MS. Bodl. 80
Summary Catalogue no.: 2268
Two prefaces, one by Omnibonus Leonicenus to Free, dated from Vicenza July 9 1461 (fol. 3), and one from Free dedicating the work to John Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester (fol. 5v)
The text is corrected in several places
Some neatly-written 17th century notes are on fol. 2v
Physical Description
Italian Humanistic script
Pächt and Alexander ii. 608, Pl. LIX
Fine border
Fine initials (faceted capitals, cf. MS. Bodl. 646)
Besides some finely-illuminated capitals there is on fol. 4v a painted architrave supported by pillars resting on a marble plinth, with an inscription (Summary Catalogue)
Provenance and Acquisition
This appears to be the copy given to John Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester (see preface on fol. 5v) but on fol. 5r are the arms of Beckington, presumably Thomas Beckington, Bishop of Bath and Wells, who died in January 1464/1465
Glastonbury, Somerset, Benedictine Abbey of Saint Mary the Virgin: 'Hunc librum de laude caluorum domino Petro Weston monacho glastoniensi dono quod [?] dedit venerabilis pater Iohannes Selwode Abbas Glastoniensis' [abbot 1457-1493] (on flyleaf, fol. 1r) (MLGB3)
Julius Palmer, William Lile, Jeremias Warner, Edward Bowton? (16th century, fols. 1-2)
"Bought from Rev. Lionel Day's library (1640)" (Summary Catalogue I. 112, sub anno 1654).
Record Sources
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (7 images from 35mm slides)
Online resources:
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2023-04-24: Description revised to incorporate all the information in the Summary Catalogue (1922)