A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Bodl. 94

Summary Catalogue no.: 1904


Language(s): Latin

Rubric: Hi sunt libri sanctę memorię Ambrosii episcopi et confessoris
(fol. 22)
De bono mortis
(fol. 35v)
De fuga seculi
(fol. 47)
De Jacob et vita beata

In two books.

(fol. 65v)
De Paradiso
(fol. 84)
de morte Valentiniani consolatio
Rubric: De consolatione Valentiniani
2. (fol. 109, after some blank leaves)
Jerome, Contra Jovinianum,

in two books. This and the following article are in a slightly different hand from that of art. 1.

3. (fol. 159)
Augustine, Letters

Five letters: the fourth (beg. 'Sane etiam hoc nouerit', fol. 164) is not known as Augustine's: the fifth (fol. 165) is usually printed as a sermon by him.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment, stained by damp at each end
Extent: ii + 168 leaves
Dimensions (binding): 10.375 × 6.875 in.


Initials. (Pächt and Alexander i. 460)


Origin: c. 1100 ; France, Normandy or ; England, Exeter, cathedral

Provenance and Acquisition

For date and origin see Gneuss-Lapidge.

Exeter Cathedral: identifiable in catalogues of 1327 and 1507.

Presented by the dean and chapter of Exeter in 1602 (Summary Catalogue I, p. 81).

Record Sources

Description adapted (March 2020) from the following sources, with reference to additional published literature as cited:
Otto Pächt and J. J. G. Alexander, Illuminated Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, I (1966), no. 460 [decoration, date, localization]
Summary Catalogue (1922) [contents, physical description, provenance, acquisition]

Digital Images

Digital Bodleian (3 images from 35mm slides)


    Printed descriptions:

    H. Gneuss and M. Lapidge, Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts : A Bibliographical Handlist of Manuscripts and Manuscript Fragments Written or Owned in England up to 1100 (2014), no. 544

    Online resources:

Last Substantive Revision

2020-04-15: Origin revised with reference to GL.