MS. Canon. Liturg. 18
Summary Catalogue no.: 19932
Portable Psalter with Antiphons, Dominican Use; Italy, Lombardy, 15th century, third quarter (after 1450)
Fol. i–iv are fly-leaves, blank apart from early modern and modern notes (see ‘Provenance’).
[items 1–6 occupy quires I–XXX]
Psalms 1–150, laid out as prose, with titles ‘psalmus’ or ‘psalmus dauid’, punctuated throughout, with punctus used to mark metrum, minor pauses, and the ends of verses. Psalms are in the biblical order, subdivisions within psalms are not indicated, apart from psalm 118, subdivided into twenty-two 8-verse units. Psalms are accompanied by antiphons, versicles, responses, invitatoria, etc. with rubrics referring to secular use. Psalm numbers are added in ink in the margins, in Roman and Arabic numerals, in a 17th-century hand (the same hand added titles for parts of psalm 118).
There are textual divisions at psalms 26, 38, 52, 68, 80, 97 and 109 (see ‘Decoration’).
Corrections (alterations, additions of originally omitted words and verses, etc.) in contemporary (e.g. fols. 49r, 65r, 75v, etc.) and post-medieval hands.
Canticle Benedicite omnia opera with title ‘Psalmus’. Reference to the Book of Daniel and title ‘Canticum trium puerorum’ added in the margin in a 17th-century hand which numbered psalms.
Weekly canticles, with titles ‘psalmus’ in the original hand, and further titles and references to the books of the Bible added in the margins by a 17th=century hand which numbered psalms:
- (1) Confitebor tibi domine (Isaiah 12) (‘Canticum Esaie’);
- (2) Ego dixi (Isaiah 38: 10–21) (‘Canticum Ezechie Regis prophete’);
- (3) Exultavit cor meum (1 Samuel 2: 1–11) (‘Canticum Anne’);
- (4) Cantemus domino (Exodus 15: 1–20) (‘Canticum filiorum Israel’);
- (5) Domine audivi (Habakkuk 3) (‘Canticum Abacuc’);
- (6) Audite caeli (Deuteronomy 32: 1–44) (‘Canticum Moysi’).
Daily canticles, prayers and creeds, with titles and references to the books of the Bible added in the margins by a 17th-century hand which numbered psalms:
- (1) Magnificat (‘Canticum Deiparae Semper Virginis Mariae’) (fol. 222r);
- (2) Benedictus dominus deus (‘Canticum’ in the original hand; ‘Canticum Zacharie’ in a 17th-century hand) (fol. 222v);
- (3) Nunc dimittis (‘Canticum’ in the original hand; ‘Canticum Simeonis’ in a 17th-century hand) (fol. 223v);
- (4) Athanasian Creed (Quicumque uult ... ) (‘Fides catholica’ in the original hand; ‘Athanasij Simbolum’ in a 17th-century hand) (fol. 223v);
- (5) Te deum laudamus (‘Canticum’ in the original hand; ‘Canticum Diuorum Ambrosij et Augustini’ in a 17th-century hand) (fol. 226v).
Litany (‘Incipiunt letanie’), preceded by psalm 69 (‘Deus in adiutorium ...’), including Peter (of Verona (?)) among the martyrs, Dominic (twice), Thomas (Aquinas (?)), Vincent (Ferrer (?)), Francis, Anthony (of Padua (?)) and Bernardino (of Siena (?)) among the confessors. Followed by collects with rubrics ‘Oratio’, including prayers to Dominic (2), Peter of Verona (3) and Thomas Aquinas (4) (fols. 233v–235r):
- (1) Protege domine famulos tuos subsidijs pacis ...
- (2) Concede quesumus omnipotens deus ut qui peccatorum nostrorum pondere premimur beati dominici confessoris tui patrocinio subleuemur ...
- (3) Preces nostras quas tibi domine offerimus intercedente beato petro martire ...
- (4) Deus qui ecclesiam tuam beati thome confessoris tui mira eruditione clarificas ...
- (5) Ineffabilem misericordiam tuam domine nobis clementer ostende ut simul nos ...
- (6) Pretende domine famulis et famulabus tuis dexteram celestis auxilii ...
- (7) Ecclesie tue domine preces placatus admitte ut destructis aduersitatibus et erroribus ...
- (8) Deus a quo sancta desideria recta ...
An abandoned first attempt at writing the psalms (?) by two contemporary hands: verses 1–3 of psalm 1 with spaces left for illumination and initials on fol. 236r; the opening verses of psalm 1, etc. on fol. 236v.
[items 7–8 occupy quires XXXI– XXXV]
Dominican hymnal in two different contemporary 15th-century hands, with rubrics. Contains hymns for the year from Advent to Pentecost, followed by the hymns for feasts and saints’ days, including Vincent Ferrer, Thomas Aquinas, Catherine of Siena, Catherine of Alexandria, Peter of Verona, Dominic and Augustine.
Conditor alme (Chevalier, no. 3733), Uerbum supernum prodiens a patre (Chevalier, no. 29391), Uox clara ecce intonat (Chevalier, no. 22199), Ueni redemptor gentium (Chevalier, no. 21243), Christe redemptor omnium ex patre (Chevalier, no. 2960), A solis ortu cardine (Chevalier, no. 26), Hostis herodes impie (Chevalier, no. 8073), A patre unigenitus (Chevalier, no. 14), Te lucis ante terminum (Chevalier, no. 20138), Nocte surgentes uigilemus (Chevalier, no. 12035), Ecce iam noctis tenuatur (Chevalier, no. 5129), Nunc sancte nobis spiritus (Chevalier, no. 12586), Rector potens uerax deus (Chevalier, no. 17061), Rerum deus tenax uigor (Chevalier, no. 17328), Iam lucis orte sydere (Chevalier, no. 9272), Lucis creator optime (Chevalier, no. 1068), Audi benigne conditor (Chevalier, no. 1449), Christe qui lux es et dies (Chevalier, no. 2934), Summi largitor premij spes (Chevalier, no. 19716), Iam christe sol iusticie (Chevalier, no. 9205), Uexilla Regis (Chevalier, no. 21481), Pange lingua gloriosi prelium (Chevalier, no. 14481), Lustra sex qui iam peracta (Chevalier, no. 10763), Ad cenam agni prouidi (Chevalier, no. 110), Iesu nostra redemptio (Chevalier, no. 9582), Aurora lucis rutilat (Chevalier, no. 1644), Sermone blando angelus (Chevalier, no. 18831), Eterne rex altissime (Chevalier, no. 654), Tu christe nostrum gaudium (Chevalier, no. 20530), Beata nobis gaudia (Chevalier, no. 2339), Iam Christus astra (Chevalier, no. 9215), Ueni creator spiritus (Chevalier, no. 21204), Adesto sancta trinitas (Chevalier, no. 487), Et trinitas laudabilis (Chevalier, no. 13829), Pange lingua gloriosi corporis (Chevalier, no. 14467), Sacris solemnijs (Chevalier, no. 17713), Uerbum supernum prodiens nec patris (Chevalier, no. 21398), Urbs beata ierusalem dicta pacis (Chevalier, no. 20918), Angulare fundamentum (Chevalier, no. 1081), Doctor egregie paule mores (Chevalier, no. 4791), Superna mater inclita (Chevalier, no. 19812), Jubar caelorum prodiens (Chevalier, no. 9781), Aurora pulchra rutilans (Chevalier, no. 1655), Aue maris stella (Chevalier, no. 1889), Quem terra ponthus ethera (Chevalier, no. 16347), O gloriosa domina excelsa (Chevalier, no. 13042), Iam bone pastor petre Clemens (Chevalier, no. 9196), Exultet mentis iubilo laudans turba (Chevalier, no. 5873), Thomas insignis genere (Chevalier, no. 20428), Laudat mater ecclesia thome (Chevalier, no. 10213), Mente iocunda iubilent fideles (Chevalier, no. 11474), Lvmen in terris populi (Chevalier, no. 10743), Magne uincentij noua lux (Chevalier, no. 10975), Hec tue uirgo monimenta laudis (Chevalier, no. 7655), Laudibus uirgo nimis efferenda (Chevalier, no. 10461), Iam ferox miles tibi sepe cessit (Chevalier, no. 9252), Magne dies leticie nobis illuxit celitus petrus (Chevalier, no. 10942), Adest triumphus nobilis festumque (Chevalier, no. 435), Exultet claro sidere (Chevalier, no. 5815), Salve crux sancta (Chevalier, no. 17875), Originale crimen necans (Chevalier, no. 14281), Eterne regi glorie (Chevalier, no. 629), Lauda fidelis concio spine (Chevalier, no. 10204), Ut queant laxis resonare (Chevalier, no. 21039), Aurea luce et decore (Chevalier, no. 1596), Doctor egregie paule mores (Chevalier, no. 4791; beginning only), Lauda mater ecclesia lauda Christi clementiam (Chevalier, no. 10210), Eterni patris unice nos pio uultu respice (Chevalier, no. 667), Gaude mater ecclesia letam agens memoriam (Chevalier, no. 6852), Nouus athleta domini collaudetur (Chevalier, no. 12389), Hymnum noue leticie (Chevalier, no. 8285), Magne pater augustine preces nostras suscipe (Chevalier, no. 10868), Celi ciues applaudite (Chevalier, no. 3471), Tibi christe splendor (Chevalier, no. 20455), Christe sanctorum decus (Chevalier, no. 3000), Ihesu corona uirginum (Chevalier, no. 9507), Iesu saluator seculi redemptis (Chevalier, no. 9677), Christe redemptor omnium conserua tuos famulos (Chevalier, no. 2959), Catherine collaudemus uirtutum insignia (Chevalier, no. 2693), Pange lingua gloriose uirginis martirium (Chevalier, no. 14457), Presens dies expendatur (Chevalier, no. 15310), Exultet caelum laudibus (Chevalier, no. 5832), Eterna christi munera apostolorum gloriam (Chevalier, no. 590), Deus tuorum militum (Chevalier, no. 4534), Martir dei qui unicum patris (Chevalier, no. 11228), Sanctorum meritis inclita gaudia (Chevalier, no. 18607), Eterna christi munera et martirum uictorias (Chevalier, no. 598), Iste confessor domini sacratus festa plebs (Chevalier, no. 9136), Iesu redemptor omnium corona confitentium (Chevalier, no. 9620), Uirginis proles opifexque matris (Chevalier, no. 21703), Ihesu corona uirginum (Chevalier, no. 9507).
Rubric on fol. 259r reading: ‘In festo beati uincentij [followed by an erased word; ‘confes’ added in margin] de ordine fratrum predicatorum qui fuit canonizatus de anno curso . Mo . CCCCo . l . vij. sub papa calisto . Tempore reuerentissimi fratris martialis auribelli de anguide(m ?) totius ordinis predicatorum magistri generalis’. Followed by the hymn ‘Mente iocunda iubilent fideles’ (Chevalier, no. 11474), composed by Martial Auribelli in honour of Vincent Ferrer (see ‘Provenance’).
There is a change of hand and ruling at the start of a new quire on fol. 257r, but no irregularities in the text of the hymnal.
Fol. 284r is ruled but blank. Pen trials and the opening lines of psalm 101 ‘Domine exaudi orationem meam et clamor meus ad te veniat’, followed by a prayer ‘Concede nos famulos tuos quesumus domine deus perpetua mentis et corporis salute gaudere ...’ in a 17th-century hand on fol. 284v (probably also pen trials since some words of the prayer are written twice). Fols. 285r–286v are paper fly-leaves.
Physical Description
(fols. 1r–236v) ruled in ink, with single vertical bounding lines extending the full height of page; 20 lines per page; written below the top line; written space: c. 83 × 56 mm.
(fols. 237r–256v) ruled in ink, with single vertical bounding lines extending the full height of page; 20 lines per page; written below the top line; written space: c. 83 × 56 mm.
(fols. 257r–284v) ruled in ink, with single vertical bounding lines extending the full height of page; 18 lines per page; written below the top line; written space: c. 87 × 56 mm.
Formal Gothic book hands, black and brown ink; at least five different scribes on fols. 1–235, 236r, 236v, 237r–256v and 257r–283v (there may be more than one hand on fols. 257r–283v)
Miniature of Annunciation occupying one-third of a page, in gold frame on fol. 1r (the Virgin Mary, kneeling by an altar (?) or prie-dieu (?) with a book (?), addressed by a kneeling angel, rocky landscape in the background (badly rubbed)).
7-line historiated Beatus-initial on fol. 1r (pink, on gold background, decorated with foliage, infilled with half-figure of King David playing psaltery, badly rubbed).
10-line initial at the beginning of psalm 109 (pink, on gold background, decorated with foliage, flaking) (fol. 160v).
6- to 9-line pink initials, decorated with foliage, on gold background (flaking) at liturgical divisions at psalms 26 (fol. 30r), 38 (fol. 49v), 52 (fol. 69r), 68 (fol. 88r), 80 (fol. 113r) and 97 (fol. 136r).
2-line alternating plain red and blue initials at the beginnings of psalms, canticles, litany, prayers and hymns.
1-line alternating plain red and blue initials at the beginnings of verses and periods, including fols. 237r–283v.
Rubrics in red ink. Guide-letters for rubricator often survive next to initials and in the margins.
Soranzo’s binding, parchment over pasteboard, small stiff flaps on the fore-edges of covers. ‘18’ written in black ink on spine. Brown leather label on spine with gilt lettering ‘PSALTER. || ET || HYMNAR. || COD . MEMB.’. Sewn on four cords. Pastedowns and fly-leaves of paper with burgundy, purple and yellow floral designs (carta bassanese). Further fly-leaves made of 18th-century laid paper; no watermarks.
Provenance and Acquisition
The manuscript consists of three parts, all written in the third quarter of the 15th century, probably in the same workshop: fols. 1r–236v containing psalter, canticles and litany, and fols. 237r–256v and 257r–284v containing hymnal. There is a change of hand and ruling after fol. 256v, but no irregularities in the text of the hymnal. Both psalter and hymnal were made for a Dominican patron in Lombardy: liturgical evidence and evidence of decoration. The presence of St Bernardino in the litany indicates a date after 1450, and the presence of Vincent Ferrer (canonized 1455) suggests a date after 1455.
The presence of a hymn, composed by Martial Auribelli, with a date in a rubric (fol. 259r), shows that the hymnal was written after 1457. Martial Auribelli (d. 1473) was the head of the Dominican Order from 1453 to 1462 and from 1465 to 1473.
The psalter was still in use in the 17th century (the addition of psalm numbers, references to the books of the Bible, titles of canticles, etc.).
‘Camilli Tulij’ (?), 17th century (?) (fol. iii recto).
Jacopo Soranzo (1686–1761): binding; ‘1720 Di Jaco’ Soranzo’ (fol. iii recto). After Soranzo’s death by about 1780 at Cá Cornèr at San Maurizio, Venice (Mitchell, 1969).
Matteo Luigi Canonici of Venice (1727–c. 1806): bought soon after 1780.
Bodleian Library: bought in 1817 from Canonici’s nephew Giovanni Perissinotti.
Record Sources
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Last Substantive Revision
2024-07: Encode full description from Solopova catalogue.