MS. Digby 102
Summary Catalogue no.: 1703
Poetic miscellany including Piers Plowman (C text) and the ‘Digby poems’
Physical Description
Ruled in pencil. Written in 30–40 long lines, ruled space 190 × 150 mm.
Horobin (2010) argues that the manuscript is the work of a single scribe working over several stints, ‘a clerk working for the Brewers’ Guild during the opening decades of the fifteenth century.’
Standard Digby binding (Delisle type I). Clasps missing.
Decorated with Digby’s arms, surrounded by wreath, with legend ‘INSIGNIA KENELMI DIGBY EQVITIS AVRATI ✠’.
Provenance and Acquisition
Pen trials, early 16th century (fol. iii recto).
Rebus, ‘R A E O’ (?) and ‘I’ (?) (fols. 97v, 139v); ‘R’ (fol. 128r), 16th century?
Thomas Allen; Allen/Digby inventory ‘A·139’ (fol. 1r).
Kenelm Digby (inscribed, fol. 1r).
Donated to the Bodleian, 1634.
MS. Digby 102, fols. 1–97b
Language(s): Middle English with Latin
Begins at Passus II, line 159.
DIMEV 2460Blank.
Physical Description
Initials in blue, flourished with red penwork.
Rubricated; verse divisions marked in red. Stanzas separated with paraphs alternating between blue and red.
MS. Digby 102, fols. 98–141
Language(s): Middle English with Latin
Barr, The Digby Poems (Exeter, 2009) and Verheij (2012) argue for a single author of fols. 98r–127v as ‘a Westminster Benedictine monk, not a member of parliament but a royal Chancery clerk’.
Later addition, written in different ink and with a separate decoration scheme.
Added note on the afterlife
Pen trials
Added medical notes
Pen trials
Physical Description
Initials in blue, flourished with red penwork. From fol. 136r onwards the initials are outlined in black ink.
Rubricated; verse divisions marked in red.
From fol. 136r onwards new psalm verses begin with a red initial.
Additional Information
Record Sources
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (1 image from 35mm slides)
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2021-11-30: Andrew Dunning Revised with consultation of original.