A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Aubrey 31

Summary Catalogue no.: 6543


Book of Hours, Use of Sarum
Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment


School of the Master of Edward IV. (Pächt and Alexander i.368, pl. XXVIII)

Good miniatures partly defaced.

Good borders.

Good initials.


Brown leather on boards, 16th-cent. English work.


Origin: 15th century, end ; Flemish (made for England)

Provenance and Acquisition

The volume belonged to, and may have been written for, William Appulby, principal of Durham college 1404–9 (fol. 2).

It probably remained at Durham college and passed thence into the possession of Margaret Pope (d. 1538), the second wife of sir Thomas Pope, the founder of Trinity College, Oxford.

Obits of the Pope family are in the calendar. Other names that occur are Walter Bettis of Wetterden (16th cent.), Robert Dichingley, Aug. 1, 1567, Thomas Heyford, Matthew Porter (early 17th cent. fol. 217v), Edmund Knyvet (fol. 219v), Margaret Southwell (mid-17th cent., fol. 220v), and James Beltso, Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1660 (fol. 218).

After 1660 it was acquired by John Aubrey, and given by him to the Ashmolean in 1688 . Fol. 1 has "1660 Pretium 3s.".

Given by Aubrey to the Ashmolean in 1688 (inner front cover).

Record Sources

Summary description based on the Summary Catalogue (1937). Decoration, origin and date follow and supplementary sources

Digital Images

Digital Bodleian (8 images from 35mm slides)


    Printed descriptions:

    S. J. P. van Dijk, Latin Liturgical Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, vol. 4: Books of Hours (typescript, 1957), p. 143

Last Substantive Revision

2024-02: Correct support description.