MS. Canon. Pat. Lat. 113
Summary Catalogue no.: 19099
Capitula list
Numbered i–xix, but two capitula appear after each of ‘xi’, ‘xiii’, ‘xiiii’, and ‘xix’; in the text itself the numbering reaches ‘xxiii’, as normal.
Capitula lists precede each of the ten books, which start on fols. 4r, 15r, 25, 35r, 43r, 54r, 64r, 77r, 88v, and 95r.
Fol. 75 is a replacement leaf, 12th century.
A bifolium in quire 10 (fols. 86 and 89) is bound out of place: fol. 86 should follow fol. 83, and fol. 89 should follow fol. 91. The lower right corner of fol. 83v has a note ‘causas atque insidias per saltu duo folia et inveniens cum tali signum î’, and the upper left corner of fol. 86r, which begins with the words ‘causas atque insidias’, has the same sign. All except the last leaf of the following quire is missing, from ‘... orationem et obsecrationem ac postulal- ||’ to ‘|| iugitate cuncta quę secundum deum ...’ (edn. p. 260 l. 21 to p. 279 l. 10).
Following the end of the text are two added pairs of verses in small 13th-century script:
‘Equor erit siccus cum pauper habebit amicum / Hoc si contigerit bos citharedus erit’ (Walther, Proverbia, no. 625)
‘Nummus in ab⟨b⟩atum cameris retinet dominatur / Nummus ubi loquitur Tullius ipse tacet’ (Walther, Proverbia, nos. 19217 and 19190)
Greek words and phrases appear within the text at e.g. fols. 22r, 32r, 47v.
Physical Description
Blind-ruled for 30–31 lines (except for fol. 75, ruled in plummet). Ruled space c. 225-30 × 150 mm.
Proto-gothic, apparently by several scribes, some of whom contribute very short passages e.g. fol. 55, the last two lines; fol. 56v, in the middle of the page; 57v, last three lines.
Sketch drawings of Christ Crucified, perhaps 13th-century (unfinished: one foot, and the Cross, are absent) (fol. 2r), head with halo (fol. 40r), and a wyvern(?) (fol. 42v); unfinished sketch, fol. 16r.
Vegetal initials, the first with red and silver (oxidized) (fols. 2v), some with a red ground (fols. 34r, 42r), others drawn in outline in red or brown ink (fols 4r, 22v, 23r, 34r, 60r, 61v).
Most initials in plain red, 1 to 3 lines high, sometimes with yellow wash.
18th- or early 19th-century Italian binding, of rough black leather, the covered framed by triple gilt filets, the spine with a red leather title-piece lettered in gilt capitals ‘Cassiani | Collation | Libr | Co. mem. | perantiq’ (cf. MS. Canon. Misc. 575 et al.).
Provenance and Acquisition
The text and punctuation fairly extensively altered/corrected.
Marginalia by at least one 15th-century hand (fol. 50r); a note about the misplaced bifolium by another (fol. 83v)
Matteo Luigi Canonici, 1727–1805: source of acquisition unknown; not from Jacopo Soranzo.
Purchased by the Bodleian in 1817. Former Bodleian shelfmarks: ‘Pat Lat. 113’ (fol. ir).
MS. Canon. Pat. Lat. 113 - endleaves (fols. 1, 110)
Language(s): Latin
Cap. LXXIII (De sancto spiritu)
Cap. XXX (De sancto Julino) – XXXI (De septuagesima)
Physical Description
Two columns of 57 lines, of which part of one column is missing. Column dimensions c. 270 × 80 mm.
Gothic bookhand
Additional Information
Record Sources
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)
Online resources:
Printed descriptions:
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2021-06-07: Description fully revised for Polonsky German digitization project.