A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Bodl. 655

Summary Catalogue no.: 2397


Language(s): Latin

1. (fols. 1–170r)
Ps.-Galienus, Speculum iuniorum

Divided into three books, each with separate foliation, keyed to the table of contents on i verso - ii verso.

Rubric: Speculum Iuniorum quod continet duos libros cum tractatu Reymundi de matrimonio (from table of contents, fol. 288v)
(fol. 1r)
Rubric: Incipit liber primus speculi Iuniorum De malo culpe (et) pene
Incipit: Racionalem creaturam a Deo factam
(fols. 62r-133v)
Rubric: Incipit liber secundus de bono
Incipit: Post malu\o/ culpe (et) pene sequitur de bono. Primo de diffinicione boni scilicet quid sit bonum
Final rubric: Sequitur de septimo (et) ultimo sacramento quod est matrimonium
(fols. 134r-168v)
Rubric: De sponsalibus (et) matrimonio secundum Raymundum
Incipit: Quoniam in foro penitentiali frequenter dubitaciones circa matrimonium
Explicit: nec pasci a parentibus debent

Followed without a break by chapters on dos :

(fols. 168v-170r)
Incipit: Quoniam publice interest mulieres dotes suas habere
Explicit: benigno corrigat (et) emendet

Followed by two verses. The final chapters of Raymond of Penafort, Summa de matrimonio, but here treated as part of the Speculum iuniorum.

2. (fols. 170v-180v)
Commentary on canon law
Rubric: Quidam tractatus de summa copiosa (from table of contents, fol. 288v)

Commentaries on Decretales Gregorii IX lib. II tit. 5, 7, followed by ‘De appellacionibus’, with forms of appeals, followed by commentary on Decretales Gregorii IX lib. II tit. 39, lib. I tit. 33, lib. III tit. 25–7. Drawn at least in part from Goffredo di Trani, Summa super titulis Decretalium.

3. (fols. 181–245v)
Boniface VIII, Liber Sextus

Fol. 246r blank.

4. (fols. 246v-258v)
Henricus de Segusio, Summa super titulis Decretalium (on lib. III tit. 30)
Rubric: Tractatus de decimis et primitiis ad plenum secundum Hostiensum (from table of contents, fol. 288v)
Incipit: Videamus quid sit decima. Quare dicatur decima. quot sunt eius species.
Explicit: de consangui. tua
5. (fols. 258v-259r)
Rubric: Quid sit nouale
Incipit: Quid per noualis uocabulum intelligi debeat
Explicit: de priuil. c. ult.

Letter of Innocent III, 1207 (PL 215.1205), followed by gloss on the same; followed by Decretales Gregorii IX lib. V tit. 40 c. 1 with gloss as pr. in the edition of 1582.

6. (fol. 259v)
⟨Thomas of Hales⟩, ⟨Vita beatae Mariae⟩
Rubric: Incipit vite (et) genealogia sancte Marie Virginis
Incipit: Sancta (et) superlaudabilis (et) semper uirgo
Explicit: de eius sacra assumpcione
7. (fol. 265)
Goffredo di Trani, Summa super titulis Decretalium
Rubric: Tractatus quidam de summa Gofridi (from table of contents, fol. 288v)
Rubric: De hijs qui fiant a maiori parte capituli
Incipit: Videamus que sint illa

Extracts (?); commentary on Decretales Gregorii IX lib. III tit. 11, 10, 9, 6, 15–24, 12–13, 38; lib. V tit. 34; lib. II tit. 1, 3–6, 7, as pr. [Cologne, c. 1480–1], ISTC it00423000.

Also many small miscellaneous texts, theological extracts, etc., scattered throughout the volume.

The table of contents on fol. 288v lists as the last treatise ‘Qualiter spiritus sanctus concipitur in vtero virginis’, perhaps referring to the fragmentary text on the incarnation on fol. 286r-v which begins ‘] humanam animam proprie carni presidentem […] [Gregory, Moralia in Iob, xxx.10] Notandum quod dicitur(?) animatam carnem christum inter uterum uirginis condidisse’, and is followed by a bull of Alexander III and by a note on the Marys.

Fol. 287r contains constitution XI of the Constitutions of the Council of London, 1268.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: v + 289 + i fols.
Dimensions (leaf): c. 220 × 150 mm.


1 col., c. 33–41 lines, written space c. 167–75 × 95–100 mm.


Fleuronnée initials. (Pächt and Alexander iii. 532)

Coloured initials.



Whittawed leather over boards with traces of chemise, ‘period 3’ (c. 1230–1450).


Origin: 1302–03 ; English, Oseney, Augustinian priory

Provenance and Acquisition

⟨Liber sancte(?) marie de Thornholm⟩ quem scripsit frater Robertus de ⟨Sa apud Oseney Anno domini Mo.CCCo. Secundo et Tercio’ (fol. 288v). Pächt and Alexander and MLGB note the the main script of the manuscript looks earlier, but Watson suggests that the ex libris ‘was probably written by a Thornholm librarian, who would know the circumstances’.

Thornholme, Augustinian priory, see above.

‘Liber Willelmi Danyell’, fol. 287v, mid-sixteenth century.

Thomas Allen, acquired by him in 1598 (?) (fol. 1)

Presented by him to the Bodleian in 1601.

Record Sources

Description adapted (March 2019) by Matthew Holford from the following sources, with additional description of content:
A. G. Watson, Catalogue of Dated and Datable Manuscripts c.435–1600 in Oxford Libraries (Oxford, 1984), no. 107 [physical description, origin, provenance]
Otto Pächt and J. J. G. Alexander, Illuminated Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, III (1973), no. 532 [decoration]
Summary Catalogue (1922) [contents, acquisition]


Last Substantive Revision

2019-03-25: Revised to incorporate all information in Watson and SC.