MS. Auct. D. 1. 7
Summary Catalogue no.: 2629
Physical Description
Form: codex
Support: parchment
Good initials. (Pächt and Alexander iii. 186)
Provenance and Acquisition
Exeter, Devon, Cathedral church of St Peter: "Hunc textum duorum ewangeliorum. Luce videlicet et Johannis legavit Hugo archidiaconus Tanton' Deo et Ecclesie beati Petri Exon'. ut proprietas ipsius sit ecclesie, usus vero pauperum scolarium. Si quis contra venerit. incidat in sententiam oxoniensis concilii contra testamentorum impeditores editam. Amen." (Hugo d. between 1219 and 1244). (MLGB3: evidence from an ex-libris inscription or note of gift to an institution).
Record Sources
Summary description abbreviated from the Summary Catalogue (1922). Decoration, localization and date follow Pächt and Alexander (1973).
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2021-12-14: Add provenance information from MLGB3.