MS. Canon. Liturg. 202
Summary Catalogue no.: 19314
Antiphonal; Austria or southern Germany, 12th century, last quarter
Fol. 1r originally blank, with later additions: hymn 'Virginis proles opifexque matris', 13th century; followed by a contemporary account (?), Italian script, perhaps mentioning Paluzza near Sutrio, with other names added later elsewhere on the page.
Combined temporale and sanctorale
Fol. 1v, Advent; Fol. 5v, Nicholas; Fol. 7v, Lucy; fol. 15r, Christmas; fol. 18r, Stephen; fol. 20v, John the Evangelist; fol. 22v, Holy Innocents; fol. 24r, Thomas Becket; fol. 28r, Epiphany; fol. 31v, Ferial Office; fol. 36v, Fabian and Sebastian; fol. 38r, Agnes; fol. 40r, Purification of Mary; fol. 42r, Agatha; fol. 43v, Peter's Chair; fol. 44r, Gregory; fol. 45v, Annunciation of Mary; fol. 47r, Septuagesima; fol. 51r, Lent; fol. 60r, Passion Sunday; fol. 63r, Palm Sunday; fol. 64v, Holy Week; fol. 67r, Triduum; fol. 71v, Easter (fols. 71v-72v, 72v-73a the Visitacio sepulchri); fol. 80r, Adalbert; fol. 80v, Mark; fol. 81r, Philip and James; fol. 82v, Finding of the Cross; fol. 84r, Florian; fol. 84v, Ascension; fol. 86v, Pentecost; fol. 89r, Trinity; fol. 90v, John the Baptist; fol. 92r, John and Paul; fol. 93r, Peter and Paul; fol. 95r, Paul; fol. 97r, Margaret; fol. 98v, Mary Magdalene; fol. 101v, Laurence; fol. 103r, Hippolytus; fol. 104r, Assumption; fol. 106r, Beheading of John the Baptist; fol. 107r, Birthday of Mary; fol. 108v, Holy Cross; fol. 109v, Michael the Archangel; fol. 111v, Jerome; fol. 111v, Remigius; fol. 111v, Gall; fol. 113v, All Saints; fol. 115r, Martin; fol. 117r, Brice; fol. 117v, Cecilia; fol. 119r, Clement; fol. 119v, Andrew.
For the office for Mary Magdalen see Eva Ferro, ‘Suavissime Universorum Domine". Eine „konstanzische" Maria Magdalena-Historia in Hirsau?’, Archiv Für Liturgiewissenschaft, 56 (2014), 49–74 (text, 52–6)
Common of the Saints
Dedication of a Church
Summer Histories (rubric, fol. 131r, 'dom. 1 post pentecosten').
Sundays after Pentecost
Hymnal, without notation (rubric, fol. 142r), ends imperfect due to loss of leaves after fol. 148. Contents itemized in Flotzinger, 67–8.
One leaf missing after fol. 141, one after fol. 144, two (?) after fol. 145, one or more after fol. 148.
For a full inventory of the chants and hymns, see the CANTUS database: record, index
Physical Description
1 col., 20 lines; written space 195 × 135 mm.
Adiastematic, non-rhythmical notation of S. Germany
8- to 2-line initials with foliate and arabesque decoration (fol. 134v: a dragon), in red, red and blue, or red, blue and yellow; sometimes on yellow or blue-and-yellow ground.
One initial (fol. 8v) with female face and upper body (Mary)
18th century, Italian, a standard Canonici style: diced brown leather over wooden boards, gilt and blind tooling around the cover edges, cords picked out with gilt lines, and gilt title-label of coloured leather; marbled pastedowns. Rust stains from an earlier binding on fol. 1r.
Provenance and Acquisition
The most recent and persuasive assessment of the manuscript's origin is by Flotzinger, who describes the initials as of Bavarian-Salzburg type (with possible parallels at Michelsberg and Lambach), notes the presence of Florian, the invention of Stephen, Gallus, and Lambert and suggests a possible origin in Salzburg, with the manuscript probably being made for a collegiate church in or influenced by the Salzburg Augustinian reform movement (p. 70). The presence of St Thomas of Canterbury places the date after 1173, as Flotzinger points out. That the manuscript originated in Friuli, where it was later owned (see below), is unlikely, as Flotzinger again points out, since St Hermagoras does not occur.
‘Nota quod ego presbiter Tuscanus canonicus ecclesie sancti Petri et capellanus de Sudrio accepi librum istum mutuo ab ecclesia sancti Petri sub millesimo .CCC.lxj. indict.xiiij.ª’, fol. 1v. Flotzinger identified 'ecclesia sancti Petri' as San Pietro in Carnia (Zuglio, Friuli), near Sutrio. 'Sudrio' was misread by van Dijk as 'Sundrio', which he identified as Sondrio in northern Lombardy; this identification has been frequently repeated in the literature, and seems also to have influenced Pächt and Alexander's localisation of the manuscript to Lombardy. The additions on fol. 1r seem to suggest that the manuscript was in the area of Sutrio by the thirteenth century.
Matteo Luigi Canonici, 1727–1805: uncertain when acquired, not from Trevisan / Soranzo.
Purchased by the Bodleian in 1817
Record Sources
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)
Online resources:
Printed descriptions:
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2020-11-24: Description revised for Polonsky German project with reference to published literature and examination of the manuscript.