MS. Douce 229
Summary Catalogue no.: 21803
(fols 1-6v)
, Calendar (DIMEV 2863-2) Incipit: O ihesu lord, for thi circumsision, | In the beginnynge of the newe iere, | Kepe me ever from alle confusion, | When that I shal stonde at myn answere.
Explicit: saue us fadre with oute flech thi word| for seint Siluester loue atte ende last end
Rhyming calendar, each line fitting into the place of a day in the framework of an ordinary calendar. Fifty-one stanzas rhyme royal and concluding 8-line stanza (ababbcbc)
(fol. 8)
, In manus tuas (DIMEV 2684-2) Incipit: [IN] to thi handes lord y betake my soule | Whom thou boughtest with thi bytter passione...
Explicit: Into thi handes lord y betake my soule. | Whom thou boughtest with thi bytter passione, | Assoile me for Marie and John, for seint Peter and Paule, | And all thyne holie seintes supplicacione. | And, be vertue of thi woundrefull ascencione, | Save me froo peyne and fro the fende, | And bryng me to blisse that never shal end.
Language(s): Middle English
Physical Description
Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: xiii + 18 leaves. Fos i-xiii and 8-end are blank paper
Dimensions (binding): 6.375 × 4.375 in.
Provenance and Acquisition
'Richard Wynne' and 'Thomas Shepery' ('Sheaperdy'?) (16th century?), fol. 7
Bequeathed to the Bodleian in 1834
Record Sources
Description adapted (September 2024) by Stewart J. Brookes from the Summary Catalogue (1897) and the Catalogue of the Printed Books and Manuscripts Bequeathed by Francis Douce, esq. to the Bodleian Library (1840). Decoration, localization and date follow Pächt and Alexander (1973)
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2024-09-19: Description revised to incorporate all the information in the Summary Catalogue (1897) and other printed catalogues