A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Bodl. 618

Summary Catalogue no.: 2149


Language(s): Latin

1. (fol. 2)
⟨Ps.-Adalgerus (Ps.-Isidore)⟩, ⟨Commonitiuncula ad sororem⟩ (CPL 1219)
Final rubric: Ammonicio

The first leaf is lost, but a list of contents is on fol. 1. It is a religious treatise of advice (admonitio) to a nun, in 15 chapters: the first is De laude Caritatis, the second De Humilitatis virtute (beg. 'Certissime uero tibi conuenit').

2. (fol. 43)
Ps.-Albertus Magnus, Paradisus animae
Rubric: Alberti magni doctoris laudatissimi de uirtutibus anime ueris & perfectis, quas gratuitas uocat
Incipit: (prol.) Sicut quedam uicia

A leaf is lost after fol. 44. Four verses on the treatise, and a list of chapters precede.

A few later theological and other notes, including a praise of Printing (by John Davies, 1590: see C. Davies, John Davies of Malwydd (2004), p. 116), are on fols. iii, iv, v, 140.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: vi + 142 leaves
Dimensions (binding): 6.625 × 4.75 in.


Illuminated capitals.


Origin: 15th century, early ; Netherlands (?)

Provenance and Acquisition

Gerard Langbaine writes this curious note about the present volume in MS. Langb. 5, at p. 365 (about 1655): 'Codex hic impressus est ante 200 ut videtur annos, characteribus manu scriptis quam simillimis; quod Bibliothecario imposuit, et locum ipsi inter alios MSos invenit'! Dr. Thomas Barlow was quite able to distinguish a manuscript from a printed book.

Bristol, hospital of St Mark (Gaunts) (?)

John Colman, master (1527–1539) of Gaunts's hospital near Bristol; given by him to John Bradley, clerk: 'Orate pro anima Johannis Colman quondam magistri domus Le Gauntes iuxta Bristolliam. qui ... dedit librum hunc Johanni Bradley clerico' (fol. 139v): 'I. C'(olman) conjoined is on fol. 1v. According to MLGB3 the present manuscript is partly in Colman's hand.

'Dauid ac [= ap?] Robert owyth this booke ...' early 16th cent. (fol. 140v).

'Dauid Lloyd' and 'Johannes Lloyd' late 16th cent. (fol. iiv): 'John Wyn' late 16th cent. (fol. 139v).

John Davies (-1644): his signature, fol. v, dated 1590 (see C. Davies, John Davies of Malwydd (2004), p. 116)

Given by him in 1616: 'Dono dedit Bibliothecæ publicæ Oxon. Jo. Dauis S. Th. Doctor Apr. 22º Anno 1616' (fol. viv). There is something odd about the reception of this book, since it was believed to be '8º B. 12 Art.' in 1655, but a book by J. J. Beurerus has occupied that place since before 1620 till the present day.

Record Sources

Description adapted (July 2020) from the Summary Catalogue (1922), with additional reference to published literature as cited.


Last Substantive Revision

2020-07-06: Description revised to incorporate all information in the Summary Catalogue and literature as cited.