A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Canon. Pat. Lat. 188

Summary Catalogue no.: 19174


Language(s): Latin

Haimo of Auxerre, Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles to Romans and Corinthians
(fols. 1r–2r)

Argument and prologue

Rubric: In Christi nomine incipit expositio super epistolas Pauli ⟨quarum prima est⟩ ad Romanos
Incipit: Corintho civitate metropoli Achaię regionis Grecorum scripsit apostolus Paulus Romanis hanc epistolam
Explicit: eorumque fama in omnium hominum resonabat ore.

PL, cxvii, 361–64; Stegmüller, Bibl. 3101

(fols. 2r–75r )


Rubric: Incipit epistola B. Pauli apostoli ad Romanos. In vigilia nat. domini.
Incipit: Paulus servus Ihesu Christi de nomine apostoli iam superius dictum est
Explicit: que per totum yextum huius epistolę ab eo scripta sunt.
Final rubric: Explicit ad Romanos

PL, cxvii, 366–508; Stegmüller, Bibl. 3101

(fols. 75v–121v)

I Corinthians


Rubric: Incipit argumentum epistolę primę ad Corintheos
Incipit: Precepto domini salvatoris admonitus apostolus Paulus venit Corinthum
Explicit: & reliquos confirmare.
Rubric: Incipit epistola prima ad Corintheos
Incipit: Paulus apostolus vocatus Ihesu Christi per voluntatem dei subauditur patris. De nomine Pauli
Explicit: vel vera sint omnia superius a me memorata.
Final rubric: Explicit epistola prima.
PL, cxvii, 508–606; Stegmüller, Rep. Bibl., no. 3102
(fols. 121v–149v)

II Corinthians


Rubric: Ad Corintheos incipit argumentum IIª epistolę
Incipit: Apostolo recedente a Corinthiis cum audisset eos seductos a pseudo apostolis
Explicit: hortaturque proficere semper eos ad meliora.
Rubric: Incipit epistola secunda ad Corintheos
Incipit: Paulus apostolus Ihesu Christi. Ex hoc satis iam in superioribus dictum est
Explicit: & communicatio id est societas & coniunctio spiritus sancti cum omnibus vobis sub(audis) sit. Amen, fiat ut diximus.

In the incipit ‘Christi’ is a variant of the usual XPC Christogram: ‘XPYCTI’.

PL, cxvii, 605–68; Stegmüller, Rep. Bibl., no. 3103.

Rubrics throughout include indications of feast days for the Temporale, Sanctorale, and Common, e.g. ‘Dom. VIII post Pentecosten’ (fol. 34r), ‘Dom. IIII post Pentecosten’ (fol. 35r), ‘In nat. S. Andree apostoli’ (fol. 44v), ‘In dedicatione ęcclesię’ (fol. 82v), ‘De martyribus’ (fol. 87r).

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: idolorum de istis
Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: i (modern paper) + 149 + 1 + i (modern paper) + inserted slip (fol. 11b)
Dimensions (leaf): 320 × 215 mm.
Foliation: i, 1–11a, 11b, 12-151 (foliation of i, 11b, 151 completed June 2021)


1–18 (8), 19 (6-1, presumably last blank cancelled); quire signatures throughout, sometimes original (or later 12th century?) (fols. 8v, 88v, 112v, etc.) .I. – .XVIII.


Blind-ruled, the prickings preserved, for 33 lines per page. Ruled space 255 × 150 mm.


Late Caroline. Diples to mark quotations are usually in the margins as usual, but sometimes written above the relevant words (e.g. fol. 92v)

Rubrics in rustic capitals.


A large vegetal initial drawn in orange, partly infilled in red, and against a ground of yellow wash, at the beginning of each biblical book (fols. 2r, 75v, 122r) and a small one to the argument to II Cor. (fol. 121v) (Pächt and Alexander iii. 1298, pl. CXVIII).

Elsewhere plain red initials.


Medieval, German: thick wood boards, bevelled; brown leather tooled simply with blind lines on covers and spine; traces of two strap-and-pin fastenings, running from back cover to centre front, and of 4+1 circular bosses on each cover, all lost; ; (later?) parchment title-label at upper centre of front cover, with medieval ink lettering (cf. MS. Canon. Pat. Lat. 172). Spine stamped with 19th-century gilt lettering and later re-laid onto new reback leather, 20th century, Bodleian. 322–324 × c. 210 × c. 70 mm. (book closed).


Origin: 12th century, beginning ; German, South

Provenance and Acquisition

Numerous 12th-century corrections, marginal additions, ‘Nota’ marks, etc.

12th-/13th-century name ‘Engelbertus …’ (fol. 149v), ‘A Engelb’ (fol. 150r).

Unidentified 14th/15th-century German library: apparently from the same library as MS. Canon. Pat. Lat. 172: although the bindings and the hands of the title-labels are different, the labels have the same format: two letters of the alphabet in red to the left, and a two-line summary of contents in black, with main words underlined in red.

Matteo Luigi Canonici (1727–1806), Jesuit and bibliophile of Venice; from whom his manuscripts passed to his brother:

Giuseppe Canonici (d. 1807), and on the latter’s death to their nephew:

Giovanni Perisinotti, from whom over 2,000 were:

Purchased by the Bodleian in 1817

MS. Canon. Pat. Lat. 188, fol. 150r–v


A former pastedown formed of a waste leaf (with blank spaces for coloured initials) from a 12th-century liturgical manuscript

Language(s): Latin

A short prayer to St Felix (14 January)
Incipit: ⟨D⟩a quesumus omnipotens deus ut sicut beatus Felix donis tuis extitit gloriosus
Readings from the life of Marcellus (16 January)
Incipit: ⟨T⟩empore quo illo in Maximianus rediens de par⟨t⟩ibus Affrice
Explicit: Et ego semper hoc optavi verun- ||
BHL, ii, no. 5234

Physical Description

Form: sheet
Support: parchment
Extent: 1 leaf
Dimensions (leaf): 290 × 185 mm.


26 lines, written space c. 200 × 140 mm.


Late Caroline.


Spaces for initials.


Origin: 12th century ; Germany

Additional Information

Record Sources

Description by Peter Kidd (June 2021). Previously described in the Quarto Catalogue.

Digital Images

Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)


Last Substantive Revision

2021-06-11: Andrew Dunning Revised with Peter Kidd description.