A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Ashmole 342

Summary Catalogue no.: 6688

Summary Catalogue no.: 6689

Summary Catalogue no.: 6690

Summary Catalogue no.: 6691

Summary Catalogue no.: 7016

Summary Catalogue no.: 8076

Composite manuscript: prognostication, astronomy, medicine, etc., in Latin, Middle English and French; England (?), 13th-15th centuries

Physical Description

Composite: six parts


Provenance and Acquisition

Elias Ashmole, 1617–1692.

Bequeathed by him to the Ashmolean Museum.

Transferred to the Bodleian Library in 1860.

MS. Ashmole 342 – Part A (fols. 1-53)


1. (fols. 1-6b)
Via ad Terram Sanctam
Rubric: Via ad Terram Sanctam
Incipit: Porce que le Reaume de Jerl’m est apeles le Reaume qui est Rois des Rois
Explicit: De Quiriacos au Caire, quatre liues de bon chemin
Jacques Paviot, Projets de croisade (v. 1290-v. 1330), Documents relatifs à l'histoire des croisades, 20 (Paris, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, 2008), pp. 171-181 (with discussion, pp. 19-22).
Language(s): Old French
2. (fols. 8-22v)
Bernardus Silvestris (?), Experimentarius
Rubric: Tractatus de Sorte
Incipit: De vita quid erit dic
Explicit: vade et quere a sedente super orientalem faciem turris saturni

With these words begin the four directory tables, written on 2 leaves which have been cut through, and were nearly loose: the next leaf, which contained Almazene and Anatha, the two first of the 28 Judges, is lost; cf. MS. Ashmole 304. Each page is superscribed with its number in Arabic figures: the handwriting is of the time of Edw. I. or II., closer than, and not so fair and bright as that of the following 7 leaves.

C. S. F. Burnett, 'What is the "Experimentarius" of Bernardus Silvestris?', Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Age, . 44 (1977), 79-125, listed p. 101, MS. G
Language(s): Latin
a. (fols. 23-5v)
Prognostication by the moon (lunary)
Rubric: De lune numero et sompnii eventu
Incipit: Luna prima. omnibus agentibus utilis est
Language(s): Latin
b. (fol. 25v)
Rubric: Quo tempore aperienda sit vena
Incipit: Quando vena aperienda sit cave tibi. v. lunam
Language(s): Latin
c. (fol. 25v)
Prognostication by the moon (lunary)
Incipit: La prime lune est bone a comencer totes choses
Language(s): Old French
d. (fols. 28, 29)
Prognostication according to the day on which Christmas and New Year fall
Incipit: Mestre Joe vus requer que del jur de Noel les aventurs et les secree me diet
Incipit: Mestre des calendes de Jeniver voderay ioe oyer la difiniciuns volunters dist e lucidara
Language(s): Old French
5. (fols. 29v)

Three verses:

Incipit: In septem stabis. minus yma petens numerabis | Post septem sursum numerando perfice cursum. | Sicque novem tractus numerus dat quod petit actus.

Also on fol. 7v with the same rubric as art. 2

Language(s): Latin

The tracts on ff. 30-49, were written in the scholastic text hand, early in the XIVth century.

1. (fols. 30-4)
Sortes Albedaci
Rubric: Sortes Albedaci
Incipit: Dilecto[sic] regi Persarum vates Albedacus salutes majores

Thus begins the prologue. The tables consist of 30 oriental words, each heading 12 short sentences: the first is Gosal.

eTK 0399K
2. (fols.34v-6 )
Sortes Apostolorum
Incipit: Sortes medibus decijs. Deus miseriatur nostri. Deus in adjutorium meum.

The prayer prefixed calls this article 'has sortes apostolorum tuorum': it consists of triple combinations of the numbers 6 to 1, with a prognostication on each. The 3 next pages are blank.

3. (fols. 38-40v)
Liber Amblaudii et Hermetis (tr. Hugh of Santalla)
Rubric: Tractatus de Spatula
Incipit: Refert Ablaudius Babilonius inter antiquissima Grecorum volumina cartam vetustissimam in qua de spatule agritōne non nulla continebantur praecepta apud Athena⟨s⟩ se invenisse
Explicit: ad notarum quidem numerum adversariorum deprehenditur multitude.

On the margin against the end of this and the beginning of the next tract, is the following difficult note. “Hic est tractatus quoniam in eadem pariter contingit reperiri. non tamen arbissi philosophi ord’ inter Babilonios in hoc negocio precellebat ascriptum liber abdalaben zeleman de spatula hugonis translatio et de ipso negocio tanquam experta descripsit.”

ed. CCCM 144 C (Hermes Latinus 4, 4)
4. (fols. 40v-6)
Liber Abdalaben Zeleman de spatula (tr. Hugh of Santalla)
Rubric: Liber Abdalaben Zeleman de Spatula
Incipit: Quicunque alicujus discipline instituta subtili discrecione prudenti et studiosa rerum investigacione
Explicit: In terda rex hosl⟨i⟩um morte afficitur.
Final rubric: Explicit liber de spatula

At f. 43 is a chasm of two thirds of a page in the text.

ed. CCCM 144 C (Hermes Latinus 4, 4); also Textes médiévaux de scapulomancie, Textes littéraires du Moyen Âge, nº 43 (2017)
Language(s): Latin

The 4 leaves containing these 7 articles, are very closely written in a small hand resembling records of the time of Edw. I:

1. (fols. 50-2)
Compotus manualis
Rubric: Incipit Computus Manualis \Mri J. de Pulcro Anno Hispano/
Incipit: Intencionis est in hoc opusculo artem ostendere qua ex juncturis manuum ad omne certum tempus utira certaque negotia composita per annum presentere, pro radice habitum possunt facillime inveniri
Explicit: probacio hujus per ultimum principium patet
Final rubric: Explicit compotus manualis
Language(s): Latin
2. (fol. 52)
Cisiojanus (distich)
Incipit: Januarius. Cir. ste. io. pu. vig. epiph.
3. (fols. 52v-53)
Commentary on the Lord's Prayer
Incipit: Volumus vos fratres karissimi parvam vobis admonicionem de oratione dominica facere
Explicit: illuc nos vocare dignetur qui vivit ac regnat in secula. Amen.
Stegmüller 10395
Bloomfield 9258
4. (fol. 53v)
Commentary on the Lord's Prayer
Incipit: Septem peticiones sunt in oratione dominica sicut patet in his septem versibus. O Pater alme tuum fit nomen sanctificatum.
Cf. Walther 12835
5. (fol. 53v)
Verses on the complexions
Incipit: Sanguineus. Largus amans. hilaris

Four distichs.

Cf. Walther 17266
6. (fol. 53v)

Vis esse incolumem

Five verses.

Cf. Walther 18083
7. (fol. 53v)

Excerpts from Augustine and Ambrose.

Incipit: Quinque sunt digiti Diaboli primus est pudor confessionis
Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment


Origin: 14th century, beginning


At the foot of f. 51, the name “Thomas de boccomio” is written invertedly, and at the foot of the last page is the name “penham.”

MS. Ashmole 342 – Part B (fols. 54-68)


Astronomical tables
Rubric: Tabule Astronomice
(fol. 54)
Rubric: Tabula equationis argumenti lune
(fol. 54v-5b)
Rubric: Tabula conjunccionum mediarum in annis expansis

This table is for the ‘anni Christi inperfecti 1346’-1424; in the first of which years it was written. With rule beginning:

Incipit: Ad habendum tempus conjunctionis medie
(fol. 56)
Rubric: Tabula conjunccionum mediarum in mensibus Christi
(fol. 56)
Rubric: Tabula oppositionum mediarum in mensibus Christi
(fol. 56v-9)

Table for lunar motion for a 15 day period

(fol. 59v-61)


Rubric: Figura solis, figura lune, figura draconis, figura. 3. superiorum planetarum et veneris, figura retrogradacionis, figura mercurii
(fol. 59v)

Verses on conjunctions and aspects

Incipit: Si planete duo signo junguntur in uno
(fol. 61v-3)
Rubric: Tabula equacionis domorum in latitudine. 51. graduum et 40. minutorum
(fol. 64)
Rubric: Tabula lune in annis expansis et collectis
(fol. 64v)
Rubric: Tabula equacionis lune

With rule.

(fol. 65-6v)
Rubric: Tabula lune in mensibus
Rubric: Tabula medii motus lune cum argumento ad extrahendum verum locum lune quolibet die
(fol. 67-8v)
Rubric: 2a. tabula solis

This table is written in a hand more ancient than the rest, and the third leaf of it is lost.

Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment


Origin: 14th century

MS. Ashmole 342 – Part C (fols. 69-94)


1. (fol. 85)
Rubric: Ista continentur in hoc volumine

The names of 14 tracts anciently contained in this MS. are here written by the same hand: of these, the only articles now existing, are those numbered 16, 18, and 22 in the following analysis: the smaller pieces are not mentioned in this list.

Language(s): Latin
2. (fol. 85v)
On gentian
Incipit: Basilica herba .i. genciana
Language(s): Latin
3. (fols. 85v-6)
Rubric: Versus de valore Agnus dei
Incipit: Balsamus et unda[sic] cera cum crismatem unda Conficiunt agnum
(36 v.) . These occupy a page and a half, written in the XVth century. Walther 2058
Language(s): Latin
4. (fol. 86v)

Twelve English verbs, with the corresponding French and Latin words: thus -

Incipit: Spewen. vomer. Nauseo
Language(s): Middle English, Anglo-Norman, Latin
5. (fol. 86v)

Verses: three distichs

Incipit: Est arbor vitis
Incipit: Lis leprosorum
Incipit: Pater scire vellem
Language(s): Latin
6. (fol. 87)

Commentaries on 'Minus scio quod per confessionem scio' by “Fr. K. de Lincoln” et fr. Martin of Lenne (Lynn).

Incipit: Minus scio quod per confessionem scio
Language(s): Latin
7. (fol. 87v-8 )
Rubric: Fr. Adam de Lacu
Incipit: Ubicunque est actus moralis et delectacio morosa
Incipit: Nota quod consensus semiplenus dicitur
Rubric: Idem frater A.
Incipit: Nota quod differt sensualitas a sensibilitate
Language(s): Latin
8. (fol. 88v-90)
Prognostication by thunder (in verse)
Incipit: Accedens quicunque cupis cognoscere verba | Lucida laudanda vera probata bona. | Anno quocunque signo tonitrus tonat, illud | Quod tonat est verum nocte dieque tonans
eTK 0014C

Preceded by mnemonic verse on the Zodiac:

Incipit: Est aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, leo, virgo | Libraque, scorpio, architenens, caper, urnaque pisses.
Walther 5599
Language(s): Latin
9. (fol. 90v)
On tithes
Incipit: Nota quod quadrupliciter remuneratur a Deo qui fideliter dat decimas
Language(s): Latin
10. (fol. 90v)
Bernard of Clairvaux, De praecepto et dispensatione (extract: c. 12)
Rubric: B⟨ernardus⟩
Incipit: Si ex contemptu sciens et deliberans sponte in verba prorupero
Language(s): Latin
Extracts from monastic rules (on accidents at the Mass, obedience, etc.)
11. (fol. 91)
Incipit: Cum de corpore vel sanguine Domini tanta negligencia aliquo casu accidit ut cadat deorsum
12. (fol. 91v)
Incipit: Si aperta quod absit negligencia de corpore Domini
13. (fol. 92)
Incipit: Si forte alicui fratri contigerit
14. (fol. 92v)
Incipit: Nota hec sunt que Monachus debet prelato suo
Language(s): Latin
15. (fol. 92v)
Note on the interpretation of scripture
Incipit: Exponitur sacra scriptura. 3r. Allegorice

Etc. The following articles are contained in the other transposed part of this MS.

Language(s): Latin
16. (fol. 70)
Rules for converting Christian to Islamic calendar

It seems to have been the sequel of the 'Tabula ad inveniendum annos Arabum', which is the fifth title in the list at f. 85. Only the last 12 lines are preserved, ending:

Explicit: tociens duo menses Arabum continetur
Language(s): Latin
Astronomical tables with rule
17. (fol. 70)
Incipit: Quando vis scire locum solis subtrahe quaternarium ab annis Christi quociens poteris
18. (fols. 70v-4)
Astronomical tables
Rubric: Tabula prima solis post annum bisextilem

Four tables. They are called in the list of contents 'Tabule per quas scitur gradus solis in quolibet signo'.

Language(s): Latin
19. (fol. 74v-7)
Qualities of the signs of the Zodiac
Incipit: Aries est signum mobile calide et sicce nature
Explicit: Nota quod ubicunque dicitur bonum est vel cavendum est. intelligitur dum luna fuerit in illo signo. Explicit.”
eTK 0131M
Language(s): Latin
20. (fol. 77)
Rules for converting Christian to Islamic calendar
Rubric: Scientia ad inveniendum annos Arabum per annos Christi per multiplicationem et divisionem secundum Ptolomeum
Incipit: Si autem annos Arabum
Language(s): Latin
21. (fol. 77v)
Rules for converting Christian to Islamic calendar
Rubric: Scientia annorum Arabum per annos Christi per multiplicationem et divisionem secundum Arzechelem
Incipit: Accipe annos Christi perfectos
Language(s): Latin
22. (fol. 78-81v)
Campanus of Novara, De quadrante
Rubric: Incipit Practica Quadrantis veteris
Incipit: Scire debes quod circulus solis duas habet medietates
Explicit: Hec quoque de practica quadrantis dicta sufficiant
Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: 26 leaves, a small part of its original quantity. Of these, ff. 69, 82-4, 93-4, are blank vellum; and the remaining portions, ff. 85-92, 70-81, have been transposed. They are here described in their proper order.


Origin: 15th century


Fols. 69-94: Bermondsey, Surrey, Cluniac priory and (from 1399) abbey of St Saviour: 'Libellus dompni Iohannis ..d... monachi sancti saluatoris de Berdmondsi iuxta London'' (fol. 85r, at top, s. xv, legible by u-v light). (MLGB3: evidence from an inscription of ownership by an individual member of a religious house (which may not, however, be evidence for institutional ownership)).

MS. Ashmole 342 – Part D (fols. 95-114)


1. (fols. 101v-112)
Ecclesiastical and astronomical calendar.,

18 Apr. “Ao. domini Mo. CC. xx. jactatum fuit ecclesie nove Sar. fundamentum.” (104b.)

Language(s): Latin
Astronomy and astrology:
2. (f. 112v)

Note on lunar cycles ending between 1463 and 1519, suggesting that the cycle wherein this calendar was written, began in 1444, and ended in 1462.

3. (f. 113)

Signs of the Zodiac, their months and qualities.

4. (f. 113v)
Rubric: Tabula planetarum ad sciendum quis planeta regnat qualibet hora
5. (f. 114)
Rubric: Tabula lune ad sciendum ejus signum omni die. et in quo gradu illius signi
Language(s): Latin
(fols. 95v-6b)

The manuscript originally consisted of of 14 leaves of vellum (fols. 101-114), to which were added 7 leaves (beside others that have been cut out), on two of which was written about the time of Henry VIII:

A text on the qualities of the twelve signs
Rubric: De Constellacione nativi sub sole
Incipit: Januari: aquarius est hote and moyste sanguine. Aquarius is a watry sygne
Language(s): Middle English

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment


Origin: 15th century; additions, early 16th century

MS. Ashmole 342 – Part E (fols. 115-137)


1. (fols. 115-126v)
Text on the four humours
Incipit: It is to undurstand that every man is made of four elymentys
Language(s): Middle English
2. (fols. 126v-131)
Lunary: of the qualities and effects of the moon’s 28 mansions
Incipit: In the name of Godde for the first hous whan the mone is in the first mancōn wurch þu for life of womman, etc.
Language(s): Middle English
3. (fol. 131v-3-4)
Incipit: In þe moneþ of Jauere lett þe not blode
Language(s): Middle English
Bloodletting (extract from Secreta Secretorum (?))
Rubric: Secundum Aristotilem ad Alexandrum
Incipit: Si volueritis flegbotomare
Language(s): Latin
4. (fol. 134)
Prognostication according to thunder
Rubric: De fortunis venientibus per tempora anni
Incipit: Janeuere. þonder toneth grete wynd and plente of alle kyn frute and batelle þat ilke yer
Language(s): Middle English
5. (fol. 134v-5)
On the four seasons
Incipit: Ver incipit viijº. idus februarij
Language(s): Latin
6. (fol. 135)
Rubric: De minucione sanguinis
Incipit: Mense Februarij. vena pollicis est incidenda
Language(s): Latin
7. (fol. 136)
Rubric: Isti sunt dies boni et graciosi ad fleobotomandum probati secundum magistrum Evesham phisocianum
Incipit: Viz le jour de seynt Stefne
Language(s): Anglo-Norman
8. (fol. 136)
Incipit: Fleobotom⟨i⟩ a mentem sincerat, etc
Language(s): Latin
9. (fol. 136v)
Perilous Mondays
Incipit: These bene iij perlous monedayes in þe yere, etc. .
Language(s): Middle English
10. (fol. 136v)
Incipit: The best dayes of every monethe to be gyne any gode werke, etc.
Language(s): Middle English
11. (fol. 137)
Incipit: Mars. Aries. Cave ab incisione
Language(s): Latin
12. (fol. 137)
Distichs on the Zodiac and the planets
Incipit: Est aries
Incipit: Sol et mercurius
Language(s): Latin
13. (fol. 137)
On the movement of the moon
Incipit: Nota quod per quatuor septimanas
Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment, paper
Extent: 16 leaves of parchment, and 8 other leaves (fols. 130-7), the two outermost parchment, and the others paper.


The two first leaves have been cut with the stroke whereby the third was cut out and lost.


Two different hands.


Origin: 15th century

MS. Ashmole 342 – Part F


1. (fol. 138-141d)
Johannes de Pulchro Rivo, Compotus
Incipit: Ad habendum ciclum solarem secundum gallendum sive litteram dominicalem quod habemus in proposito sumatur versus iste ‘Filius esto Dei celum bonus accipe gratis'
Explicit: Et hec de utilioribus que considerat compotista breviter et succincte compilata ad presens dicta sufficiant
Final rubric: Explicit compotus
eTK 0041J
Language(s): Latin
2. (fol. 141v-2)
Cisiojanus with gloss
Incipit: Cisio. Janus. epy. luci. paulus et oc. feli. marcel

On the following page (142b) is written an inaccurate copy of these verses by a hand of the XVth century: they may be found printed among the appendices to the edition of Johannis de Sacro Bosco Sphæra, Antv. 1582, 8vo. p. 262-3.

Language(s): Latin
3. (fol. 143-7v)
Johannes de Sacro Bosco, Algorismus
Incipit: Omnia que a primeva rerum origine processerunt ratione numerorum formata sunt
Explicit: et hoc de radicis extraccione sufficiat tam in numeris quadratis quam cubicis
Final rubric: Explicit algorismus
Language(s): Latin
4. (fol. 147bc)
Text on solstices
Incipit: Sol aliquando stet. sed quia tunc est in maximo accessu a chenit capitis nostri
Explicit: dies unus superfiue reperitur naturalis
Language(s): Latin
5. (fol. 147d)
Alexander de Villa Dei, Carmen de Algorismus
Incipit: Hec algorismus ars presens dicitur in qua

Incomplete at the end, one leaf or more having been lost between ff. 148 and 149; the next article therefore begins imperfectly.

Walther 7470
Language(s): Latin
6. (fol. 149-151a)
Compotus metrificatus

The first line in this copy, is-‘posteriore die celebratur festa maihie’

Explicit: Qui sine principio fuit, est, et erit sine fine
Final rubric: Explicit compotus metrificatus

Perhaps related to the Massa compoti of Alexander de Villa Dei.

Language(s): Latin
7. (fol. 151-2)
Poem on compotus
Incipit: Alphabeta duo que ter deca quinque figuris
Explicit: Qua media⟨n⟩te potes ⟨quod⟩ queris ⟨semper⟩ habere.
Final rubric: Expliciunt tabule compoti metrice
Walther 838
Language(s): Latin
8. (fol. 152-3)
Compotus: explicatio diversarum tabularum ecclesiasticarum, inter quas Garlandi et Dionysii
Incipit: Tabula prima tabula terminorum dicitur. quoniam in ilia termini. 5. festorum mobilium inveniuntur
Explicit: et semper litera tabularis erit cum qua litera dominicalis occurrit
Final rubric: Expliciunt tabule compoti
Language(s): Latin
9. (fol. 153v)
Computistical table

A circular table showing the dominical letter in the whole cycle of the sun, corresponding with the numbers of that lunar cycle in which the year “M. CCC.” was the ninth. Compare MS. Ashmole 361, f. 128b.

Language(s): Latin
10. (fol. 153v)
Dominion of the signs of the Zodiac in the human body
Incipit: Et sachies que chacun des xij singnes dou del a sa partie ou cors de chacun homme et femne
Language(s): Old French

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: 18 leaves of vellum, yellow with age; of which the last but one is cut out


2 cols.


Red capitals.


Origin: 13th century, end


Fol. 153, “Liber Johannis Prichard apud Chestriam ao 1649. Jo: Prichard de Prion.”

Additional Information

Record Sources

Description adapted (Dec. 2022) from the Quarto Catalogue (W. H. Black, A descriptive, analytical, and critical catalogue of the manuscripts bequeathed unto the University of Oxford by Elias Ashmole Esq...., Quarto Catalogues X, 1845), with additional reference to published literature as cited.


Last Substantive Revision

2021-12-14: Add provenance information from MLGB3.