A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Digby 13

Summary Catalogue no.: 1614


Marbod of Rennes, De lapidibus
Language(s): Latin
Albertus Magnus, De mineralibus (bk. ii)
Language(s): Latin
Language(s): Latin and Anglo-Norman
Instituta Cnuti
Language(s): Latin
Macer, De uiribus herbarum
Language(s): Latin
Ps.-Henry of Huntingdon, De herbis variis
Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment


Good border on fol. 1 added, 13th century, end, to MS. of the 12th century. (Pächt and Alexander iii. 485)


Origin: 12th century; added decoration, 13th century, end ; English

Provenance and Acquisition

Canterbury, Kent, Benedictine cathedral priory of Holy Trinity or Christ Church (?) : Mark "GE" at top right corner of fol. 1r. Later at Dover, q. v. (MLGB3: inferred evidence).

Dover, Kent, Kent, Benedictine priory of St Mary the Virgin and St Martin; cell of Canterbury cathedral priory: script of fols. 23-39 suits Christ Church Canterbury. Farm accounts (s. xiii: ? Dover) on flyleaves at end. Epitaph of William, prior of Dover, ? de Dovoria (or de Staunford), prior 1229-35. ‘9J. IIII Lapidarius Monachorum ... muscis expositum corpus ... 93 ... 3’ (at foot of fol. 3r, of which "muscis expositum corpus" are the opening words). ‘: 9J : IIII :’ (on flyleaf (fol. iii verso) above table of contents. Medieval catalogue, BM1.415 (MLGB3: inferred evidence).

Kenelm Digby, 1603–1665

Donated to the Bodleian, 1634.

Record Sources

Summary description abbreviated from the Quarto Catalogue (W. D. Macray, Bodleian Library Quarto Catalogues IX: Digby Manuscripts, repr. with addenda by R. W. Hunt and A. G. Watson, 1999). Decoration follows Pächt and Alexander (1973).


Last Substantive Revision

2021-12-14: Add provenance information from MLGB3.