MS. Bodl. 643
Summary Catalogue no.: 2256
Language(s): Latin
The rather later list of contents on fol. ii adds 'secundum vsum Oxonie'.
Title from the list of contents.
On foli. 127-134 is a long list of the contents, ending with:
On fol. 134v follows another genuine prologue:
On fol. v verso is a short letter, 'Summa totius Logice', with an 'arbor Porphyriana'.
On fol. 259 is a short book-list with prices, printed Thomson (2011), p. 48.
Physical Description
Written in two hands. John Esteby, vicar of Banbury, 1436?-70?, wrote fols. 127-255, except the Prologue on fol. 134v, which with the rest of the book may have been written by a foreigner: the illumination is English and uniform throughout.
Illuminated capitals, borders.
Old boards re-covered with white leather in the 16th cent. in England.
Provenance and Acquisition
'Iste liber constat ... ... ... ⟨Johanni ? Maynsforth?? donan⟩te domino Roberto Norton', nearly erased, about A. D. 1450-60, fol. 225v [MLGB3 reads: "Iste liber constat [...]a domino Roberto [...]".
Mottenden, Kent, Trinitarian convent: "Constat domui de Motynden ordinis Sancte Trinitatis, emptus per fratrem Ricardum de Lansyng [Lanoyng?] [owned also MS. in de Ricci, Census, p. 2178] anno Domini m° cccc mo lxvij mo . precium xxvi s. viij d. set prevalet." (MLGB3: evidence from an ex-libris inscription or note of gift to an institution); cp. fol. 256.
Presented by dr. William Cotton, bp. of Exeter, in 1605.
Record Sources
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (1 image from 35mm slides)
Online resources:
Printed descriptions:
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2024-09: Description revised to incorporate all information from Summary Catalogue.