MS. Auct. D. 1. 13
Summary Catalogue no.: 2098
Language(s): Latin
Epistles of St. Paul with gloss 'pro altercatione'.
The order of the Epistles is the usual one. Fols. 137–44 are repeated on fols. 145–54, each set being an 'xviii'th quaternion. Preceded by:
Two prologues
Incipit: Primum queritur quare
Incipit: Romani sunt qui ex Iudeis
A general account of st. Paul, fol. iv
Incipit: Saulus dictus a saule quia superbus
A theological piece (fol. ii, cf. v)
Incipit: Per ipsum est tibi omnis honor
Physical Description
Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: vi + 154 leaves
Dimensions (binding): 11.875 × 8 in.
Somewhat discoloured by damp almost throughout.
Stamped white sheepskin (about 1602) over older boards, injured and re-backed. Original sewing.
Provenance and Acquisition
Exeter Cathedral: identifiable in the catalogue of 1506 (MLGB; G. Oliver, Lives of the Bishops of Exeter (1861), p. 368).
Presented by the dean and chapter of Exeter in 1602.
Record Sources
Description adapted (May 2020) from the following sources:
Otto Pächt and J. J. G. Alexander, Illuminated Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, III (1973), no. 130 [decoration, binding, origin, date]
Summary Catalogue (1922) [contents, physical description, provenance and acquisition]
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (7 images from 35mm slides)
Online resources:
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2020-05-18: Description revised to incorporate all information in SC and Pächt and Alexander.