A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Add. C. 280

Summary Catalogue no.: 29572


'John Mandeville', Travels

Unfinished table of contents, headed 'Tabula siue kalendare de capitulis libri sequentis quem librum dominus Johannes Mandeville miles composuit de Terra Sancta et aliis regionibus et insulis, cum mirabilibus in eisdem existentibus […] '.

Incipit: Syr Johan Mandeuille nez en la ville de seinte Alban
Colophon: Ici finst la descripcion solonc Johan Mandeuille chiualer […]
Language(s): Anglo-Norman
2. (fol. 119v)
'John Mandeville', Vie de Saint Alban
Rubric: Incipit Vita Sancti Albani de Allemannia secundem dominum Johannem Mandenille[sic] milite gallice scripta
Language(s): Anglo-Norman
3. (fol. 121)

Part of a herbal.

Language(s): Anglo-Norman (?)
4. (fols. 124-127)

Two English poems added about the middle of the 15th century:

Rubric: Carta domini nostri Ihesu Christi
Incipit: Ihesu kyng of heuene & helle

212 lines.

DIMEV 2859
Life of Christ
Incipit: Alle ȝe mowyn be blythe & glade

358 lines.

DIMEV 409, this copy only.
Language(s): Middle English

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: 127 leaves
Dimensions (binding): 10.5 × 7.5 in.


Stamped brown leather, English, 17th century.


Origin: 15th century, first half ; English

Provenance and Acquisition

Price 'v s. viij d.', fol. 13v.

'Johannes Longe nuper in Holbo⟨rn⟩', 16th century, fol. 5v.

'Iste liber constat Johanni Heruy de Lyncolnes In', admitted to Lincoln's Inn in 1509.

T. H. Bramston; his sale, 25 June 1885, lot. 648.

Purchased by the Bodleian for £20.

Record Sources

Description adapted by Matthew Holford (Nov. 2023) from the Summary Catalogue (1897), with limited additional description of provenance and reference to published literature as cited.


Last Substantive Revision

2023-11-02: Revised to incorporate all information in Summary Catalogue.