MS. Bodl. 614
Summary Catalogue no.: 2144
Language(s): Latin
With calendarial tables, and illustrations of an unusual type, four being of astronomers, and three of the occupations of Jan., Feb., and March. [The calendar points to a N. French basis, modified in England, perhaps at London. H. M. B.].
A treatise on astronomy, dealing with the sun, moon, signs of the zodiac, constellations, the atmosphere and winds, rainbows and shooting stars, all fully illustrated with stars marked on the figures of the constellations
See D. Blume et al., Sternbilder des Mittelalters, I (2012), 396–400
Physical Description
Fine miniatures (coloured drawings). Copies a prototype of 11th century, probably London, B.L., Cotton MS. Tiberius B. V. (Pächt and Alexander iii. 156, pl. XVI)
Black leather with gold ornament, English 16th cent., initials 'W. H.'
Provenance and Acquisition
'Sum liber Radulphi Hopwood. Astronomie,' 16th cent.
Initials 'W. H.' on the binding.
Probably acquired by the Library between 1605 and 1611.
Record Sources
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (77 images from 35mm slides)
Printed descriptions:
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2024-05: Update description of item 3.