A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

Christ Church MS. 99

Historical miscellanies, including Geoffrey of Monmouth, Bede’s Ecclesiastical History, the Secreta secretorum etc; Innocent III, De sacro altaris mysterio; England, s. xiiiex (I); s. xiii / xiv (II); s. xivin (III); s. xiv2/4 (IV); s. xiiiin (V)

Physical Description

Comprising five originally separate MSS, all on parchment (the 3rd and 5th HSOS, the others FSOS)
Form: codex
Extent: Fols: i + 260 + i; both flyleaves former pastedowns
Dimensions (leaf): 265 × 175 mm.



White leather over wood, the leather much torn, s. xiv. Sewn on four thongs taken straight into the board, as in Pollard’s Figure 4. Four grooves in both boards for straps and clasps, the two central ones longer; also, at the centre of the leading edge of the upper board, a recess for a decorative strap seating; two nail holes left by its clasp at the centre of the lower board. Stubs of nails, 25mm apart, from a chain staple in Watson’s position 4: there is no close parallel for such a staple among the institution’s other manuscripts, suggesting that this is evidence of its existence prior to arrival (see Appendix I). A ChCh bookplate on the original front pastedown, of medieval parchment, now raised (fol. i). This leaf, but not the rear pastedown, is reused, with accounts (s. xiv1) covering the recto, and (arranged by day) at the centre of the verso; the recto is much rubbed.


Provenance and Acquisition

All five parts were clearly bound together early, and this is confirmed by the presence of one early reader’s large annotating script (s. xiv) written in pencil in both the third and the fourth sections (fol. 95v and fol. 188v). The volume appears to have been in an institutional collection: as the chain-staple mark is not in a ChCh style, it is presumably medieval. The only other indication of the earlier history of the manuscript is ‘Thomas Paine’ (or ‘spaine’), with a few pentrials and three lines of notes on the calendar (the raised rear pastedown, s. xv). There are also two erasures, one at top of fol. 137v, and the other in the outer margin top of fol. 191v; they are not fully recoverable under UV but were clearly written by the same person using a secretary script and writing in English.

As this manuscript was not included in Thomas James’ Ecloga, it presumably arrived after that work’s publication in 1600 but it was certainly in the collection by 1676, when it is listed in the catalogue as ‘A.4’ (see Appendix I); that shelfmark which appears in the volume itself, at the verso of the opening flyleaf. That the volume seems not to have been chained at ChCh suggests it arrived after the practice of chaining manuscripts stopped, that is, after the 1630s. It is not clear whether the seventeenth-century annotations that appear in the first half of the manuscript, showing antiquarian interest particularly in the Historia ecclesiastica (fol. 1v, 11v, 20, 21, 22, 26v-27v, 62, 71 – 73, 77, 80, 81, 82, 84, 117, 118, 135v, 137, 143v), predate the volume’s arrival at Christ Church, though it must be said that they do not seem to relate to marginalia in other ChCh manuscripts.

The 1676 shelfmark is now cancelled and replaced with ‘F.16’, entered in Edward Smallwell’s hand, thus relating it to the New Library Catalogue though, in fact, it does not have an entry there (see Appendix IV).

Manuscript I = fols 1–42


Language(s): Latin

1. Fols 1ra-42ra
Rubric: Incipit prologus in Gestis bruti et ceterorum regum britannie
Incipit: Dum mecum {m}ulta et de multis pius animo reuoluens historia britannie inciderem ... Britannia insularum optima in occidentali occeano inter galliam et yberniam sita
Explicit: editum in honore predictorum principum hoc modo in latinum sermonem transferre curauj
Geoffrey of Monmouth, Historia regum Britanniae

Sharpe no. 334 [127], ed. Michael D. Reeve, with translation by Neil Wright (Woodbridge, 2007). The manuscript has been previously described, Julia C. Crick, The Historia regum Britannie of Geoffrey of Monmouth 3 A Summary Catalogue of the Manuscripts (Cambridge, 1989), 249–51 (no. 160); its place in the tradition is outlined by Reeve in his edition (xlv, and cf. xl).

Fol. 42 has been cut down to the single column width, its verso blank.

Added text, in anglicana, s. xiv in.:


An exemplum (?) in which a master attempts to regulate a king’s eating habits (fol. 42, in the blank page foot, running across the full leaf, now half cut away and expunged at the opening).

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: troas reuersus
Form: codex
Support: Parchment
Extent: Fols: 42


112 214 316. No catchwords or signatures.


In double columns, each column 190 × 65+ mm. mm, with 9mm between columns, in 40 lines to the page (below top line).

Some signs of full pricking; bounded and ruled in brownish ink or crayon, the lines crossing the central reservation but not extending into the margin, and bounding lines extending to the edge of the page.


Written in gothic textura quadrata.

Punctuation by low point and punctus elevatus.


On the opening leaf, three blue lombards, unflourished; that for the incipit six lines, with a crude added face inside. In the first few leaves, the text is divided by some red paraphs and red-slashed capitals, along with alternate one-line red and blue lombards. Thereafter the blanks for these (and all blanks for headings) are unfilled.


Origin: England; s. xiiiex

Manuscript II = fols 43–50


Language(s): Latin

2. Fols 43–46
Incipit: In ciuitate Romana sunt quinque ⟨ecclesie⟩ que patriarthales dicuntur videlicet Ecclesia sancti iohannis latranensis
Explicit: Archiepiscopatus colocensis qui dicitur Bodo nullum habet suffraganeum
Final rubric: Explicit liber qui dicitur prouincialis In quo nu(mer)antur omnes patriarche Metropolitani Archiepiscopi cum eorum suffrageneis qui subsunt sacrosancte Romane Ecclesie
‘Liber provincialis’

More or less identical with the text in BodL, MS Lyell 17, fols 54va-58vb; and BL, MS Arundel 220, fols 266va-76vb; cf. the similar texts ed. Aubertus Miræus, Notitia episcopatvvm orbis Christiani (Antwerp, 1613), 65–93; and Henry R. Luard, Matthaei Parisiensis . . . Chronica majora, RS 57/6 (1882), 449–61. From the foot of the first page, presented as five-column lists of churches.

3. Fols 46v-50v
Incipit: Qvoniam scire tempora summorum pontificum Romanorum ac imperatorum necnon aliorum contemporaneorum
Explicit: quam romanis seruire uellent Ipsa autem ciuitas continuis xxvij.||
Martin of Troppau, Chronicon pontificum et imperatorum

Kaeppeli no. 2974 [3:114, 118–23], ed. Ludwig Weiland, MGH scriptores 22 (1872), 397–405, breaking off in a.u.c. 602, and more fully as item 11 below (from a different MS).

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: ⟨A⟩nuensis (fol. 44)
Fols: 8
Last verso rubbed
Form: codex
Support: Parchment
Extent: Fols: 8
Dimensions (written): × mm.


: 48. No catchword; fols 45–46 signed ‘1 3’ and ‘1 4’.


Writing area: 210 × 115 mm. , except for fol. 43v-46, where the list, arranged in five columns, has maximum width of 145mm. 49 lines to the page, usually (apart from fols 43v-46) in long lines.

Signs of full pricking throughout; the bounds and rules have faded away.


Written in gothic textura semiquadrata.

Punctuation by point, punctus elevatus, and virgula..


At the opening of item 2, a large blue lombard with red flourishing, extended into a demivinet of red penwork with blue highlights. At the opening of item 3, a five-line red lombard with a dog inside in black penwork and with ochre wash. The text is divided by red paraphs; two-line unflourished red lombards introduce index entries. Chapter numbers in text ink in the margins, and two-line unflourished red lombards at chapter openings.


Origin: England; s. xiii/xiv

Manuscript III = fols 51–115


Language(s): Latin

4. Fols 51ra-113va
Rubric: Incipit prephatio uenerabilis Bede presbiteri in libro ecclesiastice historie gentis anglorum
Incipit: (prologue) ⟨G⟩loriosissimo Regi Ceolwlfo Beda famulus christi et presbiter in domino salutes Historiam gentis anglorum ecclesiasticam quam nuper edideram
Rubric: [fol. 52ra, the text] Incipit liber primus
Incipit: (text) ⟨B⟩Ritannia occeani insula cui quondam albion nomen fuit inter septemtrionem et occidentem locata est germanie
Explicit: grata credideram diligenter annotare curam apud omnes fructum pie intercessionis inueniam Amen Qui scripsit uiuat in pace et qui legat letetur in aeternum
Bede, Ecclesiastical History of the English People

Ed. by Bertram Colgrave and R. A. B. Mynors (Oxford, 1969), 2–570, with a final paragraph displaced from the end of the preface (ed. cit. 6), marking it as a member of a group within the c-family of manuscripts, the group being discussed by the editors at lvii-lix (our manuscript at lviii). Between the prologue and text, a table of the chapters in Book 1 (fols 51ra-52ra), as at the openings of the other books.

5. Fol. 114ra-va
Incipit: ⟨D⟩Ilectissimo in christo lectori Cuthwino Cuthbertus condiscipulus In deo eternam salutem Munusculum quod misisti multum libenter accepi
Explicit: quod multa narrare possum de eo sed breuitatem sermonis inerudicio lingue facit
Cuthbert, Epistola de obitu Bædæ

Sharpe no. 212 [94], ed. Colgrave and Mynors, 580–86, the explicit a sentence before the end of the full text. Space is left for the rubricated title at fol. 114ra, with the required wording provided at the lower edge of the page, in anglicana, contemporary with text: ‘Incipit epilogium de obitu eximi doctoris bede qui girwmensis monasterij presbiter extitit doctorque precipuus’.

6. Fols 114va-15vb
Incipit: ⟨I⟩n nomine domini nostri ihesu cristi beatus Augustinus a beato gregorio romane urbis episcopo ad predicandum genti anglorum in britanniam missus . . . [fol. 115rb] ⟨S⟩anctus Albanus prothomartir anglorum iuxta locum qui uocatur wetlingacester requiescit quod est iuxta
Explicit: ⟨S⟩ancta Merewenna abbatissa in loco qui dicitur Rumesige prope amnem taerstan requiescit
‘Resting-places of the saints’

With annals of the Kentish royal family preceding the menologium, a Latin translation, probably made at St. Augustine’s Abbey, Canterbury, s. xi med., from the Old English text now fully extant only in Cambridge: Corpus Christi College, MS 201, pp. 147–51; see Des Heiligen Englands. Angelsächsisch und Lateinisch, ed. F. Liebermann (Hanover, 1889), 2–20 (even pages). The scribe represents w by the Anglo-Saxon letter wynn. Space is left at the top of fol. 115rb for the rubricated title, with the required wording provided at very top edge of the page: ‘He sunt notaciones de sanctis in anglia p[at]ria requiescunt’.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: De Augustinus (fol. 52)
Form: codex
Support: Parchment
Extent: Fols 65


512 (one added after last as fol. 63) 6–812 910 104 (with two added after last as fol. 114–15, a bifolium, with its gutter sewn to precede leaf 1, fol. 110). Catchwords (one in the gutter, fol. 109v); one possible signature (fol. 99v), in crayon ‘iij’.


In double columns, each column 200 × 68 mm. , with 9 mm between columns, and 42 lines to each column.

Pricking visible in the final quire only; bounded and ruled in brown crayon (occasionally in black ink); bounding lines extend to the edge of the page.


Written in gothic textura semiquadrata, by two scribes, the second taking up at fol. 80va, and the first filling blank leaves at the end of the book with items 5–6.

Punctuation by point and punctus elevatus (both scribes).


Headings and chapter numbers in red. All spaces for initial capitals unfilled. The text is divided by red-slashed capitals (none after the chapter index for book 3, fol. 71va, and thereafter only sporadic blanks filled). On fols 57–63, a patch of unflourished blue two-line lombards at chapter openings and alternate one-line red and blue lombards with additional red-slash on following capitals at sentence openings.


Origin: England; s. xiv in

Manuscript IV = fols 116–225


Language(s): Latin

7. Fols 116–37
Rubric: [in top margin] Incipiunt secreta secretorum Aristotilis ad Magnificum Regem Alexandrum
Incipit: (prologue) Domino suo excellentissimo in cultu religionis cristiane strenuissimo Gwydoni vere de valencia Ciuitatis Tripolis glorioso pontifici Philippus suorum Minimus clericorum seipsum et fidele deuocionis obsequium Quanto luna ceteris stellis est lucidior et solis radius
Incipit: (prologue) [fol. 116v, a second prologue] Deus omnipotens custodiat Regem nostrum gloriam credencium et confirmet regnum suum ad tuendam legem
Incipit: (text) [fol. 117, the text] Filij karissime et gloriosissime imperator iustissime confirmet te deus in vita cognoscendi et in semita veritatis et virtutis
Explicit: tibi dant diuersa signa et aduersa declina semper ad meliorem et probabiliorem partem Completus est tractatus de signis et moribus naturalibus hominum ad regem magnificum Alexandrum qui dominatus fuit toto orbi dictus Monarchia In septemtrione
Final rubric: Explicit liber Aristotilis de Secretis secretorum siue de regimine principum vel Regum siue dominorum
Ps.-Aristotle, Secreta secretorum (tr. Philip of Tripoli)

PAL no. 81 [54–75], this copy unnoticed; see Hiltgart von Hürnheim Mittelhochdeutsche Prosaübersetzung des “Secreta Secretorum”, ed. Reinhold Möller (Berlin, 1963) 1–2, 14–164. A table of contents appears between the second prologue and the opening of the text proper on fol. 116v. On the text, see M. A. Manzalaoui, ‘Philip of Tripoli and his Textual Methods’ in W. F. Ryan and Charles B. Schmitt ed., Pseudo-Aristotle, The Secret of Secrets: Sources and Influences (London, 1982), 55–72.

8. Fols 137–39
Rubric: Disputacio magistralis inter Ducem et philosophum de hominis cotidiana concepcione Intencio philosophi
Incipit: Cvm sit homo animal racionale mortale ex corpore et anima constans sed quamuis corpus
Explicit: [fol. 139] Virtus igitur est in hoc loco possibilitas in menbris constituta quod suum est perficiens Naturaliter Mulier solum animal menstruale est cuius cruoris tactu fruges non germinant
Guillaume de Conches, Dragmaticon philosophiæ (excerpt)

6.7.1–12.1/5, ed. I. Ronca, CCCM 152 (1997), 203–18. Ronca refers to our manuscript at lxi, following its notice by A. Vernet, ‘Un rémaniement de la Philosophia de Guillaume de Conches’, Scriptorium, 1 (1946–47), 243–59 at 256; succeeded, without break (at ‘Naturaliter Mulier’ above), by an additional paragraph, Isidore of Seville, Etymologiæ, 11.1.141–42, ed. W. M. Lindsay, 2 vols (Oxford, 1911), unpaginated.

9. Fols 139–40v
Rubric: Incipit tractatus Aristotilis de quatuor humoribus
Incipit: Elementum est simpla et minima pars corporis compositi Elementa ergo quatuor sunt
Explicit: usque ad terciam diei quia illa pars diei calida est et humida sicut et sanguis
eTK 0496J

With corrections at PAL no. 79 (54); discussed and partially translated from Oxford: St John’s College, MS 178, fols 39–41v, by Lynn Thorndike, ‘De Complexionibus’, Isis, 49 (1958), 398–408 at 406–8.

10. Fol. 140v
Rubric: Enplastre qest apele grace dieu
Incipit: Lenplastre qest apele grace dieu et par la resoun qele est plus dume qe humeyne
Explicit: tant qele seit refreydi e apres il seient reseruy a bon vs e en sauue garde etc.
Medical recipe in French

Cf. the similar Anglo-Norman example for this popular salve, Tony Hunt, Three Receptaria from Medieval England, Medium Ævum Monographs ns 21 (Oxford, 2001), 69.

Language(s): Anglo-Norman
11. Fols 141–96v
Rubric: [in the outer margin in the scribal hand] Incipit cronica fratris Martini penitenciaris domini pape et capellani R
Incipit: [text on line] ⟨Q⟩uoniam scire tempora summorum pontificum romanorum ac Imperatorum necnon et aliorum patrum ipsorum contemparaneorum . . . [fol. 149, the papal chronicles] [A]nno lxijº. Octauiani augusti natus est Iesus cristus filius dei in bethleem iude
Explicit: confouendo prestauit stipendia et animauit ad suscepta negocia sollicite prosequenda
Martin of Troppau, Chronicon

See item 3 above, ed. Ludwig Weiland, MGH scriptores 22 (1872), 397–482. At fols 149v-50, the text splits into two parallel portions, the popes presented on the versos, the emperors opposite on the rectos, with a catchword at the foot of each page to connect the texts. The emperors end at fol. 194 (with bottom half of folio blank), and the text includes the ‘Continuatio pontificum’ to Honorius IV in 1285.

12. Fols 196v-99rb
Incipit: ⟨A⟩lienum est omne quicquid optando euenit | [A]b alio expectes alteri
Explicit: ⟨Z⟩elum de deo habeas non contra homines | Zelari autem hominibus viciosum est
Publilius Syrus, Sententiæ

With medieval interpolations, the original text ed. Wilhelm Meyer (Leipzig, 1880), 17–59. In at least two copies, where the text is (as very frequently) ascribed to Seneca, rubrics claim that ‘Ebrardus versibus explet’ and thus associate this version with Évrard de Bethune. See Max Manitius, Geschichte des lateinischen Literatur des Mittelalters, 2nd edn, 3 vols (Munich, 1973), 3:751, 1070. For some other English copies, see Oxford: All Souls College, MS 3, fol. 10v (Watson, All Souls, 6 [*B (vii)]); BL, MSS Royal 7 A.iii, fol. 113; and Royal 8 E.xvii, fol. 26 (followed, as in our MS, by other proverb collections); Cambridge: Pembroke College, MS 103, fol. 61 (the fragmentary explicit only). In double columns, as are the following two texts.

13. Fols 199rb-200va
Rubric: [in margin] Cycero
Incipit: Iste sunt occultaciones insidie quam hee que latent in similitudine officij aut in aliquo necessitudinis nomine
Explicit: quicquid modum excesserit vicium est Nichil facias quod fecisse peniteat

A group of proverbs/sententiæ from various authors. It follows immediately on from item 12 and item 14 follows it with no break.

14. Fols 200va-201vb
Incipit: Animus alatus et fidens esse debet et super omnia rectus Animum debes mutare non celum
Explicit: [fol. 201vb] Vix quamquam inuenies qui possit aperto hostio viuere Vir bonus cum latronibus tutus est. Malum est consilium quod mutare non potest

Another set of proverbs, this set arranged alphabetically, with seven further examples, out of alphabetical order at end.

15. Fols 202–9v
Incipit: ⟨F⟩actum est autem in anno quinto decimo Imperij tiberii cesaris Imperatoris Romanorum et herodis filij herodis regis
Explicit: Direxi potestati uestre omnia que gesta sunt de ihesu in pretorio meo valete
Gospel of Nicodemus

Ed. H. C. Kim, Toronto Medieval Latin Texts 2 (Toronto, 1973), 13–50.

16. Fols 209v-11v
Incipit: Hanc pilatus claudio direxit adhuc uiuentem tiberio Imperatore licet grauissimo laborante langore
Explicit: Dominus autem salutem contulit credentibus in se quia ipsum credimus dei filium Qui cum patre [form ending]
‘Cura sanitatis Tiberii’

Ed. Ernst von Dobschütz, Christusbilder: Untersuchungen zur christlichen Legende, TU 18/2 (1899), 163**-89**. Cf. the descriptions of the French translations/derivations, Alvin E. Ford, La vengeance de nostre-seigneur: The Old and Middle French Prose Versions: The Cura Sanitatis ..., Studies and Texts 115 (Toronto, 1993), 7–18, 27–34. This item follows the preceding without even a line break. The lower third of fol. 211v is blank.

17. Fols 212–25v
Incipit: ⟨I⟩n urbe bizantea fuit quidam qui nominis sui famam volens extendere
Explicit: et fame coram populo inuenit nomen grande iuxta nomen misericordie que sunt in terra
Miracles of the Virgin

A series of thirty-three miracles of the Virgin, with cropped titles in the margins. The great majority are probably taken, in text order, from Vincent of Beauvais, Speculum historiale 7.81–118, ed. Speculum quadruplex, 4 vols (1624, rep. Graz, 1964–65), 4:250b-65b, and most listed in Albert Poncelet, ‘Miraculorum B. V. Mariae quæ sæc. VI-XV latine conscripta sunt index postea perficiendus’, Analecta Bollandiana 21 (1902), 241–360 (where, for example, our first miracle is no. 875). The contents are not entirely dependent upon Vincent, however, and may derive, as do several other collections, from the ‘magnum Mariale’ he cites as his source. Cf. the exhaustive descriptions of Reims: Bibliothèque municipale, MS 1400 at Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France 39, 2, i (1904), 558–62, and of BL, MS Additional 15723 at H. L. D. Ward, Catalogue of Romances in . . . the British Museum 2 (London, 1893), 624–34. The blank foot of the final leaf now is filled with notes on calendar dates (esp. of biblical events) and medical recipes, in a contemporary, but less formal, anglicana.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: grecorum (fol. 117)
Form: codex
Support: Parchment
Extent: Fols 110
Dimensions (written): 212 × 135 mm.


11–198 2010 214 [to fol. 201, a production boundary] | 22–248. No catchwords or signatures.


In long lines, 38 lines to the page (for items up to and including 14, above top line).

Full pricking visible in the earlier quires; bounded and ruled in lead, with double horizontal bounding lines, the height of the top two lines, extending to the edges of the page.


Written in anglicana (frequent textura r), by a scribe called ‘Syrg[en]ham’: the name is written, rubricated, at fol. 139, below the last line of text of item 8 and above the title of item 9; it is lightly erased but partially recoverable under UV.

Punctuation by point only, unfilled double virgulae left as instructions for a parapher.


Headings in red. To item 8, at the openings of the texts and their parts, two- and three-line unflourished red lombards. The texts are divided by red paraphs. From item 9, only marginal instructions for headings, spaces for two-line capitals unfilled.


Origin: England; s. xiv2/4

Manuscript V = fols 226–60


Language(s): Latin

18. Fols 226ra-60ra
Rubric: Incipit prologus in librum de missarum officiis editum a domino Innocencio papa tercio
Incipit: (prologue) Tria sunt in quibus precipue lex diuina consistit Mandata Promissa et Sacramenta...
Rubric: [fol. 226rb] Explicit prologus. Incipit liber Innocencii pape tercii de pontificali et sacerdotali officio et ecclesiasticis indumentis siue ornamentis. Et de sacramento misse et canonis expositione Capitulum primum.
Incipit: Cum apostolice sedis antistes celebriter agit missarum sollempnia sex habet secum ordines clericorum
Explicit: ipsius expositionis leuior pateat intellectus totum continue censui subscribendum
Final rubric: Explicit tercia particula Innocencii pape de expositione canonis
Innocent III, De sacro altaris mysterio

Ed. PL 217:773–916. At fol. 256ra an exposition of the Pater Noster, cited separately as Bloomfield no. 8386. Fol. 260rb-vb was originally blank.

Added text, in textura, s. xiii med.:

b. Fol. 260rb-vb
Incipit: ⟨L⟩aborem in ludum uertit fructus consideracio Si consideremus quam fructuosum sit theologie
Explicit: Si ad tante remuneracionis gloriam respicias labor tibi non solum erit non difficilis uerum eciam fiet delectabilis
Alexander, prior of Canons Ashby, Comprehensio historiarum ueteris et noui testamenti (prose prologue only)

Sharpe no. 94 [47–48]; WIC 10062, unprinted. The prologue as presented here continues beyond that provided at Cambridge: Corpus Christi College, MS 83, fol. 9–10v; the explicit also differs in York Minster, MS XVI.Q.14, fol. 55v.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: optinent (fol. 227)
Form: codex
Support: Parchment
Extent: Fols 35


25–278 2812 (wanting last). No catchwords or signatures.


In double columns, each column 213 × 55–60 mm. , with 12mm between columns, in 54 lines to the page.

Prickings visible at very edge of folios; bounded and ruled in brown crayon (a few leaves lead); triple horizontal bounding lines for top and bottom lines, and all bounding lines extend to the edge of the page.


Written in gothic textura quadrata (above top line).

Punctuation by point and punctus elevatus.


Headings in red. At textual divisions, two-line alternate red and blue lombards, with flourishing of the other colour, only in quire 27; in quire 28, the lombards are alternate red and green and unflourished. Inconsistent use of red ink for liturgical lemmata, and some columns divided in two to enable glossing of the texts cited.


Origin: England; s. xiiiin

Additional Information

Record Sources

Ralph Hanna and David Rundle, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Western Manuscripts, to c. 1600, in Christ Church, Oxford (Oxford, 2017).


For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Christ Church Library.

Digital Images

Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)

Last Substantive Revision

2017-07-01: First online publication.

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