A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Bodl. 465

Summary Catalogue no.: 2459

Physical Description

Composite: two parts
Form: codex
Support: paper
Extent: ii + 425 leaves
Dimensions (binding): 12 × 9 in.


Provenance and Acquisition

Two parts together by 1604-5 at the latest.

The name of William Gregson (16th century) is on fol. 208v, and 'A. N.' on fol. 421v

Presented by William Dun, D. M., in 1605, but the volume probably reached the Library before the end of 1604

MS. Bodl. 465 – Part 1


1. (fol. 1)
Simon Bredon, Commentary on Boethius, Arithmetica
Rubric: Arithmetica magistri Iohannis de Muris
Incipit: Quantitatum alia continua
(here attributed to John de Muris)
Language(s): Latin
2. (fol. 18)
Simon Bredon, Scientia de numero ac uirtute numeri
Rubric: Arithmetica magistri Symonis Bredon
Incipit: Scientia de numero ac virtute numeri

A large work divided into a 'proemium', pars prima 'speculativa', and pars secunda 'practica' (the latter consisting of various tractatus, quaestiones and summae)

Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: paper


Origin: c. 1400 ; England

MS. Bodl. 465 – Part 2


1. (fol. 195)
Ramon Llull, Liber principiorum medicinae
Rubric: Deus in tua virtute & benedictione incipit tractatus de principiis & gradibus Medicine... & vocatur Appertorium Ramundi, &c.
Incipit: Quoniam omnis ars habet

The preface only.

Language(s): Latin
2. (fol. 197)
Antidotarium Nicholai (?)
Rubric: Aurea Alexandrina
Incipit: Aurea Alexandrina ab Alexandro peritissimo philosopho

In alphabetical order. The first articles are Adrianum, Acharistum, Athanasia, but it only reaches to Diapendion

Language(s): Latin
3. (fol. 209)
Ramon Llull, Arbor scientiae
Rubric: Arbor Scientiae
Incipit: Liber iste qui dicitur Arbor sciencie in xvi partes diuiditur

The 15th and 16th parts are omitted and an (altered) colophon states that the 14th part is the last

Language(s): Latin
4. (fol. 374)
Ramon Llull, Arbor philosophie desideratae
Rubric: Arbor philosophie desiderate
Incipit: Solus eram in quodam viridario
Language(s): Latin
5. (fol. 396v)
Ps.-Ramon Llull, Fons paradisi divinalis
Rubric: Fons Paradisi diuinalis
Incipit: Sicut a Paradisi fonte
Language(s): Latin
6. (fol. 399v)
Ramon Llull, Liber de articulis fidei et Apostrophe ad summum pontificem
Rubric: Tractatus domini Raymundi Lullii de probacione articulorum fidei catholice
Incipit: Incipiunt sublimis apex

The colophon shows that the treatise was written at Rome in 1296

Language(s): Latin
7. (fol. 417v)
Ps.-Ramon Llull (?), Short treatise on the four Elements
Incipit: Elementalis enim figura
Base de dades Ramon Llull FD II.173 cites only the present manuscript.
Language(s): Latin
8. (fol. 417v)
Ps.-Ramon Llull, Cantilena Raymundi
Rubric: Cantalene Raymundi
Incipit: Amor facit nos rimare

Followed by a commentary or 'Glosa' on the text [Base de dades Ramon Llull MP IV.2]

Language(s): Latin

There are scattered figures and notes on fols 195, 195v, 417v and 421

Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: paper
Extent: 231 leaves (194-421)
Dimensions (leaf): 293 × 215 mm.


1 col., c. 35-40 lines, written space 220-30 × c. 145-50 mm.

Fols. 187-207: 2 cols., c. 35-40 lines, column space 225 × 70 mm.


The scribe's name (?), "Johnson", occurs on fols 196, 373v, 374r, 396 and 419v




Origin: c. 1465 ; England


Fol. 195: 'Assit principio Sancta Maria in eo amen Iesus helpe etc.' Fol. 196 bears a similar inscription followed by 'quod Johnson', and other briefer inscriptions are on fols. 373, 374, 396, 419, and 421. Fol. 345, in lower margin: 'Anno domini 1465 nunc complet. ...'; while this is not at any break in the text it evidently has some relationship to the text and the date of writing.

Additional Information

Record Sources

Description adapted (December 2024) by Stewart J. Brookes from the following sources:
A. G. Watson, Catalogue of Dated and Datable Manuscripts c.435–1600 in Oxford Libraries (Oxford, 1984), no. 91 [fols. 194-421]
Summary Catalogue (1922)

Digital Images

Freiburger Multimedia Object Repository (fols. 209r-419v, grayscale)


Last Substantive Revision

2024-12-26: Description revised to incorporate all information in printed catalogues.