A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Digby 180

Summary Catalogue no.: 1781

Physical Description

Composite: fols. 1–29 || B || C || D


Provenance and Acquisition

Kenelm Digby, 1603–1665

Donated to the Bodleian, 1634.

MS. Digby 180 – Part 1


Thomas of Siena, Life of St. Catherine of Siena (recensio nova)
Incipit: Licet commendabiliter
Final rubric: Capitulum ponendum immediate post legendam abbreviatam beate Katerine de Senis, in quo capitulo per processum dicte legende et scripturarum in eadem expressarum evidenter deducitur quantum et a quibus dicta virgo sit devote invocanda, veneranda et extollenda, necnon qualiter sit ymitanda et quasi sicud approbata tenenda
ed. E. Franceschini (Milan, 1942), 3-181, including added chapter at 192-4. BHL 1704c

Followed by the final sermon as found in Rome, Bibl. Casanatense, MS. 427, see E. Franceschini, Leggenda minore di S. Caterina de Siena (Milan, 1942), 53-4.

Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: larum siue
Form: codex
Support: paper


2 cols.


Good historiated initial, attributed by C. Huter to Cristoforo Cortese. Belongs to a group of MSS. of the life of St. Catherine with the same iconography. (Pächt and Alexander ii. 444)


Origin: 15th century, beginning (c. 1410–20) ; Italian, Venice

MS. Digby 180 – Part 2


Richard of Wallingford, Exafrenon prognosticationum temporis
Incipit: Ad perfectam noticiam judiciorum artis astrologie
Explicit: ad pristinam se transtulit paupertatem

On fol. 39v is an astronomical rule.

MS. E in edition by North, Wallingford I.179-243 and see II.89-91

eTK 0056J
Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: ad solsticiam
Form: codex
Support: parchment


2 cols.


Origin: 15th century ; English

MS. Digby 180 – Part 3


Life and miracles of St. Jerome
Incipit: II beato messere santo Ieronimo sechondo chedice nella fine duno suo libro titulato De viris inlustribus

Final miracle is the resuscitation 'duno maestro barbato'.

Language(s): Italian

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: studiare
Form: codex
Support: paper


Origin: 15th century ; Italian

MS. Digby 180 – Part 4


(fol. 80v)
Alchemical recipes

Preceded by alphabetical index.

Rubric: Maniere de luter grossement tres necessaire
Rubric: Pour donner entree dissouldre et faire fondre tous metaux a la flambe dune chandelle
Language(s): Middle French

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: ou plus
Form: codex
Support: paper


Origin: 15th century ; French (?)


Thomas Allen (ex libris, fol. 79g; his MS. 59 in folio, cf. fol. 80)

Additional Information

Record Sources

Description adapted (2022) from the following sources with reference to published literature as cited:
W. D. Macray, Bodleian Library Quarto Catalogues IX: Digby Manuscripts, repr. with addenda by R. W. Hunt and A. G. Watson, 1999).
Otto Pächt and J. J. G. Alexander, Illuminated Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library Oxford, II (1970), no. 444

Digital Images

Digital Bodleian (1 image from 35mm slides)


Last Substantive Revision

2022-09: Revised to incorporate all information in printed catalogues.