A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Bodl. 665

Summary Catalogue no.: 2998


Language(s): Middle English with Latin

Fols. i–iv are flyleaves, mostly blank.

(fols. 1r–12v)

[item 1 occupies quire I]

Table of lections of Type I
Rubric: Here bigynneþ a reule þat telliþ in whiche chapitris of þe bible ȝe may fynde þe lessouns pistlis & gospelis þat ben redde in þe chirche at masse aftir þe vse of Salisbiry markide wiþ lettris of þe a.b c.at þe bigynnynge of þe chapitris toward þe middil or ende aftir þe ordre as þe lettris stonden in þe abc first ben set sundaies and feriales to gidir and aftir þe sanctorum comyn & propir to gidir of al þe ȝeer first writun a clause of þe bigynnynge þerof & of þe ending þerof also

The entries consist of the name of the liturgical occasion in red, abbreviated reference to a book and chapter of the Bible, an indexing letter in red, the opening words of a reading, ‘ende’ in red, the closing words of a reading and double strokes in red. Includes the temporal, commemorations and the sanctoral, both the proper and common according to the rubric, but only the proper is present. Includes all feasts characteristic of the Later Version of the Wycliffite Bible (Forshall, J. and Madden, F. (eds), The Holy Bible … in the earliest English versions made from the Latin Vulgate by John Wycliffe and his followers, 4 vols (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1850), vol. 4, pp. 683, 690–6), apart from Giles (1 September). The entries for the following feasts start with larger capitals in blue: Andrew, Nicholas, Conception of our Lady, Candlemas, Annunciation, the Finding of the Cross, Nativity of John the Baptist, James, Assumption, Nativity of our Lady, Matthew, Michaelmas, Simon and Jude, and Halloween. Commemorations are in the following order: the Virgin Mary, Trinity, Holy Ghost, Cross, angels, ‘ffor briþeren & sistren & salus populi’, peace, clear weather, rain, ‘In tyme of batel’, ‘A man for him silf’, ‘ffor pestilens of beests’, pilgrims, weddings, sinners, sick, ‘pistils ffor dede’, gospels for the dead. Calendar dates for all feasts are added in an early modern hand from fol. 8r onwards.

2. (fols. 13r–226v)

[items 2–3 occupy quires II–XXXII]

New Testament in the Later Version of the Wycliffite Bible with usual prologues

Usual rubrics in red. Chapter numbers in red as words in English or Roman numerals, usually in the form ‘Capitulum primum’. Running titles on both rectos and versos in black with red or blue paraphs, consisting of abbreviated titles of books and chapter numbers. Indexing letters in the margins entered at the beginnings of readings rather than consistently; double strokes in the margins at the ends of readings. Blue or red paraphs within the text, often at the beginnings of readings. No marginal glosses; added material within the text is not underlined (but see Old Testament lectionary below). Notes in the margins throughout in an early modern hand summarising the contents and providing cross-references to biblical books.

(fol. 13r)
Prologue to Matthew
Rubric: Here bigynneþ þe newe testament capitulum primum
Incipit: Matheu þat was of Iudee
(fol. 13v)
Rubric: Ierom on hise twey prologis on mathew seiþ þis (fol. 13r)
(fol. 39r)
Prologue to Mark
Rubric: Here eendiþ þe gospel of Mathew and bigynneþ þe prolog of Mark
Incipit: Marke þe gospeler was þe chosen seruaunte
(fol. 39v)
Rubric: Here eendiþ þe prologe for þis seiþ Ierom in his prolog on Marke & now bigynneþ þe gospel of mark þe firste cº
(fol. 55v)
Prologue to Luke
Rubric: Here endiþ þe gospel of mark & bigynneþ þe prolog on þe gospel of luyk
Incipit: Luke was a man of syrie
(fol. 56r)
Rubric: Ierom in his prolog seiþ al þis and heere endiþ þe prolog of luyk and now bigynneþe þe book of luyk sentence þe firste chapitir
(fol. 84r)
Prologue to John
Rubric: Here bigynneþ þe prolog on þe gospel of Ioon
Incipit: This is Joon euangelist
(fol. 84r)
Rubric: Ierom in his prolog on Iohn seiþ þis & here endiþ þe prolog & bigynneþ þe first cº
(fol. 105v)
Prologue to Romans
Rubric: Here enden þe gospels of Ioon & bigynneþ þe prolog on þe pistle to romayns Capitulum primum
Incipit: Romayns ben men in þe cuntrey
(fol. 106r)
Rubric: Þis seiþ Ierom in his prolog on þe pistle to romayns
(fol. 117r)
Prologue to 1 Corinthians
Rubric: Here endiþ þe pistle to Romayns & here bigynneþ þe prolog on þe firste pistle to Corinthis
Incipit: Corinthies ben men of asaye
(fol. 117v)
1 Corinthians
Rubric: þis seiþ Ierom in his prolog on þe firste pistle to corinthies Capitulum primum
(fol. 128r)
Prologue to 2 Corinthians
Rubric: Here endiþ þe firste pistle to corinthis & bigynneþ þe prolog on þe secunde pistle to Corinthies
Incipit: Afftir penaunce
(fol. 128r)
2 Corinthians
Rubric: Ierom in his prolog on þis pistle seiþ þis Capitulum primum
(fol. 135r)
Prologue to Galatians
Rubric: Here endiþ þe secunde pistle to corinthis & bigynneþ þe prolog on þe pistle to Galathies
Incipit: Galathies ben grekis
(fol. 135r)
Rubric: Ierom in his prolog to galathis writiþ þis & here endiþ þe prolog & bigynneþ þe firste chapitir
(fol. 138v)
Prologue to Ephesians
Rubric: Here endiþ þe pistle to galathies & bigynneþ þe prolog on þe pistle to Effesies
Incipit: Effecianes ben men of asie
(fol. 138v)
Rubric: Ierom in his prolog on þis pistle seiþ þis þe I chapiter
(fol. 142r)
Prologue to Philippians
Rubric: Here endiþ þe pistle to Effecies & bigynneþ þe prolog on þe pistlle to Philipenses
Incipit: Filipenses ben of macedonye
(fol. 142r)
Rubric: Ierom in his prolog on þis pistle seiþ þis Capitulum primum
(fol. 144v)
Prologue to Colossians
Rubric: Here endiþ þe pistle to ffilipences & bigynneþ þe prolog on þe pistle to colocenses
Incipit: Colocenses ben also loadicenses
(fol. 144v)
Rubric: Ierom in his prolog on þe pistle seiþ þis Capitulum primum
(fol. 147r)
Prologue to 1 Thessalonians
Rubric: Here endiþ þe pistle to colocensis & bigynneþ þe prolog on þe pistle to tessalonycenses
Incipit: Tessalonycenses ben macedonyes
(fol. 147r)
1 Thessalonians
Rubric: Ierom in his prolog on þis pistle seiþ þis Capitulum primum
(fol. 149r)
Prologue to 2 Thessalonians
Rubric: Here endiþ þe firste pistle to tessalonycenses and bigynneþ þe prolog on þe secunde pistle to tessalonycenses
Incipit: The apostle writiþ
(fol. 149v)
2 Thessalonians
Rubric: Ierom in his prolog on þis pistle seiþ þis
(fol. 150v)
Prologue to 1 Timothy
Rubric: Here endiþ þe secunde pistle to tessalonycenses & bigynneþ þe prolog on þe first pistle to tymothe
Incipit: He enformyþ and techiþ
(fol. 150v)
1 Timothy
Rubric: Ierom in his prolog on þis pistle seiþ þis
(fol. 153v)
Prologue to 2 Timothy
Rubric: Here endiþ þe firste pistle to tymothe & bigynneþ þe prolog on þe secunde pistle to timothe
Incipit: He writiþ also
(fol. 153v)
2 Timothy
Rubric: Ierom in his prolog on þis pistle seiþ þis
(fol. 155v)
Prologue to Titus
Rubric: Here endiþ þe secunde pistle to tymothe and bigynneþ þe prolog on þe pistle to tite
Incipit: He warneþ tite
(fol. 155v)
Rubric: Ierom in his prolog on þis pistle seiþ þis Capitulum primum
(fol. 157r)
Prologue to Philemon
Rubric: Here endiþ þe pistle to tite and bigynneþ þe prolog on þe pistle to ffilemon
Incipit: He makiþ famyliar
(fol. 157r)
Rubric: Ierom in his prolog on þis pistle seiþ þis & here bigynneþ þe pistle þe firste chapitir
(fol. 157v)
Prologue to Hebrews
Rubric: Here endiþ þe pistle to ffilemon and bigynneþ þe prolog on þe pistle to þe Ebrews
Incipit: First it is to seie
(fol. 158r)
Rubric: Ierom in his prolog on þis pistle seiþ þis Capitulum primum
(fol. 166v)
Prologue to Acts
Rubric: Here endiþ þe pistle to Ebrews and bigynneþ þe prolog on þe dedis of apostlis
Incipit: Luyk of antyoche
(fol. 167r)
Rubric: Þis seiþ Ierom in his prolog þe firste chapitir
(fol. 197v)
The Catholic epistles. Prologue to James
Rubric: Here bigynneþ a prolog on þe pistlis of cristen feiþ þat ben seuen in ordre
Incipit: The ordre of þe seuen epistlis
(fol. 198r)
Rubric: Ierom on þis pistle seiþ al þis
(fol. 201r)
1 Peter
Rubric: Here endiþ þe pistle of Iames & bigynneþ þe first pistil of peter
(fol. 204r)
2 Peter
Rubric: Here endiþ þe firste pistil of petir and bigynneþ þe secunde
(fol. 206r)
1 John
Rubric: Here endiþ þe ij pistil of peter & bigynneþ þe first of Ion
(fol. 209r)
2 John
Rubric: Here endiþ þe first pistil of Ioon And here bigynneþ þe secunde þe
(fol. 209v)
3 John
Rubric: Here endiþ þe secunde pistil of Ioon & bigynneþ þe þridde
(fol. 210r)
Rubric: Here endiþ þe þridde pistil of Ioon and bigynneþ þe pistil of Iudas iº cº
(fol. 210v)
Prologue to Apocalypse
Rubric: Here endiþ þe pistil of Iudas & bigynneþ þe prolog on þe apocalips
Incipit: Alle men þat wolen
(fol. 212r)
3. (fols. 226v–266r)
Old Testament lectionary of Type II
Rubric: Here endiþ þe apocalips of Ioon & also þe newe testament And here bigynnen þe lessouns and pistlis of þe olde lawe þat ben redde in þe chirche bi al ȝeere þe first friday lessoun in aduent Isaie Ii cº

The temporal is followed by the proper (fol. 257r), the common (fol. 261v), and commemorations (fol. 265r). Each reading is preceded by a rubric, stating the liturgical occasion, and giving the title of the biblical book and a chapter number. Indexing letters are entered in the margins at the beginning of readings.

The readings start with introductory statements that precede them at Mass (e.g., ‘The lord god seiþ þese þingis’, fol. 228r) underlined in red. The readings used for more than one occasion are not repeated and instead the rubrics contain cross-references, e.g., ‘Seke it on S Siluestir day’ (fol. 263r). The reading for the first Mass on Christmas morning is preceded by a rubric explaining that it is performed by two voices: ‘On cristemasse morewe þe firste lessoun at þe firste masse þe whiche lesson is sungun in þe pulput þe firste vers and þe laste of two to gidre but alle þe myddil vers oon syngiþ oon and anoþer syngiþ anoþer þe firste vers of þo þat ben sungen bi hemsilf is of þe tixte of Isaye þe profete and þe answere is as it were a glose of þe tixte / and so it is bi & bi þorȝout þe lessoun of whiche þis is þe first vers þat is sungen of boþe to gidre Isaye ixº’ (fol. 230v). In a passage that follows the part of one of the voices is underlining in red.

Final rubric: Here enden þe lessouns and pistlis of al þe ȝeer

Running titles in black with red or blue paraphs on fols. 227r–236r, containing the names of liturgical seasons, e.g., ‘Advent’, ‘Cristmasse’, ‘ffirste woke of lente’. Added material within the text is underlined in red; no marginal glosses. Fols. 226v–228v are ruled but originally blank.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment, paper flyleaves
Extent: 169 leaves, c.
Dimensions (leaf): 176 × 118 mm.
; leaves were trimmed in rebinding, occasionally causing the loss of text in the margins
Foliation: modern in pencil: i–iv + 1–169


(fol. i–iv) paper and parchment flyleaves | (fols. 1–2) I (12) | (fols. 13–36) II–IV (8) | (fols. 37–43) V (8–1(?)) 1(?) cancelled, no loss of text | (fols. 44–267) VI–XXXIII (8) | (fols. 268–269) parchment singleton (?) and paper flyleaf. Catchwords survive (see Decoration); leaf signatures occasionally survive. St John’s gospel starts on a new quire on fol. 84r.
Secundo Folio: ‘Twelfþe nyȝt’’ (fol. 2r, table of lections)


ruled in ink for two columns with single vertical and double horizontal bounding lines extending the full height and width of page; prickings occasionally survive; 34 lines per page; written space: c. 115 × 80 mm.


small informal textura, black and brown ink; de Hamel (2001, p. 178) tentatively suggests that the manuscript may be by the same scribe as MS. Fairfax 11 and MS. Bodl. 183; see, however, Peikola, M., ‘The Wycliffite Bible and “Central Midland Standard”: assessing the manuscript evidence’, Nordic Journal of English Studies 2 (2003), pp. 29–51, pp. 39–40


6- to 9-line initials on gold background and full or three-quarters borders made of pink, blue and gold bars decorated with floral designs, interlace and gold disks at the beginnings of the gospels (fols. 13v, 39v, 56r, 84r), Romans (fol. 106r), Acts (fol. 167r), Catholic epistles (fol. 198r), Apocalypse (fol. 212r), and the beginning of Old Testament lectionary (fol. 226v). The borders are the work of at least two different artists (cf. fols. 13v and 56r).

4 to 6-line gold initials on pink and blue background at the beginnings of other books and some prologues.

3-line blue initials with red penwork at the beginnings of prologues and chapters.

Catchwords decorated with foliage and flowers in black ink, red and yellow wash.

Rubrics in red.


Black silk and leather on wood boards, badly worn, English (?), 16th century. Sown on five cords, five raised bands on spine. Recesses in/at the edge of the upper board, the clasps now missing, with holes from their attaching pins near the centre of the lower board. Silver clasps with ‘IHS’ and ‘MR’, described by Forshall and Madden in 1850, are reported lost already in the Madan, F. and Craster, H. H. E., Summary catalogue of western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, vol. 2, part I (collections received before 1660 and miscellaneous MSS acquired during the first half of the 17th century), nos. 1–3490 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1922), in 1922. ‘665’ written in white paint on spine. Paper pastedowns and flyleaves. Edges of textblock dyed red.


Origin: England ; 1415–1425 (?)

Possibly made in the same workshop as MS. Fairfax 11 and MS. Bodl. 183.

Dialect survey:

  • eny(10), eche(10), fier(2)/fyer(6)/fuyr(1)/fayre(1), ȝouen(10), lijf(10), lyke(10), myche(10), siþ(2)/saiȝ(2)/sawȝ(1)/sauȝ(1)/saw(1)/say(2) (sg.), saien(1)/sien(1)/ syen(1)/saye(1)/sayen(2) (pl.), silf(10), suche(8)/siche(2), þouȝ(8), þorouȝ(10)
  • -iþ(9)/-eþ(1) (pres.ind.3sg.), -en(10) (pres.ind.pl.), -ynge(10) (pres.part.), sche(10) (3sg.fem.pronoun, nom.), þei(10) (3pl.pronoun, nom.), hem(10) (3pl.pronoun, oblique), her(10) (3pl.pronoun, possessive)

Provenance and Acquisition

Sixteenth-century owner who added notes in the margins in English and calendar dates to the sanctoral of the table of lections.

Bodleian Library: presented through Thomas Bodley with MS. Bodl. 959 by Springham in 1602 (Madan, F. and Craster, H. H. E., Summary catalogue of western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, vol. 2, part I (collections received before 1660 and miscellaneous MSS acquired during the first half of the 17th century), nos. 1–3490 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1922) I; Wheeler (1926)). Richard Springham, Magdalen College (?), Foster, J., Alumni Oxonienses: the members of the University of Oxford, 1500–1714, 4 vols (London: Joseph Foster; Oxford: Parker and Co., 1891–92), p. 1401. Earlier shelfmarks: ‘B – 50’ on fol. ii recto; Arch. B. 9.

Record Sources

Elizabeth Solopova, Manuscripts of the Wycliffite Bible in the Bodleian and Oxford College Libraries , Exeter Medieval Texts and Studies (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2016), no. 7. Previously described:

Digital Images

Digital Bodleian (6 images from 35mm slides)


    Forshall, J. and Madden, F. (eds), The Holy Bible … in the earliest English versions made from the Latin Vulgate by John Wycliffe and his followers, 4 vols (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1850), vol. 1, p. xlvii.
    Wheeler, G. W. (ed.), Letters of Sir Thomas Bodley to Thomas James, first Keeper of the Bodleian Library (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1926), pp. 86–7.
    Madan, F. and Craster, H. H. E., Summary catalogue of western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, vol. 2, part I (collections received before 1660 and miscellaneous MSS acquired during the first half of the 17th century), nos. 1–3490 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1922), no. 2998.
    Hudson, A., ‘Lollard book production’, in Griffiths, J. and Pearsall, D. A. (eds), Book production and publishing in Britain 1375–1475 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989), pp. 125–42, p. 140 n. 29.
    Ogilvie-Thomson, S. J., Index of Middle English prose, 18 vols (Cambridge, 1984– ), Handlist VIII (1991), p. 17.
    Scott, K. L. (gen. ed.), An index of images in English manuscripts from the time of Chaucer to Henry VIII, c.1380–c.1509: the Bodleian Library, Oxford, 3 vols (Turnhout: Harvey Miller Publishers, 2000–02), vol. 1, p. 70, no. 273. de Hamel, C., The book: a history of the Bible (London: Phaidon, 2001), p. 178.
    Peikola, M., ‘The Wycliffite Bible and “Central Midland Standard”: assessing the manuscript evidence’, Nordic Journal of English Studies 2 (2003), pp. 29–51, pp. 39–40.
    Dove, M., The first English Bible: the text and context of the Wycliffite versions (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007), pp. 59 n. 116, 299.
    Solopova, E., ‘Manuscript Evidence for the Patronage, Ownership and Use of the Wycliffite Bible’, in Poleg, E. and Light, L. (eds), Form and Function in the Late Medieval Bible (Leiden: Brill, 2013), pp. 333–49, pp. 334–6, 338 n. 15.

Last Substantive Revision

2023-03-24: Add Solopova description.