MS. D'Orville 77
Summary Catalogue no.: 16955
Cicero, speeches and philosophical texts; Macrobius, Commentarii in Ciceronis Somnium Scipionis; etc. Southern Germany, late 10th or early 11th century
Language(s): Latin
Fol. 20v blank. Fols. 16v-20r have an enlarged writing area, probably to ensure that the text did not overshoot the quire.
Quires 4-middle of 7, Scribe B
Remainder of quire 7, scribe A
Quires 8–15, mostly scribe B
Remainder of quire 15, scribe B
Lambert 323; PL 30.213–5.
III.xix, xx.3–4, xxi.3 (beg.), 4, 6, xxi.8, 9–10, 14, 11.
II.i.14–25, text differing from item 9.
Formerly one volume with MS. D'Orville 95: see below.
Physical Description
1 col., 30 lines. Ruled in hard point with quires 1–3 ruled after folding (sometimes once on each side) and pricked in both margins. Written space c. 184–6 × 111–13 mm. ; fols. 16v-20r, c. 184 × 134 mm.
MSS. D'Orville 77 and 95 were written by four main scribes in caroline minuscule: A, B, see above and MS. D'Orville 95 quires 16–17; C, MS. Orville 95, quire 18; D, MS. D'Orville 95, quires 19–20. MS. D'Orville 77 fol. 57r1–4, 12–20 are by an assistant of scribe B.
Good interlace initials, fols. 1v, 53r, 56v; smaller initials in red, fols. 21r, 56r.
Macrobian mappa mundi, fol. 100r.
Diagrams of musical instruments.
Standard D'Orville binding of smooth brown leather, mid-18th century.
Former chained binding (MS. D'Orville 77, fols. 96v-97r, rust stains from a chain).
Provenance and Acquisition
Formerly one volume with MS. D'Orville 95 (note the contents list on MS. D'Orville 77, fol. 1r, and similarities in script, decoration and format); still one volume in 1746 (see below).
Exact origin and medieval provenance not known: textual affiliations with Munich, BSB Clm 6369 possibly from Friesing.
Isaac Verburg of Amsterdam (1680–1745): together with MS. O'Orville 95 this was Oratores et Rhetores in Quarto no. 486 in the auction-catalogue of his books, Amsterdam, 1746 (Bibliotheca Verburgiana ..., p. 68)
Jacques Phillippe D'Orville of Amsterdam (1690–1751); bought at Verburg's sale: see the catalogue of D'Orville's collection by C. J. Strackhoven (18th century, second half), MS. D'Orville 302, fols. 20r, 21r. Separated from the present MS. D'Orville 77 by the time of that catalogue.
Jean D'Orville, b. 1734, his son, by descent
Jean D'Orville, son of Jean, by descent
Sold to the Rev. John Cleaver Banks (1765/6–1845): purchased from him by the Bodleian.
Acquired by the Bodleian in 1804. Previous shelfmark Auct. X. 1. 3. 18.
Record Sources
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)
Digital Bodleian (6 images from 35mm slides)
Online resources:
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View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2020-12-01: New description after Barker-Benfield for Polonsky German digitization project