MS. Add. C. 280
Summary Catalogue no.: 29572
Unfinished table of contents, headed 'Tabula siue kalendare de capitulis libri sequentis quem librum dominus Johannes Mandeville miles composuit de Terra Sancta et aliis regionibus et insulis, cum mirabilibus in eisdem existentibus […] '.
Two English poems added about the middle of the 15th century:
212 lines.
DIMEV 2859Physical Description
Stamped brown leather, English, 17th century.
Provenance and Acquisition
Price 'v s. viij d.', fol. 13v.
'Johannes Longe nuper in Holbo⟨rn⟩', 16th century, fol. 5v.
'Iste liber constat Johanni Heruy de Lyncolnes In', admitted to Lincoln's Inn in 1509.
T. H. Bramston; his sale, 25 June 1885, lot. 648.
Purchased by the Bodleian for £20.
Record Sources
Online resources:
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2023-11-02: Revised to incorporate all information in Summary Catalogue.