MS. Canon. Misc. 298
Summary Catalogue no.: 19774
Disputatio Raimundi christiani et Homeri saraceni
, Language(s): Latin
Physical Description
Form: codex
Support: paper
Origin: 14th century, end
Record Sources
Summary description abbreviated from the Quarto Catalogue (H. O. Coxe, Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecæ Bodleianæ pars tertia codices Græcos et Latinos Canonicianos complectens, Quarto Catalogues III, 1854)
Digital Images
Freiburger Multimedia Object Repository (full facsimile, grayscale)
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2018-10-14: Mitch Fraas Provenance and acquisition information added using in collaboration with the Mapping Manuscript Migrations project.