MS. Bodl. 851
Summary Catalogue no.: 3041
Walter Map, De nugis curialium; Latin poetry; Piers Plowman (Z- and C-texts); England, 14th century, late, or 15th century, early, with additions
Physical Description
16th(?)-century binding of plain brown leather over pasteboards; rebacked.
Accompanying Material
The front pastedown is a fragment of a 15th-century (?) Ramsey abbey account: John Alb... reeve, William atte Cros late reeve; tenants include William atte Castel, Ralph Freman.
Provenance and Acquisition
John Wells, monk of Ramsey: ex libris, fol. 6v. It is not clear which portions of this composite manuscript the ex libris refers to, but if the owner is to be identified with the John Wells described by 'Dodsthorp' on fol. 2r, it is reasonable to assume the whole of the present manuscript is referred to.
Wells is identified by Macray, James (1914, p. xii), Rigg and others with John Wells (-1388), the opponent of Wycliffe (Emden III.2008; Emden did not accept the identification). This identification would allow at least some of the volume to be dated before 1388 (or before 1387, when Wells travelled to Italy), and perhaps localized to Oxford. Rigg suggested that the text of the bookplate on fol. 6v was written by the scribe of fols. 74ra-va, 81va, 116ra-118rb, 118va-120vb, and 124r-139r, which does not seem to be correct, but the hand may be the same as the rubricator of codicological units I and II. It should be noted, however, that the John Wells who died in 1388 was buried at Perugia, whereas an addition on fol. 2r refers to (our?) John Wells as 'hic tumulatus', that is, presumably at Ramsey. If the rubric on fol. 94va refers to 1384, that may provide a terminus a quo for that section of the manuscript; if the compiler of the Piers Plowman Z-text used the C-text, as suggested by S. Wood (see below) then the earliest date for unit III, and perhaps for other sections by the same scribe, may be 1388. Text and decoration suggest a date in the last quarter of the fourteenth century or perhaps the early fifteenth century.
Ramsey Abbey: additions by Dodsthorp, partly relating to Ramsey Abbey, and presumably made at Ramsey: Dodsthorp is unidentified, but also signs an addition in another Ramsey book (MS. Bodl. 40, fol. 51v).
‘Whyttynton’, 15th cent., fol. 6v in leadpoint.
‘J. Kyngston’, 15th cent., fol. 208v in leadpoint, recorded by Rigg, now barely legible. The date 1505 (?) written in full, erased, fol. 208v.
Given by Cuthbert Ridley in 1601. Previous Bodleian shelfmarks: 'M. 5. 4. Art.', 'Y. 1. 14. Th.', 'Arch. B. 95', 'Arch. B. 52', 'Arch. C. 29'.
MS. Bodl. 851, fols. 1-6
Language(s): Latin
Blank except for later Bodleian shelfmarks.
Blank except for late sixteenth-century inscriptions (Rigg, p. 28): (a) Walther, Sprichwörter, 27317, this MS. only; (b) copy of a passage from De nugis curialum, IV (fol. 47rb); otherwise blank.
Miscellaneous verse and prose added by 'Dodissethorp' and one or more other scribes: 75 items, all printed in Rigg 1994 pp. 39-42, and including some apparently local references. Item 3 refers to John Wellis ('hic tumulatus'); item 48 'Thomas de Burgo cum wltu spectat alurgo'; item 49 'Fallere gnarus homo Norfolchica venit ab humo'; item 50 'Yuo transiuit rector dormit cap… viuit', perhaps referring to St Ives, dependent house of Ramsey.
Mostly in Latin (including WIC 5875, 13475, 16259, 2688, 14264, 9518, 9052, 17624, 20000, 8870, 13017, 4924, 13873, 5786, 20660, 6844); some English, including IMEV 569, 3209, 3951.5; one item (53) in French. The final item on fol. 4v is a table of affinity.
Fol. 4r blank.
Added by Dodsthorp (and one or more other scribes?); fol. 6r blank.
Decorative ex libris of John Wellis (see Decoration); otherwise blank.
Physical Description
Layout and written space vary; fol. 5r-v in 2 cols. of c. 53 lines, frame-ruled, 200 × 145 mm.
Anglicana (with some secretary forms) by several hands, one belonging to 'Dodsthorp' of Ramsey Abbey; see above.
Fol. 6v: an elaborate ex libris the name WELLIS is written in large scrolls; a lion(?) on the left side pulls with his chain at the bow of the ‘W’; on the right side St. Christopher carries the Christ-child. The ascenders of the ‘W’ of Wells contain ‘Iste liber constat Fratri Iohanni de’ and those of the ‘LL’ have ‘Monacho Rameseye’. Pächt and Alexander (1973), Plate LXVI.
MS. Bodl. 851, codicological unit I (fols. 7-77)
Language(s): Latin
Table of books and distinciones
Fifteenth-century additions on originally blank leaves (item 5 by Dodsthorpe):
A short extract from the 'Epistola Sathane ad vniversalem ecclesiam'.
Fols. 77r-v blank.
Physical Description
Pricking visible. Fols. 7r-73v ruled in plummet for 2 cols. of 40-41 lines. Ruled space 190-5 × 135 mm.
Fols. 74ra-va frame-ruled in plummet for two columns of 49 lines.
Fols. 74va-75rb: ruled in plummet for 2 cols., 39 lines.
Fols. 75va-76rb: frame-ruled with a hard point (?), 2 cols., c. 43-47 lines.
Scribe of ff. 7ra-73vb: anglicana formata.
Scribe of ff. 74ra-74va: anglicana Formata.
Text on ff. 75va-76rb added by Dodsthorp.
Scribe of ff. 74va-75rb: Anglicana.
Two/three-line blue initials with red penwork.
Alternating red and blue paraphs, red and blue initials for stanzas, occasional red initials, some initials tinted red, titles and running titles in red.
Fols. 74v-76v: no decoration.
MS. Bodl. 851, codicological unit II (fols. 78-123)
Language(s): Latin
Addition by Dodsthorp on previously blank leaves.
Fol. 123v blank.
Physical Description
Ruled in faint plummet for 2 cols. of usually 40-1 lines (scribe 4). Ruled space c. 190 × 145 mm.
Fols 116r-120v: ruled in plummet for 2 cols., 50-4 lines; writing sometimes above top line; ruled space 195-200 × 145 mm.
Fols. 120vb-123rb: partly ruled in plummet, partly frame-ruled in plummet, for 2 cols., c. 43-56 lines; ruled space c. 200 × 145 mm. .
Anglicana formata by four hands: (1) ff. 78ra-81va (2) fols. 81va, 116ra-118rb, 118va-120vb (same scribe as fols. 74ra-va) (3) fols. 81vb-83va (4) 83va-115vb (same scribe as fols. 7ra-73vb)
Text on fols. 120vb-123ra added by Dodsthorp in mixed anglicana/secretary hand.
One- to four-line blue initials with red penwork.
Alternating red and blue paraphs, red and blue initials for stanzas, occasional red initials, some initials tinted red, titles and running titles in red.
MS. Bodl. 851, codicological unit III (fols. 124-139)
The text is continued in a later (fifteenth-century) hand on fols. 139v-140v, supplying A.VIII.93-189.
Ed. Rigg and Brewer 1983. For the debate on the nature and authenticity of the text see e.g. S. Wood, 'Monologic Langland: Contentiousness and the ‘Z Version’ of Piers Plowman', Review of English Studies 68 (2017), 224-243.
Physical Description
Pricking not visible. Ruled space 190 × 125 mm. Single columns with 50 lines. Ruled in plummet.
Fifteenth-century additions: frame-ruled (verticals only) with a hard point. Writing space: c. 190 × 135 mm.
Anglicana formata: same scribe as fols. 74ra-74va, 81va, 118va-120vb, 116ra-118rb.
Fol. 124r: elongated puzzle-initial I in blue and red with red and blue penwork flourishing, extending into three-sided penwork border in blue and red.
Passus divisions marked by four-line blue initials with red penwork flourishing.
MS. Bodl. 851, codicological unit IV (fols. 140-208)
Fols. 139v-140v: A.VIII.93-189
Fols. 141r-208r: C-text, XI.1 - XXIII.386.
List of payments associated with Ramsey Abbey officers (beginning 'Celerarius, vj s. viij d. | Prior sancti Iuonis, ij s. viij d.'), added by Dodsthorp, fifteenth century.
Physical Description
15-176; 188; 1910; 20-238. Quires 15-22 numbered 'i' to 'viij' on the front recto, lower outer corner; first four leaves signed a-d in each quire; the first leaf of quire 16 is 'ij b' (no text missing)
Frame-ruled in plummet or crayon; ruled space 180-190 × 125-130 mm. Pricking: not visible. Single column of c. 30-34 lines.
Anglicana probably by one hand, with fols. 139r-140v more formally executed.
Each passus marked by two- or three-line red lombards (blue, fol. 150r).
First letter of each line tinted red; caesura marked in red; red underlining.
MS. Bodl. 851 - endleaves (fols. 209-10) and back pastedown
Language(s): Latin
Entries resemble those in the text as pr. not after 1473 (ISTC iv00334000), etc., but the arrangement here is not alphabetical: e.g. fol. 210v has entries for 'silva', 'tepidarium', 'piscina'.
Physical Description
2 cols.; column width c. 65 mm.
Initials and paraphs in red.
Additional Information
Record Sources
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)
Digital Bodleian (3 images from 35mm slides)
Online resources:
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2021-09: Description fully revised for digitization.