A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. D'Orville 158

Summary Catalogue no.: 17036

Former shelfmark: Auct. X. 1. 5. 11

Horace, glossed in Latin and Old High German, with texts on logic, music and mathematics; Flanders (?) or Germany (?), 11th century, second half


Language(s): Latin

1. (fols. 1r-31v)
Horace, Odes
Rubric: Q. Horatii Flacci Liber Carminum […]
2. (fol. 32r)
Publilius Syrus, Sententiae
Rubric: Publii sententię lepidę et ad communem usum accommodatissimę
Incipit: Beneficium danda accepit qui digno dedit
Explicit: sine periclo uincitur

13 lines only; contemporary addition

3. (fols. 32r, margin, and 32v)
Incipit: Omne iustum bonum est. | Nullum bonum malus est.

A transcription by Iwakuma Yukio is available at https://www.s.fpu.ac.jp/iwakuma/TrMss/OxfordD'Orville158Tr1.html

Contemporary addition.

4. (fols. 33r-39v)
Horace, Epodes
Rubric: Incipit Epedon ad Mecenatem
5. (fols. 39v-40r)
Horace, Carmen saeculare
Rubric: […] Incipit Carmen Seculare ad Apollinem & Dianam
6. (fol. 40v)
Incipit: Asteriscus id est stella ponitur ubi deest. Oboclus[sic]
Explicit: rem similemque esse sequentem

Contemporary addition.

7. (fols. 41r-42v)

A transcription by Iwakuma Yukio is available at https://www.s.fpu.ac.jp/iwakuma/TrMss/OxfordD'Orville158Tr1.html

(fol. 41r-42r)
Incipit: Quotiens igitur a genere dicitur argumentum
Explicit: loci separentur argumentorum. Hęc sufficiant […]
(fol. 42r)
Incipit: Maxima propositio de toto. Quibus aliquorum diffinitio iungitur
Explicit: Maxima propositio de maiore. Quod iure maiore ualet ualeat in minore.
(fol. 42r-v)
Incipit: Talis unaquęque debet esse diffinitio quę ex substantialibus communitatibus coniuncta
Explicit: posterioris conditionis.

Contemporary addition.

8. (fols. 43r-51v)
Horace, Ars poetica
Rubric: Quinti Horatii Flacci Liber incipit De Arte Poetica
9. (fols. 51r-87v)
Horace, Satires
Rubric: Explicit liber poeticus. Incipit Sermonum liber 1
10. (fols. 88r-114r)
Horace, Epistles
Final rubric: Quinti Horatii Flacci explicit opus
Hermannus Contractus
(fol. 114r)
Incipit: ⟨Ter tria iun⟩ctorum sunt interualla sonorum
Walther 19212
(fol. 114r)
Incipit: ⟨E e uoces⟩ unisonas equat s. semitonii distantiam

Contemporary addition; both printed in M. Gerbert, Scriptores ... de musica, II (1784),149-150

12. (fols. 114v-116v)
Incipit: Logica est diligens disserendi ratio

A transcription by Iwakuma Yukio is available at https://www.s.fpu.ac.jp/iwakuma/TrMss/OxfordD'Orville158Tr2.html; described there as "treatise on loci, heavily dependent on inCicTop, partly on DT."

Contemporary addition.

13. (fols. 117r-119v)
Adalberon of Laon
Rubric: Epistula Adalberonis Laudunensis episcopi Fulconi Ambianensi episcopo sub dialogo directa
Incipit: Multarum res amicitiarum

With marginal gloss, extensive in places.

Ed. G. A. Hueckel, 'Les poèmes satiriques d'Adalbéron', in Mélanges d'histoire du Moyen Âge (1901). It is not clear if this piece should be considered as a contemporary addition or as integral with the Horace.

14. (fols. 120r-121v)
Treatise on monochord (eTK 0880L)
Incipit: Monochordum diuisurus tres primum magodas
Explicit: diapason probatur reddere

Also in MS. Lyell 57, fol. 6r.

Contemporary addition.

15. (fol. 122r)
Incipit: nosse cupit ratione questio
Explicit: genus accidens aut proprium

A transcription by Iwakuma Yukio is available at https://www.s.fpu.ac.jp/iwakuma/TrMss/OxfordD'Orville158f.122r.html.

Contemporary addition.

16. (fol. 122r-v)
Fulbert of Chartres
Incipit: Multi rethores uocantur
Explicit: quę[sic] uult aduersio
The Letters and Poems of Fulbert of Chartres, ed. Frederick Behrends (1976), no. 152

Contemporary addition.

17. (fols. 122v-126v)
De minutiis
Incipit: Duo calci faciunt unum ceratem
Incipit: Cum passione contraria
ed. N. Bubnov, Gerberti Opera Mathematica (1899), 228-44, with prologue (228 n. 4) (also found in MS. Lyell 57), breaking off imperfect at 'si autem' (239.21).

Contemporary addition.

Extensive contemporary marginal and interlinear glossing and scholia for the Horace, in Latin; five glosses in Old High German (fols. 6v, 8v, 51r, 70v interlinear, fol. 80r marginal as part of a Latin gloss.

Language(s): Latin and Old High German

14th-century (e.g. fols. 119v) and 15th-century annotations in several hands, of Italian appearance, in Latin and (e.g. fol. 39v) Greek.

Language(s): Latin and Greek

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: ii (paper) + 126 + ii (paper)
Dimensions (leaf): 182 × 132 mm.
Foliation: i-ii, 1-128


1(8)-4(8) (fols. 1-32), 5(10) (2 and 9 are half-sheets) (fols. 33-42), 6(8) (3 and 6 are half-sheets) (fols. 43-50), 7(8)-14(8) (fols. 51-114), 15(repaired, probably a bifolium, fols. 115-16), 16(10) (fols. 117-126), [leaves lost]


Typically 29 long lines; ruled space for main text c. 150 × 95 mm. , double vertical bounding lines, with a wide margin (c. 30 mm.) to accommodate gloss.


Caroline minuscule by more than one hand.


Initial, fol. 43r, mermaid (horse's (?) neck with human face joined to a fish's tail) (Pächt and Alexander i. 267, pl. XVIII).

Logical diagram, fol. 116v.

Sketches, 15th(?) century, fol. 39v.


Plain parchment over pasteboards, 18th century.


Origin: 11th century, second half ; Flemish (?), Mosan (?) ; or Germany (?)

Provenance and Acquisition

The manuscript has been variously localized. Pacht and Alexander, perhaps on art-historical grounds (based on the initial, fol. 43r) suggested the Mosan, and were followed by Hunt, Gibson (1982, 'probably from the region of Liege'), and Munk Olsen. For the suggestion of Laon (perhaps based on the text by Adalbaron of Laon) see refences cited by K. Siewert, Die althochdeutsche Horazglossierung (1986) at 333 n. 3012. The dialect of the German glosses has been variously described (see BStK) as 'mitteldeutsch', 'westmitteldeutsch', 'oberdeutsch', 'alemannisch'. Features of the script (notably /us/ ligature, 'h' shaped /z/, /a/ and /i/ in ligature below the line) are suggestive of an origin in southern Germany.

In Italy probably by the 14th century, as indicated by annotations; Hunt compared the hand of later humanistic annotations to that of Janus Parrhasius (-1522).

Jacques Phillippe D'Orville of Amsterdam (1690–1751); acquired by him in Italy (see MS. D'Orville 302).

Jean D'Orville, b. 1734, his son, by descent.

Jean D'Orville, son of Jean, by descent.

Sold to the Rev. John Cleaver Banks (1765/6–1845): purchased from him by the Bodleian.

Acquired by the Bodleian in 1804. Previous shelfmark Auct. X. 1. 3. 18.

Record Sources

Summary description by Matthew Holford, August 2022. Previously described in the Summary Catalogue.

Digital Images

Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)


Last Substantive Revision

2022-08: Description revised for publication on Digital Bodleian.