Language(s): Middle English
(fols. 4r–6r)
Life of St Wulfstan Incipit: ||Vor þulke þat þe kyng to truste failed he wel uaste |So þat he was bineþe icaste & ouercome ace laste
Explicit: Vor him me may al day þere mony vair miracle ise |Nou god leue þat we mote wiþ him in þe Ioie of heuene be
DIMEV 4773 Wants verses 1–84.
(fol. 6r)
Lives of SS. Fabian and Sebastian Rubric: Fabyan
Incipit: SEint fabian bi olde dawe good mon was Inouȝ |At rome he ladde holi lif & to alle godnesse drouȝ
Explicit: Wende to þe Ioie of heuene þat last wiþoute ende |Nou god uor þe loue of him ous alle þus sende
Longer version, 114 lines.
DIMEV 4593 (fols. 7v–10r)
Life of St Agnes Rubric: seynt Annes
Incipit: SEynt Anneis þe holi maide wel ȝong heo bigan |To serui god al miȝti to be cristenwomman
Explicit: þis was lo a uair myracle of seynt Anneis iwis |Nou god ous bringe to þulke Ioie þat þis maide Inne is
DIMEV 4532 (fols. 10r–12v)
Life of St Vincent Rubric: seynt Vyncent
Incipit: SEynt Vyncent in spayne was & to acristene biscop com |þat men clupede valleri & nom of him cristendom
Explicit: Nou Ihesu uor þe loue of him lete ous such lif lede |þat we mote to heuene come & for ȝeue ous oure mysdede
DIMEV 4772 (fols. 12v–13r)
Life of St Julian the Confessor Rubric: seynt Iulyan þe confessour
Incipit: SEynt Iulian þe confessour ibore was at rome |Mony men þoruȝ is prechynge to cristendom come
Explicit: Anoþer seynt Iulian þare is þat men bidteth to uaste |After good In in strange stude wen hii beþ þer of agaste
DIMEV 4651 (fols. 13r–15r)
Life of St Julian Hosteler Rubric: seynt Iulyan þe gode herberour
Incipit: SEyn Iulian þe gode herbiour of noble kunne com |Stallward mon & noble he was & louede cristendom
Explicit: & atelaste þour godes wille þat we mote fle |To þe Ioie of heuene & wiþþoute ende þer be
DIMEV 4652 (fols. 15r–18v)
Life of St Bridget (longer version) Rubric: syn Bryde
Incipit: SEyn Bride þe holi maide of hirlonde was |Biȝute heo was in spouse bruche in awonder cas
Explicit: þe uerst day of feuerer hire lif heo broȝte to ende |God let ous alle for hir loue to þe Ioie of heuene wende
DIMEV 4571 (fols. 18v–21v)
Life of St Blase Rubric: seynt Blase
Incipit: SEint Blase wel clene lif ladde wiþþoute hore |In þe lond of capadose þis godemon was ibore
Explicit: Nou god leue þat we parti mote of þe heie blisse |þat seint blase is Inne ibroȝe þat we þer of ne misse
DIMEV 4565 (fols. 21v–23v)
Life of St Agatha Rubric: seynt Agace
Incipit: SEynt Agace þe gode maide in cisile was ibore |Wel ȝong cristene heo bicom & forsok sunne & hore
Explicit: As wisliche bidde we hire as heo þe contreie ȝef bote |þat we to te Ioie of heuene wiþ hire come mote
DIMEV 4530 (fols. 23v–24r)
Life of St Scholastica Rubric: seynt scolace þe holy mayde
Incipit: SEyn Scolace þe holi maide holi was of lyue |Leuere heo hadde nonne be þen be iwedded to wyue
Explicit: So god leue þat we mote wiþ cristenemen be |Ibured at our ende day & to heuene fle
DIMEV 4756 (fols. 24r–25r)
Life of St Valentine Rubric: seynt valentyne
Incipit: SEyn valentyn þe martir good man was Inouȝ |& þoru is prechyng mony mon to cristendom drouȝ
Explicit: & is soule to heuene wende þoru godes grace |Nou god uor þe loue of him ous bringe to þulke place
DIMEV 4771 (fols. 25r–28r)
Life of St Juliana Rubric: seyn Iulyan
Incipit: SEyn Iulian þe gode herbiour of noble kunne com |Stallward mon & noble he was & louede cristendom
Explicit: & atelaste þour godes wille þat we mote fle |To þe Ioie of heuene & wiþþoute ende þer be
DIMEV 4653 (fols. 28r–28v)
Life of St Matthias Rubric: seyn Mathy
Incipit: SEyn Mathi apostel is as ȝe scholleþ iwite |þeru lot apostel ymad he was as we fyndeþ iwrite
Explicit: & burede it þus wiþ gret honur as me sceweþ ȝute |In seynt marie chirche ofte his heued wit gret prute
DIMEV 4728 (fols. 28v–31v)
Life of St Oswald the Bishop Rubric: seyn Oswald
Incipit: SEyn Oswald þe biscop was ibore her in engelonde |Of heie men he was icome as ic vnderstonde
Explicit: Vor is loue our lord haþ þer vair myracle ofte iwroȝt |God lete ous to þe Ioie come þat he is Inne ibroȝt
DIMEV 4740 (fols. 31v–32v)
Life of St Chad Rubric: seyn Chadde
Incipit: SEyn Chadde þe holi mon was of engelonde |Biscop he was of lichesfeld as ic vnderstonde
Explicit: & wiþ angles to heuene wende as hi broȝte him er tydynge |Nou god uor þe loue of him to þulke Ioie ous bringe
DIMEV 4573 (fols. 32v–34r)
Life of St Gregory Rubric: Seyn Gregory
Incipit: SEyn Gregori þe confessour in cicile was ibore |In holinesse he ladde is lif þat is soule nere uorlore
Explicit: Bidde we him wiþ gode herte apostel of engelonde |þat he byuore our lord crist our neode vnderstonde
DIMEV 4609 (fols. 34r–41v)
Life of St Patrick (with his Purgatory) Rubric: seyn patryc
Incipit: SEyn patric com þoru godes grace to preci in irlonde |To teche men hor riȝte bileue on Ihesu to vnderstonde
Explicit: Beteþ alle ȝoure sunne her as god wole ȝou grace sende |þat we wiþþoute oþer pyne to parais henne wende
DIMEV 4742 (fols. 41v–45r)
Life of St Edward the Elder Rubric: seyn Edeward þe ȝonge martyr
Incipit: SEyn Edward þe ȝonge martir was kyng of engelonde |Wel ȝong ymartred he was þoru trecherie & onde
Explicit: Nou god uor þeloue of boþe þat our kynges were |To þe Ioie of heuene þat hi beþ Inne wiþ hem bringe ous þere
DIMEV 4590 (fols. 45r–46r)
Life of St Cuthbert Rubric: syn Cubert
Incipit: SEyn Cubert was ibore her in engelonde |God dude uor him uair miracle as ȝe scolle vnderstonde
Explicit: & to þe Ioie of heuene god let ous ek also |& þoru þe bone of seynt Cutbert bringe ous alle þerto
DIMEV 4579 (fols. 46r–48v)
Life of St Benedict Rubric: seyn Benet
Incipit: SEyn benet was ibore in þe lond of mursie |To rome he was wel ȝong isend to lerny of clergie
Explicit: Nou god uor þe loue of seynt benet ous lete þen wei wende |& to þe Ioie þat he is Inne to him come aten ende
DIMEV 4549 (fol. 48v)
The Feast of the Annunciation Rubric: seynt Mary day in lente
Incipit: SEynte Marie dai in leynte among oþer dawes gode |Riȝt is uorteholde hei hoso him vnderstode
Explicit: Nou bidde we Ihesu godes sone þat þulke heie dai wroȝte |þat we mote come to þulke Ioie þat he ous to boȝte
DIMEV 4704 (fols. 48v–49r)
Incipit: FEsten meble þer beþ icleped viue in þe ȝere |þe uerste is to louke aleluye our penaunce to rere
Explicit: þat we scholde wiþ sorwe of herte our penaunce lede |& aȝen þe tyme of leynte repenty our mysdede
DIMEV 1301 (fols. 49r–51r)
Rubric: leynte
Incipit: LEynte comeþ þer afterward þat six wuke ilasteþ |& hor sunnen uorte beten alle cristenmen uasteþ
Explicit: So þat he mowe an ester dai wen he haþ al iuast |Our lordes flesc vnderuonge þat aswete mossel is last
DIMEV 3048 (fols. 51r–52r)
Rubric: Easter
Incipit: ÞE holi feste of ester comeþ after leynte anon |As our lord aros fram deþe to lyue boþe in flesc & bon
Explicit: þe rouisous ne comeþ neuere biuore seynt Markes dai |þer uore we wolleþ of telle in þe bigynnyng of may
DIMEV 5334 (fols. 52r–56r)
Life of St Mary of Egypt Rubric: seyn Marye Egyptiake
Incipit: SEynte Marie egipciake in egipte was ibore |All hire ȝonge lif heo ladde In sunne & in hore
Explicit: þus seynt marie Egipciake out of hire fol dede |Turnde to heuene blisse þoru penaunce þat heo gan lede
DIMEV 4702 (fols. 56r–59r)
Life of St Alphege Rubric: syn Alfe þe martyr
Incipit: SEyn Alfe þe martir þat good mon was Inouȝ |Ibore was in engelond & to holi lif drouȝ
Explicit: Nou bidde we seynt Alfe þat broȝte þer is lif to ende |þat we mote þoru is bone to þe Ioie of heuene wende
DIMEV 4536 (fols. 59r–60v)
Life of St George Rubric: syn Iorge
Incipit: SEyn Iorge þe holi mon as we fyndeþ iwrite |In þe lond of capadoce ibore was & biȝitte
Explicit: þer he is in grete Ioie þat last wiþþouten ende |Nou god uor þe loue of him ous let alle þuder wende
DIMEV 4603 (fols. 60v–61r)
Life of St Mark Rubric: syn Marke
Incipit: SEyn Marc þe holi gospellare wide wende alonde |Vorto preche cristendom þoruȝ our lordes sonde
Explicit: & for feste of þe letanye þat byuore may |Holi chirche halt ech ȝer a seyn Markes day
DIMEV 4697 (fols. 61r–62r)
Letania maior et minor Rubric: letany
Incipit: LEtanye is asong as ȝe mowe ofte ise |To bidde ech halwe after oþer our help uorte be
Explicit: Vor it nys no neode wenne hi beþ þer to sette hem here also |Vor sette hem here & ek þer it nere noȝt wel ido
DIMEV 3127 (fols. 62r–62v)
Life of St Peter Rubric: syn peres þe frere prechoure
Incipit: SEyn Peres þe frere prechour In þe cite of beronye |Ibore was of mysbilievned men þat were al in eresie
Explicit: At þe endyng of aueryl he þolede Martirdom |God ous bringe to þulke Ioie þat his soule to com
DIMEV 4746 (fols. 62v–63v)
Lives of SS. Philip and James (fols. 62v–63r)
Rubric: syn pelyp
Incipit: SEyn Pelip & seynt Iacob apostles tweie |þe uerste day þat comeþ in may deþ hi þolede beie
(fol. 63r–63v)
Rubric: syn Iacob
Explicit: Nou bidde we ȝerne seynt Iacob & seynt Pelip also |þat oure soule mote uorþ wiþ hore in to þe Ioie of heuene be ido
DIMEV 4752 (fols. 63v–66r)
The ‘Early History’ of the Cross Rubric: þe holy rede day
Incipit: þE holi rode þe swete tre riȝt is to habbe in munde |þat haþ fram stronge deþ ibroȝt to lyue al mankunde
Explicit: So þat þulke stude was vorlete mony aday |þat no cristenmon ne paynym muste war þe rode lay
DIMEV 5339 (fols. 66r–68r)
The Invention of the Cross Rubric: Constantyne þe Emperore
Incipit: A noble emperour þus com seþþe þat het constantyn |In batail he was so muche þat þus nas of no fyn
Explicit: Quiriac þonkede oure lord crist wiþ gret Ioie he is nom |& tok hem eleyne þe gode quene þo he to hire com
DIMEV 133 (fols. 68r–71r)
The ‘Exaltation’ of the Cross Rubric: þe holy Rod in May kynge Cosdre
Incipit: þE holi rode was ifounde as ȝe witeþ in may |& an haused was in septembre þe holi rode day
Explicit: Nou god uor loue of þe suete rode þat þu were on ido |Bryng ous to þe heie Ioie þat þu boȝtest ous to
DIMEV 5338 (fols. 71r–71v)
Life of St Quiriac Rubric: seyn quiriac
Incipit: SEyn quiriac þat biscop was prechede godes lawe |Iulian þe luþer emperour broȝte him of lif dawe
Explicit: & is soule to heuene wende after þis tormentynge |God uor þe loue of seynt quiriac to þulke Ioie ous bringe
DIMEV 4754 (fols. 71v–80v)
Life of St Brendan Rubric: syn brendan
Incipit: SEyn Brendan þe holi mon was of Irlonde |Monek he was of harde lyue as ic vnderstonde
Explicit: An albei þus was seþþe arered as is bodi was ido |Nou god ous bringe to þulke Ioie as is soule wende to
DIMEV 4567 (fols. 80v–83r)
Life of St Dunstan Rubric: syn dounston
Incipit: SEyn dunston was of engelond icome of gode more |Miracle our lord dude uor him ar he were ibore
Explicit: Swete lord seynt dunston þat oure erchebiscop were |Bryng ous to þe Ioie of heuene as angles þi soule bere
DIMEV 4584 (fols. 83r–84r)
Life of St Aldhelm Rubric: synt Aldelm
Incipit: SEyn Aldelm þe confessour was man of noble lyue |Ibore he was in engelond þe kynges broþer sone Iue
Explicit: Nou bidde we ȝerne seynt aldelm þat he our erande bere so |þat we mote to þe Ioie come þat he is on ido
DIMEV 4535 (fols. 84r–85v)
Life of St Augustine of Canterbury Rubric: seynt Austyn
Incipit: SEyn Austyn þat cristendom broȝte in to engelonde |Riȝt is among oþer iwis þat be vnderstonde
Explicit: Nou bidde we ȝerne seynt Austyn þat to crisendom ous brouȝte |þat we mote to þe Ioie come to wam our lord ous boȝte
DIMEV 4543 (fols. 85v–87r)
Life of St Barnabas Rubric: seyn Barnabe
Incipit: SEyn Barnabe þe apostel þat good was & hende |Imartred he was uor godes loue in strong deþ aten ende
Explicit: Nou bidde we ȝerne ihesu crist kyng of alle kynge |Vor þe loue of Barnabe þat he ous to heuene bringe
DIMEV 4545 (fols. 87r–88v)
Life of St John the Baptist Rubric: syn Ion Baptist
Incipit: SEyn Ion was þe beste bern þe holi baptist |þat of womman was ibore euere saue ihesu crist
Explicit: Nou seynt Ion þat in flum Iordan baptised godes sone |Let ous þoru our cristendom to þe Ioie of heuene come
DIMEV 4647 (fols. 88v–95r)
Life of St Peter Rubric: syn Peter þe apostell
Incipit: SEyn Peter was wiþ our lord of alle apostles hext |Seynt Ion þe ewangelist & he our lord were euer next
Explicit: Seynt Peter þat bereþ heuene keie þoru our lordes grace |Graunte ous þuder come & þer Inne habbe an place
DIMEV 4749 (fols. 95r–98v)
Life of St Paul Incipit: SEyn Poul was aluþer mon ar he conuerted were |Alle cristenmen of þelond hadde of him gret fere
Explicit: & uor loue of seynt poul was lif ichabbe ised |Bring ous to þe Ioie of heuene after þat we beþ ded
DIMEV 4745 (fols. 98v–100r)
Life of St Swithin Incipit: SEyn Swiþin þe confessour was of engelonde |Bi side wynchestre he was ibore as ic vnderstonde
Explicit: Nou seynt swiþin þat our biscop was her in engelonde |Bringe ous to þe Ioie of heuene þoru our lordes sonde
DIMEV 4763 (fols. 100r–104v)
Life of St Kenelm Incipit: Sein kenelm þe ȝonge kyng þat holi martir is |Kyng he was of engelond of þe marche of walis
Explicit: Nou god uor seynt kenelms loue is swete grace us sende |þat we mote to þulke Ioie þat he is Inne wende
DIMEV 4658 (fols. 104v–108r)
Life of St Margaret Incipit: SEynt Margarete was holi maide & good |Ibore heo was in antioch Icome of kunde blod
Explicit: Nou seynt Margarete þat holi maide we biddeþ aten ende |þat þu bidde uor ous þat we mote to þe Ioie of heuene wende
DIMEV 4688 (fols. 108r–112v)
Life of St Mary Magdalene Incipit: SEynt Marie magdaleyn þat god uor ȝef hire sunne |Lazare soster & martha In come of kynges kunne
Explicit: Nou seynt Marie Magdaleyn þat broȝte hire lif þus to ende |Bidde god þat we mote wiþ hire to þe Ioie of heuene wende
DIMEV 4707 (fols. 112v–116v)
Life of St Christina Incipit: SEyn Cristine þe holi þing as ic ȝou telle con |Holi lif ladde & clene & wel ȝou telle con
Explicit: Wiþ torment as ȝe haweþ ihurd & eiþ wounder monion |Nou god uor þe loue of hir ous bringe þuder echon
DIMEV 4574 (fols. 117r–120r)
Life of St James the Great Incipit: SEyn Iame þe apostel riȝt is to habbe In mone |Seynt Iones broþer þe euangelist & godes aunte sone
Explicit: Nou seynt Iame uor þe holi stude þat þu hast in galis |Help ous & alle þine pilgrims & bring ous to heuene blis
DIMEV 4620 (fols. 120r–122v)
Life of St Christopher Incipit: SEyn Cristofere was sarazyn In þe lond of canaan |In none stude bi is daie ne bond me so strong aman
Explicit: þus seynt cristofere atelaste þe herte lord out soȝte |Nou god ous bringe to þulke Ioie þat he is soule broȝte
DIMEV 4576 (fols. 122v–124v)
Legend of the Seven Sleepers Incipit: Seue sleparis were holi men as me haþ itold biuore |In þe site of ephese hi were alle ibore
Explicit: Nou god þat In þulke holi men so vair miracle sende |Bringe ous to þulke Ioie þat hor soule to wende
DIMEV 4816 (fols. 124v–127r)
Life of St Lawrence Incipit: SEyn Laurance good mon was & In strong martirdom |He endede anerþe is lif & to þe Ioie of heuene com
Explicit: Nou ihesus uor þe grete pine þat seynt laurence uor þe hadde |Bring ous to þulke Ioie þat þin angles him to ladde
DIMEV 4659 (fols. 127r–128r)
Life of St Hippolytus Incipit: Seyn Ipolit þe martir knyȝt was of gret honur |þat seynt laurence In person wuste þoru heste of þe emperour
Explicit: Nou bidde we ȝerne seynt Ipolit þat he our erande bede |þat god habbe mercy of ous & of alle þat habbeþ nede
DIMEV 4615 (fols. 128r–131r)
The Assumption of Our Lady Incipit: SEynte marie godes moder fram þe apostles nas noȝt |þo þe holi gost awitsoneday among hem was ibroȝt
Explicit: So þat heo was of sixti ȝer ar heo were henne Inome |Nou god ous grante uorþ wiþ hire to þe Ioie of heuene come
DIMEV 4703 (fols. 131r–134v)
Life of St Bartholomew Incipit: SEyn Berthelmeu þe apostel com of kynges blode |Sinþe uair man & noble he was of glad & suete mode
Explicit: Nou bidde we ȝerne seynt berthelmeu þat hei apostel is |þat þe raþer þoru is bone come to heuene blis
DIMEV 4547 (fols. 134v–136r)
Life of St Giles Incipit: Seyn gilis þe holi mon ne louede noþing sunne |At atteneis he was ibore he com of kynges kunne
Explicit: He deide seue hondred ȝer after þat god was ibore |& wende to þe Ioie of heuene þat he of seruede byuore
DIMEV 4605 (fols. 136r–137v)
Life of St Matthew Incipit: SEyn Matheu þe euangelist apostel he was iwis |Euangelist & eke apostel boþe he was & is
Explicit: Nou ihesus ȝeue ous grace þulke Ioie to wynne |Vor þe loue of seynt matheu þat is soule is Inne
DIMEV 4719 (fols. 137v–138r)
Life of St Justina Incipit: Seyn Iustine of heie men In antioch com |Wel ȝong heo louede on ihesu crist & turnde to cristendom
Explicit: Nou Ihesu uor þe suete loue of þe maide Iustine |& vor þe loue of ciprian schulde ous fram helle pyne
DIMEV 4655 (fols. 138r–139v)
Legend of St Michael Part I Incipit: Seyn Michel þe archangel & is felawes also |Beþ bituene god & ous to scewe wat we schulle do
Explicit: Nou god uor þe loue of seynt Michel ous let such lif lede |þat we mote to heuene come after þat we beþ dede
DIMEV 4732 (fols. 139v–141v)
Life of St Jerome Incipit: SEyn Ierom was swiþe good clerc & wis In alle þinge |Much he made of godes seruice þat men in chirch doþ singe
Explicit: þer Inne him burede is monekes þis was is lyues ende |Nou god ous bringe to þilke ioie þat is soule gan to wemde
DIMEV 4623 (fols. 141v–142v)
Life of St Leger Incipit: SEyn liger þat biscop was & holi mon Inouȝ |þoru is prechinge monion to our lord he dronȝ
Explicit: Nou god uor loue of seynt liger is suete grace ous sende |þat we after þisse lyue to þe Ioie of heuene wende
DIMEV 4660 (fols. 142v–149r)
Life of St Francis Incipit: SEyn Frances þe frere menour good mon was Inouȝ |In is ȝonghede marchaunt he was & to trewenesse dron
Explicit: & beþ þer boþe two In Ioie wiþþoute ende |Nou god uor loue of hem ous late þuder wende
DIMEV 4597 (fols. 149r–151r)
Life of St Faith Incipit: SEynte fei þe holi maide of suyþe heie men com |Swiþe ȝong In hire child hod heo turnde to cristendom
Explicit: Nou seynt Fei & hire felawes our ernde beode so |þat we mote to þe Ioie come þat hi beþ Inne ido
DIMEV 4595 (fols. 150v–151v)
Life of St Denis Incipit: SEyn denys was In þe olde lawe payn as oþer were |In þe cite of atteneis þer non oþer nere
Explicit: þer hi beȝut alle þre as monymen iseþ |God ȝeue ous part of þulke Ioie þat hi Inne beþ
DIMEV 4582 (fols. 151v–154r)
Legend of St Michael Part II Incipit: SEyn Michel In nouembre haþ ek anoþer day |Biuore þe feste of seynt Luc as ic ȝou telle may
Explicit: Vor þei hi out of helle be hi ne schulleþ so at route |þat hi þe bernynges of helle wiþ hem ne bereþ aboute
DIMEV 4731 (fols. 154r–155v)
Life of St Luke Incipit: SEyn Luc þe euangelist non apostel nas |Ac þe apostles he siwede & hor diciple was
Explicit: Nou bidde we seynt Ion & seynt Luc & hor felawes beie |þat hi bringe ous toward heuene In þe riȝte weie
DIMEV 4675 (fols. 155v–157v)
Life of St Frideswitha Incipit: SEynte ffredeswide was her of engelonde |At oxenford heo was ibore as ic vnderstonde
Explicit: þer haþ ibe uor hire loue ofte gret bonynge |Nou bidde we god uor hire loue þat he to heuene ous bringe
DIMEV 4598 (fols. 157v–160r)
The Eleven Thousand Virgins Incipit: Elleue þousend virgines þat vair companye was |Imartred were uor godes loue ichulle ȝou telle þat cas
Explicit: Nou god ous grante uor is grace þat we mote winne |þe heie Ioie of heuene þat þis maidens beþ Inne
DIMEV 1184 (fols. 160r–162v)
Lives of SS. Simon and Jude Incipit: SEyn Symon & seynt Iude twei breþeren were |Marie sones cleophe as oure bokes ous doþ lere
Explicit: þer seynt Symon & seynt Iude þe holi apostles tweie |Endede hor lif in martirdom & to heuene wende beie
DIMEV 4758 (fols. 162v–164v)
Life of St Quintin Incipit: SEyn Quintyn þe martyr of þe contreie was of rome |Vor godes loue he þolede much as he to heuene come
Explicit: Hi seie heuene openy þet aȝen In heo flei anon |Nou god uor þe loue of seynt qiutyne ous bringe þuder echon
DIMEV 4753 (fols. 164v–165v)
Life of St Alban Incipit: SEyn Albon þe holi mon was her of engelonde |Imartred he was uor godes loue þoru our lordes sonde
Explicit: Nou bidde we ȝerne seynt albon & ihesu crist wel uaste |þat we mote to þe Ioie come þat euer schal laste
DIMEV 4534 (fols. 165v–166r)
All Saints Day Incipit: Alle halwen day we holdeþ one tyme of þe ȝere |Vor uale enchesons holi chirch þerto ous gan lere
Explicit: Nou bidde we alle halwen to holde hor feste so |þat hi bringe ous to þulke Ioie þat hi beþ Inne Ido
DIMEV 333 (fols. 166v–169v)
All Souls’ Day Incipit: Alle soulen dai anerþe riȝt is to holde heie |Vor alle we sculle habbe neode þerto & alle schulle deie
Explicit: Nou ihesus þat ous dere boȝte þei we do ofte amys |Of oure soule haue mercy & bringe ous to heuene blis
DIMEV 362 (fols. 169v–172v)
Life of St Eustace Incipit: SEyn Eustas a noble knyȝt of heþene lawe was |Ac ar he were icristned men clupede him placidas
Explicit: Ipassed it was an hondred ȝer & twenti after þat god her com |þat eustas myd is wif & is sones þolede martirdom
DIMEV 4592 (fols. 172v–174r)
Life of St Leonard Incipit: Sayn leonard þe confessour alonde eode her |After þat god anerþe com aboute vif hondred ȝere
Explicit: Þe miracles þt he persones dude ne mai no tonge telle |Nou god schulde ous poru seint leonard fram prison of helle
DIMEV 4661 (fols. 174r–176r)
Life of St Martin Incipit: SEyn martin was ibore In þe lond of sabarie |Wel longe he was Inorised In þe lond of papie
Explicit: Vour score wynter he was old ar he deide also |Nou god ous ȝeue part of þulke Ioie þat is soule wende to
DIMEV 4699 (fols. 176r–177r)
Life of St Brice Rubric: seynt Brice
Incipit: SEyn brice wiþ seynt martin was is dekene anerþe here |To seynt martyn he was contrarious In eche manere
Explicit: Nou god uor þe gret a[ ] þat seynt brice hadde here |Grante ous to be vor is loue of pyne of helle skere
DIMEV 4569 (fols. 177r–184v)
Rubric: Edmond Confessour
Life of St Edmund, Archbishop of Canterbury Incipit: SEyn edmond þe confessour þet liþ at pounteneie |Of godemen & trewe com þei hi were noȝt wel heie
Explicit: Nou uor is loue we biddeþ god þat ous dere aboȝte |Bringe ous to þe heie blisse þat is soule to broȝte
DIMEV 4587 (fols. 184v–185v)
Life of St Edmund the King Rubric: Edmond kinge
Incipit: SEyn edmond þe kyng of wan we makeþ feste |Of þe on ende of engelond kyng was bi este
Explicit: Nou god uor þe loue of seynt edmond þat was so noble kyng |Grante ous þe Ioie þat he is Inne after our endyng
DIMEV 4588 (fols. 185v–188v)
Life of St Cecilia Incipit: SEyn Cecile of noble kunne ibore was at rome |Our lord crist heo louede wel ar heo fram cradel come
Explicit: Nou bidde we our suete lord uor hire holi martirdom |To bringe ous to þulke Ioie þat hire soule to com
DIMEV 4572 (fols. 188v–195v)
Life of St Clement Incipit: SEynt Clement was ibore at rome bi olde dawe |Of þe hexte men he com at rome þat were of þulke lawe
Explicit: þer is nou seynt clements chirch I mad wiþ qinte gynne |God ȝeue vs part of þulke Ioie þat is soule is Inne
DIMEV 4577 (fols. 195v–199r)
Life of St Katharine of Alexandria Incipit: SEynte katerine of noble kunne com bi olde dawe |Hire fader kyng hire moder quene boþe of olde lawe
Explicit: Nou ihesu crist vor þe suete loue of seynt katerine |ȝeue ous þe Ioie of heuene & schulde ous fram helle pyne
DIMEV 4656 (fols. 199r–202r)
Life of St Andrew Incipit: Seynt Andreu þe apostel was seynt Peters broþer |Our lord sulf to cristendom him broȝte & non oþer
Explicit: Nou bidde we seynt Andreu þat he ous so wisse |& bidde uor ous þat we come to heuene blisse
DIMEV 4540 (fols. 202r–208v)
Life of St Nicholas Rubric: seynte Nicholas
Incipit: SEyn Nycholas þe holi mon þat good confessour was |Icome he was of heie men In þe cite of patras
Explicit: Nou god þat for seynt Nichol such myracle hast ido |Schulde ous fram þe pyne of helle & fram dedlich sunne also
DIMEV 4737 The Conception of Mary and the Expanded Nativity DIMEV 4178 (fols. 208v–209v)
Prologue Incipit: Of Ioie & blisse is al my song kare to bileue | to herie him among þat al our sorwe schal reue
Explicit: þat swete bern our kunde boþe of flesch & felle |Of þe kunde of wan we come somwat ic mot telle
(fols. 209v–212r)
Incipit: A good mon þat men clupede isacar was bi olde dawe |In bedlehem þat doȝtren hadde two In þe olde lawe
Explicit: Ac naþeles þer wiþþoute me mai ifynde some |Ac ȝif god wole hi mowe amende ar hi to deþe come
(fols. 212r–214r)
Life of St Lucy Incipit: SEynte Lucie þat holi maide in cicile was ibore |Wel ȝong heo gan to seruy god & bileue sunne & hore
Explicit: þer heo is wiþ ihesu crist In Ioie wiþþouten ende |Nou god for þe loue of hire ous lete þuder wende
DIMEV 4663 (fols. 214r–219r)
Life of St Thomas the Apostle Incipit: SEynt Thomas þe gode apostel Imartred was in Inde |Of is lif we mote rede as we doþ In bok fynde
Explicit: Nou seynt Thomas þat In to Inde cristendom verst broȝte |Bringe ous to þe Ioie of heuene to wan our lord os boȝte
DIMEV 4767 (fols. 219r–220v)
Incipit: SEyn Anastace was ibore at rome bi olde dawe |Of swiþe heie men icome al of þe olde lawe
Explicit: & þe maner is to muche anerþe to lye lesinge |To þe Ioie of heuene þat heo is Inne godes ous bringe
DIMEV 4537 (fols. 220r–221r)
Life of St Stephen Incipit: SEyn Steuene was a wgiw & of giwes he com |þoru prechinge of þe apostles he turnde to cristendom
Explicit: In þulke chirch his holi bones were ido in scryne |Nou god for þe loue of seynt steuene vs saue fram helle pyne
DIMEV 4762 (fols. 222r–228r)
Life of St John the Evangelist Incipit: SEyn Ion þe euengelist þat apostel also is |His moder was our leuedi soster & seynt Iames broþer iwis
Explicit: Of ech halwe men fynd to soþe þat bodi bileuei here |Bote of our leuedi & seynt Ion þat maidens were so clere
DIMEV 4634 (fols. 228r–228v)
Life of St Oswald the King Incipit: SEynt Oswold þe holi kyng of þe on ende of engelonde |Kyng was as vel þulke tyme of norþhomblonde
Explicit: Nou seynt oswold þe martir so our ernde bede |þat god ous sende is swete help & alle þat halbe nede
DIMEV 4741 (fols. 228v–259r)
Life of St Thomas of Canterbury Incipit: ENgelond glad þu beo vor þu miȝt wel eþe |&al holi chirche also for one monnes deþe
Explicit: þei hi beo wel repentaunt as þis knyȝtes were ic wene |ȝut ne libbeþ hi niȝt half hor lif as hit was bi hem isene
DIMEV 1507 The ‘Harley text’.
(fols. 259r–260r)
The Translation of St Thomas of Canterbury Incipit: Seynt Thomas þis holi mon vnder erþe lai |Ar he ischrined were mony along dai
Explicit: Nou ihesu for þe swete loue þat seynt Thomas on þoȝte |Bringe ous to þulke Ioie þat he so dere abouȝte
DIMEV 4768 (fols. 260r–269v)
Life of St Edward the Confessor Incipit: SEyn edward þe gode kyng riȝt is to habbe in munde |Ibore he was in engelond Ichulle segge of wuch kunde
Explicit: So þat non ne deude þer of after him desturbinge |þe chirch he let halwy as [ ]childermasse dai||
DIMEV 4589 The final folios are fragmentary. G.E. Moore, The Middle English Life of Edward the Confessor (Philadephia, 1942), p. iii attempts to reconstruct their contents.