MS. Duke Humfrey d. 1
Summary Catalogue no.: 2934
Physical Description
Good initials. (Pächt and Alexander ii. 697)
Seventeenth-century Oxford binding of reddish brown leather, with the arms of the University and its motto 'Sapientia. fælicitas' in gilt.
Provenance and Acquisition
2 o folio: 'non me'. Given to Oxford by Duke Humphrey in 1443/4, no. 75. Vickers, p. 426. (MLGB3)
Oxford, Oxfordshire, University: (MLGB3: inferred evidence).
'Anno Domini MDCXX° 8bris 30. Robertus Master LL: Doctor Cancellarius Episcopi Coven: et Lichfeild Oxoniensi Bibliothecæ Dono dedit & restituit hunc librum, olim ad Humphredum Ducem Glocestriæ pertinentem, vt videre est propria ipsius manu scriptum in vltima pagina huius Libri'.
Record Sources
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Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (7 images from 35mm slides)
Microfilm available in the open shelf collections in the Weston Library (R. Films 101)
Online resources:
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Last Substantive Revision
2021-12-14: Add provenance information from MLGB3.