A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Digby 89

Summary Catalogue no.: 1690


Language(s): Latin

John Ergome's commentary on the prophecies of 'John of Bridlington', incorporating the text of the prophecies; printed in T. Wright, Political Poems and Songs I (1859) 123–215.

John Ergome, Commentary on prophecies of 'John of Bridlington'
Rubric: Exposicio prophetie Brydelyngton (fol. 1r, 15th cent.)
Incipit: (prologue) (fol. 1r) Venerabili domino et mira magnitudine excellendo temporali predito potestate
Incipit: (prophecy) (fol. 3v) Febribus infectus requies fuerat michi lectus
Incipit: (commentary) (fol. 3v) Istis igitur preambulis premissis ad expositionem littere est procedendum
Final rubric: (fol. 55r) Explicit expositio super versus prophetiales cuius auctoris nomen in prologo occultatur
(fol. 1r)

Dedicatory letter to Humphrey de Bohun.

(fol. 1r)
Rubric: Incipit tria preambula
(fol. 2r)
Incipit: Circa secundum preambulum
(fol. 3r)
Incipit: Circa tercium preambulum
(fol. 3v)

⟨Dist. i.⟩

(fol. 18r)
Rubric: Incipit secunda distinccio huius prophetie
(fol. 34r)
Rubric: Incipit tercia distinccio huius prophetie

Added texts:

(fol. 55v)
Incipit: Mater virgo pia tauri memor esto maria

A line from John of Bridlington's prophecy (dist. ii, cap. 2), not in Wright's edition, noted as lacking on fol. 20v, with a cross-reference to this folio.

(fol. 55v)
Incipit: Cedent cerdones calones centuriones

Eight lines from John of Bridlington's prophecy (dist. ii, cap. 2), found only in some manuscripts: see M. J. Curley in Medieval Studies (1984), pp. 326–7 n. 20 (giving the text). Noted as lacking on fol. 20v, with a cross-reference to this folio.

(fol. 55v)
Rubric: Prophecia H(er)merici ab origine mundi 6585. annus est h(er)men' in historia Almann' sicud Merlinus in historia Britonum prophetizat
Incipit: Lilium regnans in nobiliori parte mundi

Differs considerably from the version printed in The Last Age of the Church by John Wyclyffe, ed. J. H. Todd (1840), pp. lxxxiv-v.

(fol. 55v)
Incipit: Ter tria lustra tenent cum semi tempore sexti
Explicit: Hinc terrena supernit[sic] sanctus super ethora sandit[sic]

Six lines; differs in many readings from the text printed in L. Coote, Prophecy and Public Affairs in Later Medieval England (2000), p. 32.

(fol. 56r)
Rubric: Visio domini Thome de Wodesstok quo⟨n⟩dam ducis Glocystrie que reuelabatur sibi parum ante mortem
Incipit: In domino confido morte dira nunc pereo
Explicit: non longe dies eius diem venerare memento
(fol. 58v)
Incipit: Grana molenda gerit moyses legem tribuendo
Explicit: Granum lex vetus est et lex moderna farina

Four lines.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment


c. 30–34 lines.


Spaces for initials left empty.

Additions: Marginalia on fol. 20v indicating missing text.


Origin: 14th century, last quarter ; English

Provenance and Acquisition

Wrongly included in Dated and Datable Manuscripts in Oxford Libraries, no. 423, as 1361 × 1376: the evidence adduced (that events before 1361 are referred to in the past tense, events after 1376 in the future tense) relates to the date of the text rather than the manuscript. The terminus a quo is c. 1362–4, when the commentary was written (M. Curley, 'The Cloak of Anonymity and the 'Prophecy of John of Bridlington'', Modern Philology 77(4), 361–369).

'Liber ma(gist)ri Tho(m)e Lyseux decani s(an)c(t)i Pauli' (fol. 1r, cf. fol. 58v)

Thomas Allen, no. 58 in the quarto section of his catalogue.

Kenelm Digby.

Donated by him to the Bodleian, 1634.

Record Sources

Description adapted (2017) with corrections from W. D. Macray, Bodleian Library Quarto Catalogues IX: Digby Manuscripts, repr. with addenda by R. W. Hunt and A. G. Watson, 1999).

Digital Images

Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)

Last Substantive Revision

2017-07-01: First online publication.