A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MSS. Canon. Ital. 105-7

Summary Catalogue no.: 20157

Summary Catalogue no.: 20158

Summary Catalogue no.: 20159


Dante, Divine comedy

MS. Canon. Ital. 107, Inferno; MS. Canon. Ital. 106, Purgatorio; MS. Canon. Ital. 105, Paradiso.

Benvenuto da Imola, Commentary on Dante, Divine Comedy (Italian translation)

The same translation in Paris, BnF, MS. Italien 78 according to Roddeweg.

Three volumes; formerly one volume with continuous foliation 1-423.

Language(s): Italian (Venetian dialect characteristics, according to Roddewig)

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment


By Cristoforo Cortese. (Pächt and Alexander ii. 450, pl. XLIV)

Fine borders.

Fine historiated initials.


Origin: c. 1415–20 ; Italian, Venice

Provenance and Acquisition

Added arms with cornucopiae, but the coat erased (fol. 2v, MS. Canon. Ital. 107).

Matteo Luigi Canonici, 1727–1805

Giuseppe Canonici , -1807

Purchased by the Bodleian in 1817

Record Sources

Summary description abbreviated from the Quarto Catalogue (A. Mortara, Catalogo dei manoscritti italiani che sotto la denominazione di Codici Canoniciani Italici si conservano nella Biblioteca Bodleiana a Oxford, Quarto Catalogues XI, 1864) with reference to other literature as cited. Decoration, localization and date follow Pächt and Alexander (1970).


Digital Images

Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile) [MS. Canon. Ital. 105]
Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile) [MS. Canon. Ital. 106]
Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile) [MS. Canon. Ital. 107]
Digital Bodleian (2 images from 35mm slides) [MS. Canon. Ital. 105]
Digital Bodleian (2 images from 35mm slides) [MS. Canon. Ital. 107]


    Marcella Roddewig, Dante Alighiere: Die göttliche Komödie (1984), no. 518

Last Substantive Revision

2021-11-09: Description revised with reference to Pächt and Alexander and Roddewig

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