MS. Bodl. 5
Summary Catalogue no.: 1847
Language(s): Latin
1. (fol. 1)
, Ars conponendi sermones Here without title or author's name, the first part of the preface being lost.
Incipit: ||me sinit Deus uota tua
2. (fol. 27)
, De modo et forma praedicandi Rubric: Liber de methodo et arte concionandi ... auctore Thoma Aleys de ordine Predicatorum [added by James]
Incipit: cum predicacionis officium
Fol. 108r (the last parchment leaf) ends 'ex quolibet illorum argumentorum', some lines on the next page being erased.
Physical Description
Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: xxii + 121 leaves
Dimensions (binding): 6 × 3.875 in.
The original MS. consisted of 21 gatherings of 12 leaves, but must have contained another treatise, for of art. 1 only a leaf or so is wanting at the beginning, although gatherings 1–12 are lost. The existing gatherings run from 13 to 21, but of no. 20 leaves 2–11 are wanting, and of no. 21 leaves 10–12. Dr. James inserted paper leaves at the beginning and where the original text was wanting, all blank except fol. 86a.
Imperfect and injured by damp and worms
Provenance and Acquisition
Given by him, 1633: 'Anno Domini 1633. Ex dono Ri: James ... Socij Coll. Corp. Christi Oxon.'
Record Sources
Description adapted (March 2020) from the Summary Catalogue (1922).
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2020-03-19: Description revised to include all information in SC.