustinian abbey of St Mary the Virgin and St Nicholas: "Liber monasterii de Ledes per fratrem Thomam de Meydistane ipsius loci canonicum" (c. 1300), on endleaf at beginning, formerly pasted down. (MLGB3: evidence from an ex-libris inscription or note of gift to an institution).

'Liber sermonum T. de M. de Temporali' (c. 1300)

This is the only volume which seems to correspond with an entry of 'Sermones anonymi, lib. 2 [i.e. pars altera?]' among the S. Theology 4° books in the Catalogue of 1602.

Record Sources

Summary description abbreviated from the Summary Catalogue (1922). Decoration, localization and date follow Pächt and Alexander (1973).


Last Substantive Revision

2022-04-04: Add binding information from Summary Catalogue.