MS. Digby 179
Summary Catalogue no.: 1780
, Quadripartitum (with the commentary of Haly ibn Ridwan, both in the Latin translation by Aegidius de Tebaldis) Language(s): Latin
, Quadripartitum (tr. Plato of Tivoli. Text added by Simon Bredon in the margins of item 1) Language(s): Latin
, Quadripartitum (Latin translation by William of Moerbeke; ed. from this MS. by Gudrun Vuillemin-Diem and Carlos Steel, eds., with the assistance of Pieter De Leemans. Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos in the Translation of William of Moerbeke: Claudii Ptolemaei Liber Iudicialium, Leuven University Press, 2015) Language(s): Latin
Physical Description
Form: codex
Support: parchment
Origin: 14th century
Provenance and Acquisition
Oxford, Oxfordshire, Merton College: Marginalia in hand of Simon Bredon. A copy of the work was in his bequest to Merton (Powicke, Books of Merton, no. 383, pp. 84, 142) but since 2 o folio is not cited there the identification is uncertain. (MLGB3: evidence from the style of script or illumination).
Donated to the Bodleian, 1634.
Record Sources
Summary description abbreviated from the Quarto Catalogue (W. D. Macray, Bodleian Library Quarto Catalogues IX: Digby Manuscripts, repr. with addenda by R. W. Hunt and A. G. Watson, 1999).
Online resources:
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2021-12-14: Add provenance information from MLGB3.