MS. Canon. Liturg. 331
Summary Catalogue no.: 19420
Language(s): Latin and Italian
Wheel for the indictions of 1468–82 (fol. 1v); table of moveable feasts (fol. 2), beginning with 1478; another with the date 1479 (fol. 2v); wheel and table for calculating Easter (fol. 3); kalendar (fol. 5) with many later additions; masses of the principal feasts (fol. 12); common of the saints (fol. 19); votive masses (fol. 20v); vesper antiphons for the office of the dead and prose Dies irae (fol. 39) both on music; order of the mass (fol. 42: Paratus sacerdos); contemporary additions: benedictio navis novi, missa pro navigantibus, missa pro mortalitate hominum (fol. 50v).
SS. Jacobus Intercisus, fol. 73v; Juliana, fol. 75v, Fusca, fol. 67, Margaret, fol. 78v.
Magic wheel
Physical Description
29–30 lines, 1 column.
Square notation on 7 staves of 4 red lines.
Fine miniature (drawing), fol. 46v, diagrams, initial. (Pächt and Alexander ii. 497, pl. XLVII)
Miniature (drawing), interlace initials, coloured initials (some interlace), diagrams, rubrics.
Provenance and Acquisition
'Expletum fuit liber Iste. Im[sic] Millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo primo. Die vero vndecimo mensis Junij' (fol. 99): fols. 2–99 only.
The book seems to have been written for a confraternity at Altino, near Venice; the feasts of St. Liberalis (27 April), St. Heliodorus (3 July) and St. Theonistus etc. (22 November) are all in red. So is the feast of St. Fusca (13 Febr.) whose relics were at the nearby isle of Torcello. From the added dedication of St. Symeon's and the addition to the feast of St. Magnus in the kalendar (6 October), it may be concluded that the missal was later brought to Venice itself. (In the kalendar the dedication of St. Mark’s, Venice is original (8 Oct.); that of St. Symeon’s (16 July) is added.)
Wheel for the indictions 1468–1482, fol. 1v, and tables, fols. 2–2v, with the date 1478 over erasure.
'1419. Die .xxx. mazo nasse borth(olomeo)[sic] fio de philippo trivisan [of Venice]', fol. 99v
On fol.101 is an erasure, likewise on fol.iiiv, where the date '1465 a di 8 Mazo' remains; the years 1476 and 1493 are added on fol. 10v.
Record Sources
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2017-07-01: First online publication.