MS. Ashmole 790
Summary Catalogue no.: 7429
Physical Description
Fine initial. Index written by Thomas Wason, monk of Glastonbury, prior in 1493, fol. 202. (Pächt and Alexander iii. 1078)
Provenance and Acquisition
Glastonbury, Somerset, Benedictine Abbey of Saint Mary the Virgin: Index by "Thomas Wason' monachus Glastonie" on fols. 202r–209r; fols. 190r–201r also in his hand; cf. Laud Misc. 128. (MLGB3: evidence from contents and from an inscription of ownership).
Given by Ric. Tycheburn to Paul Robinson in 1651. According to SC 27593 & Oxford, CCC, 314, Robinson gave the MS. to the Bibliotheca Sangregoriana at Douai on 15 July 1651 (see inscription). "E. Ashmole 18 Nov. 1673". (MLGB3)
Record Sources
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (1 image from 35mm slides)
Online resources:
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2021-12-14: Add provenance information from MLGB3.