A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Eng. poet. a. 1

Summary Catalogue no.: 3938

Summary Catalogue no.: 3939

Summary Catalogue no.: 3940

Summary Catalogue no.: 3941

Summary Catalogue no.: 3942

‘The Vernon Manuscript’: poetry and prose in Middle English and Anglo-Norman, c. 1390–1400; England (West Midlands?)


Summary of Contents: This manuscript, famously known as the Vernon manuscript, is an impressive book in every respect. Its imposing size equals the extent of its vernacular Middle English texts whilst its plentiful decoration and illumination serve to highlight its luxury status. An extensive collection of Middle English religious and didactic texts, the manuscript runs to over 350 items and has been termed a 'typical medieval one-volume library' by Görlach (1974, p. 102). The manuscript is thought to date from c. 1390.

Language(s): Middle English, Anglo-Norman and Latin. Scribe 1: Scribal dialect: Worcestershire. Linguistic Atlas Grid Reference: 378 262, LP 7670 (McIntosh, Samuels and Benskin 1986, p. 250). Serjeantson places the scribe of the Index (Scribe 1) into 'South Shropshire-South Staffordshire' area (1937, p. 227) Scribe 2: Scribal dialect: Worcestershire. Linguistic Atlas Grid Reference: 389 270, LP 7630 (McIntosh, Samuels and Benskin 1986, p. 249).

(fols. i-viii)

Supplementary quire (quire 1), by scribe A: index to the volume and Ailred of Rievaulx.

1. f. i ra-iii rb
Rubric: Here bygynnen þe tytles off the book þat is cald in latyn tonge salus anime and in englyhs tonge sowlehele'
Serjeantson 1937.
Language(s): Middle English
2. ff. iii va-viii ra
Aelred of Rievaulx, De Institutione Inclusarum (Middle English translation, IPMEP 478)
Rubric: Informacio alredi abbatis monasterii de rieualle ad sororem suam inclusam translata de latino in anglicum per thomam n.
Incipit: Nou let heere here and vnderstonde ententyflyche myne wordes whateuere heo be þat haþ fursake þis worlde
Explicit: to my savyour þat i abide and to my domesman þat i drede he wylle deuoytly preye for my mysdedes þat he and i mowe come to þat blisse þat i vnworþly haue spoken of quod nobis misericorditer concedat qui viuit et regnat in secula seculorum amen
Language(s): Middle English

F. iiiv (top) printed as frontispiece in Ayto and Barratt 1984.

Printed in Ayto and Barratt 1984.
(fols. 1–104)

‘Part 1’, quires 2–14: South English Legendary and related texts.

3. ff. 1r-6va
South English Legendary: Old Testament History (Life of Christ) (IMEV 3973)
Incipit: ...hit comeþ in my þouht þe muchele sor and sunne
Explicit: And so vr lord euere among nymeþ wreche of his soon

The beginning of this text is lost (initial only) due to the top inner corner of the leaf having been torn away.

Language(s): Middle English
4. f. 6va
Sayings of the Prophets (IMEV 213)
Incipit: Al þat þe prophetes tolden whylen in heore prophecie
Explicit: And alle þis oþere goode men and þe holy zakarie

Used as a headlink to the prologue of the Founding of the Feast of the Conception.

Language(s): Middle English
5. ff. 6va-7ra
Prologue to the Founding of the Feast of the Conception (IMEV 4173)
Incipit: Wolle ȝe witen whanne and hou þe fest schal ben iholde
Explicit: þat hit ne for leete
Language(s): Middle English
6. ff. 7ra-9rb
The Founding of the Feast of the Conception (IMEV 104)
Incipit: Now we beoþ in þe storie so fer icome wiþinne
Explicit: He loked hir as his ladie deore and what heo wolde hit was ido
Language(s): Middle English
7. f. 9rb
South English Legendary: Prologue/Banna Sanctorum (IMEV 2304)
Incipit: Now bloweþ þis newe fruyt þat late began to springe
Explicit: And fro on to oþur so arowe þe while þe ȝer wol leste
Language(s): Middle English
8. f. 9rb-va
South English Legendary: New Year's Day
Incipit: ȝeres day þe holy feste heiȝ day is and good
Explicit: þe day is good to holde heiȝe of men þat beþ wyse
Language(s): Middle English
9. f. 9va
South English Legendary: Epiphany (IMEV 3813)
Incipit: Twelfþe dai þe heȝe feste nobliche is to holde
Explicit: Wel ouhte we halewe þat ilke day and honoure also
Language(s): Middle English
10. f. 9va-c
South English Legendary: Life of St. Hilary (IMEV 2912)
Incipit: Seint hillare þe holi mon of aquitayne was
Explicit: Nou god for þe loue of hym vs bringe þider vchon. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
11. ff. 9vb-10va
South English Legendary: Lives of St. Wulstan (IMEV 3068)
Incipit: Seint wolston bisschop of wircestre was her of engelonde
Explicit: Nou god seene þat we mote wiþ him in þe ioye of heuene beo. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
12. f. 10va-b
South English Legendary: Lives of St. Fabian and St. Sebastian (IMEV 2896)
Incipit: Seint ffabian þrettene ȝer pope was in roome
Explicit: And to þe ioye of heuene from pyne he gon wende

Pope' crossed through.

Language(s): Middle English
13. ff. 10vb-11rb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Agnes (IMEV 2850)
Incipit: Seint agnes þe holy mayde wel sone heo bygon
Explicit: And wende to þe blisse of heuene afture hire muchele pyne
Language(s): Middle English
14. f. 11rb-vb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Vincent (IMEV 3067)
Incipit: Seint vincent in spayne was and to a cristene bisschop com
Explicit: þat we mote to heuene come and forȝif vs vre misdede. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
15. ff. 11vb-12rb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Julian Hosteler (IMEV 2950)
Incipit: Seint iulian goode herbigour of noble kuynde com
Explicit: þat vr lord vs lete vr sunne bete and heuene haue to mede. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
16. f. 12rb-vb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Blase (IMEV 2866)
Incipit: Seint blase wel clene lyf ladde wiþouten hore
Explicit: þat seint blase is inne ibrouȝt and þat we þerof ne misse. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
17. ff. 12vb-13rb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Agatha (IMEV 2839)
Incipit: Seint agace þat gode maide in cisyle was ibore
Explicit: þat we to þe ioye of heuene wiþ hire come mote. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
18. f. 13rb-va
South English Legendary: Life of St. Scholastica (IMEV 3052)
Incipit: Seint scolace þat holy mayde holy was of lyue
Explicit: Iburied at vr endyng day and to heuene flee. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
19. f. 13va
South English Legendary: Life of St. Valentine (IMEV 3066)
Incipit: Seint valentin þe martir good mon was inouh
Explicit: Now god for þe loue of hym vs bringe to þat ilke place. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
20. ff. 13va-14rb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Juliana (IMEV 2951)
Incipit: Seint iuliane com of heiȝe men as we fyndeþ iwrite
Explicit: Didde for vs þat we mote to þe ioye of heuene weende. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
21. f. 14rb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Matthias (IMEV 3026)
Incipit: Seint mathi apostel is as ȝe schule alle iwite
Explicit: þat we whenne we henne wende come to heuene blisse. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
22. f. 14rb-vb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Gregory (IMEV 2910)
Incipit: Seint gregori þe confessour in cisyle was ibore
Explicit: þat he bifore vr lord crist vr neode vndurstonde. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
23. f. 14vb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Longinus (IMEV 2960)
Incipit: Seint longius was a blind kniht þo God was don on þe roode
Explicit: Fforȝif vs vre misdedes her and bring vs to heuene also. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
24. ff. 14vb-15va
South English Legendary: Life of St. Edward the Elder (IMEV 2889)
Incipit: Seint edward þe ȝonge martir was kyng of engelonde
Explicit: To þe loue of heuene wiþ hem vs brynge þere. Amen amen
Language(s): Middle English
25. ff. 15va-16ra
South English Legendary: Life of St. Cuthbert (IMEV 2880)
Incipit: Seint cuthberd was ibore her in engelonde
Explicit: þorwh þe bone of seint cuthbert come þulke ioye to. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
26. f. 16ra-b
South English Legendary: Life of St. Benedict (IMEV 2861)
Incipit: Seint benet ladde holy lyf þat was so holy mon
Explicit: þat seint benet is inne in heuene þat we þerof ne misse. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
27. f. 16rb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Julian the Confessor (IMEV 2949)
Incipit: Seint iulian þe confessor ibore was at roome
Explicit: þat we whonne we henne wende come to heuene blisse. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
28. ff. 16rb-va
South English Legendary: Life of St. Bridget (IMEV 2871)
Incipit: Seint bride of wel heȝe men in to scotlonde com
Explicit: þat god haþ iordeyned þat lasteþ wiþouten ende. Amen

Short version.

Language(s): Middle English
29. ff. 16va-17rb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Oswald the Bishop (IMEV 3035)
Incipit: Seint Oswold was ibore heere in engelonde
Explicit: God lete vs to þe ioye come þer he is inne ibrouȝt. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
30. ff. 17rb-va
South English Legendary: Life of St. Chad (IMEV 2874)
Incipit: Seint chadde þe gode mon was her of engelonde
Explicit: Nou god for þe loue of seint chadde to þilke ioye vs bringe. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
31. ff. 17va-18va
South English Legendary: Life of St. Mary of Egypt (IMEV 2990)
Incipit: Seinte marie egipcian in egipte was ibore
Explicit: Nou god for þe loue of seint marie þider vs lete wende. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
32. f. 18va
South English Legendary: Feast of the Annunciation (IMEV 2989)
Incipit: Seinte marie day in lente among oþur dayes gode
Explicit: þat we mote come to þat ilke ioye þat he vs to brouhte amen
Language(s): Middle English
33. f. 18va
South English Legendary: Moveable Feasts/Septuagesima (IMEV 791)
Incipit: Festes meble þe beþe icleped fyue in þe ȝere
Explicit: Fforte leuen heore luþur sunnes þat heo wrouhten er
Language(s): Middle English
34. ff. 18va-19rb
South English Legendary: Lent (IMEV 1859)
Incipit: Now beoþ þer þreo hondred dawes and sixti in þe ȝere
Explicit: Bote heo beon wiþoute wraþþe oþur of dedly sinne
Language(s): Middle English
35. f. 19rb-va
South English Legendary: Easter (IMEV 3384)
Incipit: þe holy feste of aster comeþe after lenton anon
Explicit: þat he ȝaf to stronge deþe for vs vppon þe roode

Explanation of Easter.

Language(s): Middle English
36. f. 19va
South English Legendary: Ascension (IMEV 126)
Incipit: þe fourtiþe day þer afturward þat he aros from deþe to lyue
Explicit: Let vs vr sunnes bete her þe fend to ouercome. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
37. ff. 19va-24vb
South English Legendary: The Southern Passion (IMEV 483)
Incipit: Bifore six dayes of aster as a palmsone eue
Explicit: þat me stele hit not awey þat þey mihte vndurȝite
Language(s): Middle English
38. ff. 24vb-25ra
South English Legendary: Resurrection (IMEV 1546)
Incipit: In þe dawynge þe soneday as þe day gon springe
Explicit: And as mylde beo to sinfol men and ensaumple þerof toke

First part of the Southern Passion.

Language(s): Middle English
39. f. 25ra
South English Legendary: Appearance to Mary Magdalene (IMEV 2106)
Incipit: Marie magdalene erliche was iwent
Explicit: And wende euere þat vr lord weore awey ibore

Part of the Southern Passion.

Language(s): Middle English
40. f. 25ra-va
South English Legendary: Mary Magdalene (IMEV 2120)
Incipit: Marie wolde noȝt awey er heo wuste more
Explicit: Ffor as prest he is to forȝiue as mon is forte bidde
Language(s): Middle English

Part of the Southern Passion.

41. f. 25va-b
South English Legendary: Appearance on the road to Emmaus (IMEV 2647)
Incipit: Off vr lordes diciples þulke selue day tweye
Explicit: So wite hem from drede of þe gywes bote seint thomas one
Language(s): Middle English

Part of the Southern Passion.

42. f. 25vb
South English Legendary: Feria iiiª in ebdomada Pasche (IMEV 396)
Incipit: As late þulke selue dai in þe euenynge atte laste
Explicit: And hose sunnes ȝe wiþ holdeþ wiþholde þer worþe also
Language(s): Middle English

Part of the Southern Passion.

43. ff. 25vb-26ra
South English Legendary: Appearance to Thomas (IMEV 3664)
Incipit: Thomas on of þe twelue þat his to nome was
Explicit: And to alle þat goode beoþ to þe more blisse atte fyne

Part of the Southern Passion.

Language(s): Middle English
44. f. 26ra
South English Legendary: Appearance by the Sea of Tybre (IMEV 578)
Incipit: Bi þe see of tybre ihesus more schewede him to his fere
Explicit: Ne hou longe after aster day at þo þei hedde iȝete

Part of the Southern Passion.

Language(s): Middle English
45. f. 26ra-b
South English Legendary: Charge to Peter (IMEV 3766)
Incipit: To seint peter ihesus seide peter louest þou me
Explicit: More aunguissche aȝen his deþ and þo þis wordes were ised

Part of the Southern Passion.

Language(s): Middle English
46. f. 26rb-va
South English Legendary: Concerning Peter and John (IMEV 3767)
Incipit: To seinte peter ihesus sede folwe me anon
Explicit: Ffor bettere is dye in good deþ þen beo euere her in wo

Part of the Southern Passion.

Language(s): Middle English
47. f. 26va
South English Legendary: Appearance at Mt. Tabor (IMEV 719)
Incipit: Elleuene diciples to galile hom wende
Explicit: Vr lord kudde more his loue as i ow telle may

Part of the Southern Passion.

Language(s): Middle English
48. f. 26va
South English Legendary: Choosing of Matthias (IMEV 409)
Incipit: As þe enleuen disciples adoun isete were
Explicit: Ffor þe mony ffestes of halewen þat bi faleþ in holy churche

Part of the Southern Passion.

Language(s): Middle English
49. ff. 26vb-27ra
South English Legendary: Ascension (IMEV 126)
Incipit: After þat swete ihesus þe wey to heuene nom
Explicit: By þe haly gost hem weore isent þei ne dorste out gon

Part of the Southern Passion.

Language(s): Middle English
50. f. 27ra-b
South English Legendary: Pentecost (IMEV 443)
Incipit: At vnderne a Witsoneday as þe apostles stode & sete
Explicit: Bring vs to þe ioye of heuene þat þou vs bouhtest to. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
51. ff. 27rb-28ra
South English Legendary: Life of St. Alphege (IMEV 2844)
Incipit: Seint alphe þe martir good mon was inouh
Explicit: þat we mowe þorwh his preyere into heuene wende. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
52. f. 28ra-b
South English Legendary: Life of St. George (IMEV 2905)
Incipit: Seint george þe holi mon as we fyndeþ iwrite
Explicit: Now god for seynt george loue vs leeue þider wende. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
53. f. 28rb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Mark the Evangelist (IMEV 3004)
Incipit: Seint mark þe godspellere wyde wede aboute in londe
Explicit: And for þe loue of seint mark graunt vs þider to wende. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
54. f. 28rb-va
South English Legendary: Life of St. Peres (IMEV 3042)
Incipit: Seint peter þe frere prechour in þe cite of veronye
Explicit: God vs bringe to þat ioye þat his soule to come. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
55. f. 28va-b
South English Legendary: Lives of Saints Philip and James (IMEV 3048)
Incipit: Seint phelip and seint iacob apostles weoren tweyne
Explicit: þat vre soules mote wiþheoren in heuene ben ido. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
56. ff. 28vb-30ra
South English Legendary: Early History of the Cross (IMEV 3389)
Incipit: þe holy rode þe swete treo riht is to hauen in muynde
Explicit: þat we mote to þe ioye of heuene come þat is so swete and god. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
57. ff. 30ra-vb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Quiriac (IMEV 3051)
Incipit: Seint quiriac þe bisshop prechede godus lawe
Explicit: Bring vs to þe heiȝe ioye þat he vs bouȝte to
Language(s): Middle English
58. ff. 30vb-31rb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Dunstan (IMEV 2884)
Incipit: Seint dunston was of engelonde icome of goode more
Explicit: Bring vs to þe ioye of heuene as angelis þi soule bere. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
59. f. 31rb-va
South English Legendary: Life of St. Aldelm (IMEV 2843)
Incipit: Seint aldelm þe confessour was mon of goode lyue
Explicit: þat we mote to þe ioye come þat he is inne ido. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
60. f. 31va-b
South English Legendary: Life of St. Augustine (IMEV 2854)
Incipit: Seint augustin þat cristendom brouhte into engelonde
Explicit: þat we mote to þe ioye come to whom vr lord vs bouhte. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
61. ff. 31vb-32ra
South English Legendary: Life of St. Petronilla (IMEV 3049)
Incipit: Seint pernele þat holi mayde riht is to habben in muynde
Explicit: Now god for þe loue of hire to þulke ioye vs bringe. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
62. f. 32ra-b
South English Legendary: Life of St. Barnabas (IMEV 2856)
Incipit: Seint barnabe þe apostel þat goode was and hende
Explicit: Ffor loue of seint barnabe þat he to heuene vs bringe. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
63. f. 32rb-vb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Eadburh (IMEV 2885)
Incipit: Seint adboruh þat holi maide was here of engelonde
Explicit: þat we mote forþ wiþ hire to þe ioye of heuene wende. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
64. ff. 32vb-33ra
South English Legendary: Life of St. Alban (IMEV 2842)
Incipit: Seint albon þis holy mon was here of engelonde
Explicit: þat we mote to þe ioye come þat euere schal ilaste. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
65. f. 33ra-b
South English Legendary: Life of St. Aylbriht (IMEV 2841)
Incipit: Seint aylbriht þe holy kyng kyng was of engelonde
Explicit: þat his soule is to iwent aftur vr endynge. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
66. f. 33rb-va
South English Legendary: Life of St. Etheldreda (IMEV 2838)
Incipit: Seint aeldrede of heli god mayde was and hende
Explicit: Nou god for þe loue of hire bring vs to heuene blis. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
67. f. 33va-b
South English Legendary: Life of St. Botulf (IMEV 2867)
Incipit: Seint botulf þis holy monk and adulf his broþer
Explicit: þat we mote to þat ioye come and so þe deueles schende. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
68. ff. 33vb-35vb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Patrick (IMEV 3037)
Incipit: Seint patrik com þorwh god to preche in irelonde
Explicit: So þat we in purgatorie bileuen a luytel stounde. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
69. ff. 35vb-36vb
South English Legendary: Life of St. John the Baptist (IMEV 2945)
Incipit: Seint iohan was þe beste bern þe holy baptyst
Explicit: Let vs þorwh vr cristendom to þe ioye of heuene come amen
Language(s): Middle English
70. f. 36rb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Peter (IMEV 3046)
Incipit: Seint peter was wiþe vr lord of alle hise apostles hext
Explicit: þerfore ne reccheþ þis goode mon þauh me him do wo||

F. 37 is missing.

Language(s): Middle English
71. f. 38ra-vb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Paul (IMEV 3041)
Incipit: ||Aȝeyn þe prikke to wince swiþe strong is þe
Explicit: Bring vs to þe ioye of heuene aftur þat we ben ded. Amen amen
Language(s): Middle English
72. ff. 38vb-39ra
South English Legendary: Life of St. Athelwold (IMEV 2837)
Incipit: Seint aþelwold bisschop was and in engelonde ibore
Explicit: Ffor þe loue of seint aþelwold to þe ioye of heuene vs bringe. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
73. f. 39ra-va
South English Legendary: Life of St. Swithun (IMEV 3060)
Incipit: Seint swithyan þe confessour was her of engelonde
Explicit: Bring vs to þe ioye of heuene þorwh vr lordes sonde. Amen

The index gives St. Oswald here.

Language(s): Middle English
74. f. 39va-b
South English Legendary: Life of St. Kenelm (IMEV 2955)
Incipit: Seint kenelm in engelonde was icome of goode streone
Explicit: Ihesus for þe loue of him vs schilde from helle pyne. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
75. ff. 39vb-40vb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Margaret (IMEV 2987)
Incipit: Seinte margarete was an holi maide and good
Explicit: Nou god for þe loue of seinte margrete ne let vs neuer þerof misse. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
76. ff. 40vb-41vb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Mary Magdalene (IMEV 2994)
Incipit: Seinte marie magdaleyn þat god forȝaf hire sunne
Explicit: Bidde god þat we wiþ hire to þe ioye of heuene weende. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
77. ff. 41vb-42rb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Mildred (IMEV 3030)
Incipit: Seint mildride þe holi mayde of kynges kunne com
Explicit: Nou god vs sende þulke wey þat we blenche not amis. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
78. ff. 42rb-43va
South English Legendary: Life of St. Christina (IMEV 2876)
Incipit: Seint cristine þis holi þing as i ow telle con
Explicit: Nou god for þe loue of hire vs bringe þider vchon
Language(s): Middle English
79. ff. 43va-44rb
South English Legendary: Life of St. James the Great (IMEV 2918)
Incipit: Seint iem þe holi apostel riht is to habben mone
Explicit: Nou bidde we vr lord seint iem þat he us ȝiue milce and ore. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
80. ff. 44rb-45ra
South English Legendary: Life of St. Alexius (IMEV 3156)
Incipit: Sitteþ stille withouten strif and i wol tellen ou of a lyf of an holy mon
Explicit: Graunt vs alle god endyng and in heuene awonyng amen per charite
Language(s): Middle English
81. ff. 45ra-47rb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Gregory (IMEV 209)
Incipit: Alle þat ich in word and dede i þonke hit god al folkes kyng
Explicit: þe pope haþ graunted hem to mede and h___ dawes to pardoun

The explicit has been purposely rubbed presumably to try to obliterate the reference to the Pope and his pardon relating to this text.

Language(s): Middle English
82. f. 47rb-vb
South English Legendary: The Seven Sleepers (IMEV 3091)
Incipit: Seue slepers were seli men as me haþ ou itold bifore
Explicit: Bryng vs to þat ioye þat heore soules to wende. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
83. ff. 47vb-49ra
South English Legendary: Life of St. Dominic (IMEV 2883)
Incipit: Seint dominik þe noble frere in spayne was ibore
Explicit: þat we beo forþwiþ him to þe ioye of heuene ibrouht. Amen amen
Language(s): Middle English
84. f. 49ra
South English Legendary: Life of St. Oswald the King (IMEV 3036)
Incipit: Seint oswold þe goode king of þat on ende of engelonde
Explicit: þat vr lord vs sende his swete help and alle þat hebbeþ neode. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
85. f. 49ra-vb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Christopher (IMEV 2878)
Incipit: Seint cristofre was a sarazin in þe lond of canaan
Explicit: Now god vs bringe to þulke ioye þer he his soule brouhte. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
86. ff. 49vb-50rb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Laurence (IMEV 2957)
Incipit: Seint laurence good mon was and in strong martirdom
Explicit: Bring vs to þe ioye of heuene þat þin angelis his soule ladde. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
87. f. 50rb-va
South English Legendary: Life of St. Hippolytus (IMEV 2915)
Incipit: Seint ypolyt þe martir kniht was wiþ gret honour
Explicit: þat god haue merci of vs alle and of alle þat habbeþ neode. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
88. ff. 50va-51va
South English Legendary: The Assumption of Our Lady (IMEV 2991)
Incipit: Seinte marie godus moder fro þe apostles was heo nouht
Explicit: Nou god vs graunte forþwiþ hire to þe ioye of heuene come. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
89. ff. 51va-52rb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Bartholomew (IMEV 2858)
Incipit: Seint bartholomeuȝ þe holi mon com of kynges blode
Explicit: þat we þe sannores þorwh his bone come to heuene blis. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
90. f. 52rb-vb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Giles (IMEV 2906)
Incipit: Seint gyles þe holi mon louede noþing sunne
Explicit: þat we aftur þisse lyue to þe ioye of heuene wende. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
91. ff. 52vb-53ra
South English Legendary: Life of St. Ecgwin (IMEV 2891)
Incipit: Seint egwyne þe holy mon was here of engelonde
Explicit: þat we mote to heuene come and forȝiue vs vre misdede. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
92. f. 53rb-va
South English Legendary: Life of St. Matthew (IMEV 3017)
Incipit: Seint matheu þe ewangelist apostel he was iwis
Explicit: Ffor þe loue of seint marheu þat his holy soule is inne. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
93. ff. 53va-54va
South English Legendary: Legend of St. Michael (IMEV 3029)
Incipit: Seint michel þe archaungel and hise felawes also
Explicit: þat þey þe brennynge of helle wiþ hem heo bereþ aboute

A three-part text with part three appearing at f. 291v, The Right Pit of Hell.

Language(s): Middle English
94. ff. 54va-55ra
South English Legendary: Life of St. Jerome (IMEV 2922)
Incipit: Seint ierome was swiþe god clerk and wis þorwh alle þinge
Explicit: Nou god vs bringe to þulke ioye þat his soule gon to wende. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
95. f. 55ra-va
South English Legendary: Life of St. Justina (IMEV 2953)
Incipit: Seint iustine of heiȝe men in antioche com
Explicit: And for þe loue of seint ciprian schild vs from helle pyne. Amen

Includes the Life of St. Ciprian.

Language(s): Middle English
96. f. 55va-b
South English Legendary: Life of St. Leger (IMEV 2958)
Incipit: Seint leger a bisschop was an holi mon also inouh
Explicit: þat we aftur þisse lyue to þulke ioye mote wende. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
97. ff. 55vb-56vb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Francis (IMEV 2899)
Incipit: Seint fraunceis þe frere menour þat good mon was inouh
Explicit: And as hit were men of witte þis foules he gonne preche||

Eight leaves missing, ff. 57–64 with the loss of 11 texts.

Language(s): Middle English
98. f. 65ra-va
South English Legendary: Life of St. Clement (IMEV 2875)
Incipit: ||Allas quaþ þis gode mon myne leue children þreo
Explicit: God ȝif vs part of þat ilke ioye þat his soule is inne. Amen

322 lines missing at beginning.

Language(s): Middle English
99. ff. 65va-66va
South English Legendary: Life of St. Katherine of Alexandria (IMEV 2954)
Incipit: Seinte katerine of noble kunne com bi olde dawe
Explicit: ȝif vs þe ioye of heuene and schild vs from helle pyne. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
100. ff. 66va-67rb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Andrew (IMEV 2848)
Incipit: Seint andreu þe apostel was seint petres broþur
Explicit: And bidde for vs þat we mote come to heuene blisse. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
101. ff. 67rb-68vb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Nicholas (IMEV 3033)
Incipit: Seint nicholas þe holi mon þat god confessor was
Explicit: Schild vs from þe pyne of helle and dedlych sunne also. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
102. ff. 68vb-69rb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Lucy (IMEV 2961)
Incipit: Seint lucie þe holi maide in cicile was ibore
Explicit: Nou god for þe loue of hire vs lete alle þider wende. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
103. ff. 69rb-70ra
South English Legendary: Lives of Saints Martha and Frontoun (IMEV 2127)
Incipit: Seint Martha god womon was as ȝe schule here telle
Explicit: Bring vs to þat heȝe blisse þer þin angeles hire soule bere. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
104. ff. 70ra-71rb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Thomas the Apostle (IMEV 3063)
Incipit: Seint thomas þe gode apostel imartred was in inde
Explicit: Bring vs to þe ioye of heuene to whom vr lord vs bouhte. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
105. f. 71rb-vb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Stephen (IMEV 3059)
Incipit: Seint steuene was a gyeu and of gywes he com
Explicit: Nou god for þe loue of him schilde vs from helle pyne. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
106. ff. 71vb-73rb
South English Legendary: Life of St. John (IMEV 2932)
Incipit: Seint ion þe ewangelist þat apostel also is
Explicit: Dide for vs þat we mote come to heuene blis. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
107. ff. 73rb-80vb
South English Legendary: Life of St. Thomas of Canterbury (IMEV 4171)
Incipit: Wolle ȝe nou vnderstonde hou hit is write
Explicit: Ac vr lord for seint thomas loue his grace sone of hem caste'||

121 lines missing at end. Ff. 81–88 lost with the loss of 11 texts.

Language(s): Middle English
108. f. 89ra-va
Smaller Vernon Collection: St. Paula (IMEV 717.5)
Incipit: ||Eiþer oþur þus to cloþun and fede
Explicit: To godus sone þat is ihesus
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1878, pp. 1–8
109. ff. 89va-91rb
Smaller Vernon Collection: St. Ambrose (IMEV 1110)
Incipit: Herkneþ sires for my purpose
Explicit: Boþe more and eke lesse
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1878, pp. 8–26.
110. f. 91rb-vc
Smaller Vernon Collection: 'De Theodosio Imperatore' (IMEV 1613)
Incipit: Hit bifel one tyme in ceyteyn
Explicit: God ȝif us grace to beo not sore
Language(s): Middle English
111. ff. 91vc-92rb
Smaller Vernon Collection: A Maiden of Antioch (IMEV 422)
Incipit: At antioche as men han sayde
Explicit: And doy awey al vuel fame
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1878, pp. 26–34.
112. f. 92rb-vc
Smaller Vernon Collection: Sithia and Climonen (IMEV 3186)
Incipit: Nou ȝer maidens alle and sum
Explicit: þei toke heor corounes boye at ones
Language(s): Middle English
113. ff. 92vc-93ra
Smaller Vernon Collection: Sithia and Climonen (IMEV 3186)
Incipit: Sum tyme men reden þat þer was
Explicit: On latyn take hede to his purpose
Language(s): Middle English
114. f. 93ra-vc
Smaller Vernon Collection: St. Theodora (IMEV 421)
Incipit: At alisaundre telle i ow con
Explicit: And ȝiue us heuene blisse. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1878, pp. 35–41.
115. ff. 93vc-96rc
Smaller Vernon Collection: St. Bernard (IMEV 2863)
Incipit: Seint bernard born was at burgoyne
Explicit: Of heuene riches blisse ȝeuen part. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1878, pp. 41–61.
116. ff. 96rc-100rb
Smaller Vernon Collection: St. Augustine (IMEV 2855)
Incipit: Seint austin was nempned þat name
Explicit: To preye for hym þat þis lyf made. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1878, pp. 61–92.
117. f. 100rb-vb
Smaller Vernon Collection: St. Savinian and St. Savina (IMEV 3188)
Incipit: Sum tyme þer was an heþen man
Explicit: Ffor þei sunten of hire hed
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1878, pp. 93–97.
118. ff. 100vb-103rc
Smaller Vernon Collection: Barlaam and Josephat (IMEV 39)
Incipit: A good mon þer was and a clene
Explicit: Miracles is wrouht þorwh godus soon

F. 102 missing.

Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1875, p. 215.
119. ff. 103rc-104vc
Smaller Vernon Collection: St. Euphrosyne (IMEV 1465)
Incipit: In alisaundre þat grete citee
Explicit: God graunte vs grace þat hit so be. Amen Amen for charite
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1878, pp. 178–182.
(fols. 105–166)

‘Part 2’, quires 15–22 (18–22 lost): La Estorie del Evangelie, Miracles of the Virgin, etc.

120. ff. 105ra-105vc
La Estorie del Evangelie (IMEV 3194)
Incipit: Sumwhile ich was wiþ sunne ibounde
Explicit: As crist and lord of alle þinge||
Language(s): Middle English

Text decorated with seven miniatures. Ff. 106–113 - formerly miniatures, all lost.

Horstmann 1892, pp. 1–11.
121. f. 114ra-b
Richard Maidstone, Paraphrase of the 51st Psalm (IMEV 2157)
Incipit: ||so let me neuere werk biginne
Explicit: He schylde vs alle from helle fere

Only a fragment of the text remains.

Language(s): English.
Horstmann 1892, pp. 12–16.
122. f. 114rb-va
Prayer to the Trinity (IMEV 775)
Rubric: Her biginneþ an orisun of þe trinite
Incipit: Fadur and sone and holigost Lord to þe i crie and calle
Explicit: On þe to seo þat swete siht ffadur and sone and holigost. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 16–19.
123. f. 114va
Confession to Jesus Christ (IMEV 3231)
Rubric: A confession to ihesu crist
Incipit: Swete ihesu crist to þe A gulti wrecche ich ȝelde me
Explicit: Preyeþ for me to vre ladi þat ihesus of me haue merci
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 19–21.
124. f. 114vb
Prayer to the Five Wounds (IMEV 1684)
Rubric: A preyer to þe fiue woundes
Incipit: Ihesu crist my lemmon swete þat diȝedest on þe rode tre
Explicit: Beo hit me lef beo hit me loþ þow do hit a wey from me. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, p. 22.
125. f. 114vb-c
Prayer to Our Lady (IMEV 2110)
Rubric: A preiere to vre ladi
Incipit: Marie modur and mayden euere wel þe be Modur and mayden mylde marie þenk on me
Explicit: þat euermore schal lasten wiþouten eny misse. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 22–24.
126.1. f. 115ra
Prayer at the Elevation (IMEV 3883)
Rubric: A preyer at þe leuacioun
Incipit: Welcome lord in fourme of bred In þe is boþe lyf and ded
Explicit: Godus sone þat art so briht In fourme þou art of bred
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 24–25.
126.2. f. 115ra
Prayer at the Elevation (IMEV 1372)
Rubric: A preyer at þe leuacioun
Incipit: I þe honoure wiþ al my miht In fourme of bred as i þe se
Explicit: Wiþ ffadur and sone and holygost þat regneþ god in trinite. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, p. 25.
127. f. 115ra-b
The Five Joys of Our Lady (IMEV 1122)
Rubric: þe fyue ioyes of vr ladi
Incipit: Haue ioye marie modur and maide As þe angel gabriel message to þe saide
Explicit: Graunt vs þe ioye þat is aboute þat neuer haþ endyng. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 25–26.
128. f. 115rb
Prayer to God (IMEV 1967)
Rubric: An orisoun to god
Incipit: Lord my god al merciable I þe biseche wiþ herte stable
Explicit: þyne Ioyes vsen and wiþ þe wone In þi glorie wiþ ffadur and sone. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 26–29.
129. f. 115rc-va
Prayer to Lord Jesus (IMEV 1970)
Rubric: An orisoun to vr lord ihesu
Incipit: Lord swete ihesu crist haue merci of me þat out of heuene come into eorþ for me
Explicit: On domesdai whon þo schalt demen schew us þi face freo And bring vs into paradys þer endeles blisse schal beo. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 29–30.
130. f. 115va-b
Prayer to the Virgin (IMEV 1030)
Rubric: An orison to vr lady
Incipit: Heil beo þou marie mylde qwen of heuene Blessed is þi nome and good hit is to nemene
Explicit: Schild me from synne and schome þat I falle no mare And sen me hosul and schrift ar i heþene fare

According to the index, An orysoun to godes sone followed this text. It is now missing.

Language(s): English.
Horstmann 1892, pp. 30–32.
131. f. 115vb
Prayer to God/Confession (IMEV 965)
Rubric: A confession of wyrschip in orysoun
Incipit: God þat al hast mad of nouht Ffor loue of mon þat þou hast bouht
Explicit: And bring me to þi muchele blisse. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, p. 32.
132. f. 115vb
A prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Incipit: Marie modur qwen of heuene þenk on me and here my steuene
Explicit: Marie into blisse wiþ þe to wone Ffor ihesu loue þi deore sone. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, p. 33.
133. f. 115vc
A prayer for the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost (IMEV 975)
Incipit: God þat art of mihtes most þe seuen ȝiftus of þe holigost
Explicit: To þat ioye þow me sende þat lasteþ now and ay. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, p. 34.
134. f. 115vc
Confession for negligence of the Deeds of Mercy (IMEV 1959)
Incipit: Lord i ȝelde me gulti þat i neuere fedde þe hungri
Explicit: þat I may comen aftur my ded And wonen euer lord wiþ þe. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 34–35.
135. f. 116ra
Prayer for Saving the Five Wits (IMEV 1969)
Incipit: Lord sunged haue i ofte In my fyue wittes wiþ wille and þouȝte
Explicit: And also lord in synful felyng ȝif þi wille be. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, p. 35.
136. f. 116ra
Confession of negligence of the Commandments (IMEV 1602)
Incipit: Inwardliche lord bi seche i þe Al my trespas forȝiue þou me
Explicit: Fforȝif me now and alle men þat haue broken þi comaundemens ten
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, p. 36.
137. f. 116ra-va
Hours of the Cross (IMEV 701)
Incipit: Erliche in þe morwenyng ihesu þe iewes gunne take His frendes and his diciples hedden him sone forsake
Explicit: God sende us lyues fode and in heuene a place. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 37–43.
138. f. 116va-b
Veni creator spiritus
Incipit: Cum lord vr makere holigost þe þouhtes of þyne forte sene
Explicit: And sende us schrift for his pite þe ȝiftus of þe holygost. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 43–45.
139. f. 116vb-c
Song of Love to Jesus (IMEV 1781)
Incipit: Ihesu þi swetnesse whose miht hit se And þerof haue a clene knowyng
Explicit: And led me lord in to þi blis Wiþ þe to wone wiþouten ende. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 45–48.
140. f. 117ra
A prayer to Jesus (IMEV 1752)
Incipit: Iesu þat art heuene kyng Sothfast god and mon also
Explicit: Heere and spede my pore preyeres And saue me þat i ne beo spilt
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 48–49.
141.1. ff. 117ra-121vb
Psalterium Beatae Mariae (IMEV 1060)
Rubric: Beatus virgin
Incipit: Heyl mayden ouer maydenes vchon
Explicit: Make me freo nou I þe prey Ffrom heui serwe to be. Amen
Language(s): Middle English and Latin
Horstmann 1892, pp. 49–105.
141.2. f. 121vb-122va
Prayer to the Virgin (IMEV 2038)
Incipit: Mayden modur and comely qween þat art in heuene and euer schal ben
Explicit: And schild vs from þe foule fend And let vs neuer be schent. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 121–131.
142. f. 122va-b
A prayer to the five wounds of Jesus (IMEV 1759)
Incipit: Ihesus þat diȝedest vppon þe tre And þoledest deþ for loue of me
Explicit: þat wiþouten ende schal leste And seo þi louely face. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 131–132.
143. f. 122vb
Prayer to the five joys of our Lady (IMEV 2118)
Incipit: Marie modur wel þe bee Modur and mayden þenk on me
Explicit: And let me neuer for no synne fforgo þat ioye þat þou art inne. Amen par charite. Aue
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 133–134.
144. f. 122vb-123ra
Salutation to our Lady (IMEV 1031)
Incipit: Heil beo þow marie moodur and may Mylde and meke and merciable
Explicit: þau synnes haue vs þorwh souht Bring vs to þi blis þat euer schal be. Amen. Aue
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 134–137.
145. f. 123ra-124rb
Psalterium Beatae Mariae (IMEV 1057)
Incipit: Heil mayde cheef of alle þorw whom þe blessed mon
Explicit: And wiþ preisyng on þe calle þou herest heore orisoun
Language(s): Middle English and Latin
Horstmann 1892, pp. 106–120.
146. f. 124rc-va
Miracles of the Virgin: The city of Croteye (IMEV 1984)
Incipit: Lordus ȝif ȝe wol lusten to me Of croteye þe noble cite
Explicit: Nou ladi preye þi sone on hih To alle cristene he graunte merci. Amen

The miniature which begins this text is placed at the bottom of column b.

Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 138–141.
147. f. 124va-c
Miracles of the Virgin: The child slain by the Jews (IMEV 4136)
Incipit: Wose loueþ wel vre ladi Heo wol quiten his wille wel whi
Explicit: Now marie for þi muchele miht Help vs to heuene þat is so briht
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 141–145.
148. ff. 124vc-125ra
Miracles of the Virgin: The harlot's prayer (IMEV 971)
Incipit: God þat al þis world haþ wrouht And formed alle þing of nouht
Explicit: Of hol remission of vre synne And to ioye þat heo woneþ inne. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 145–149.
149. f. 125rb-va
Miracles of the Virgin: The boy in the oven (IMEV 1966)
Incipit: Lord makere of alle þing almihti god in maieste
Explicit: In heuene an hih ihesu for þi moder loue. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 149–154.
150. f. 125vb-c
Miracles of the Virgin: The man who cut off his foot (IMEV 1713)
Incipit: Iesu god and godus sone þat were a babe iboren Of þe mayden swete marie kuynde qween icoren
Explicit: Help vs þat we mowe wiþ þe ffor euere in ioye dwelle
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 154–157.
151. f. 126ra-c
Miracles of the Virgin: The Virgin a Surety (IMEV 423)
Incipit: At constantynnoble in þat cite Dwelled a merchaunt of herte fre
Explicit: And þat hit mote so be Seiþ alle amen par charite. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 157–161.
152. f. 126rc-va
Miracles of the Virgin: The Fornicating Priest (IMEV 1477)
Incipit: In bok we fynde as we rede Of a preest was wylde of dede
Explicit: And þat hit mote so be Seyþ to hire an aue
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 162–164.
153. f. 126va
Miracles of the Virgin: The monk with the quinsy (IMEV 69)
Incipit: A mon of gret deuociun Was sum tyme in religiun
Explicit: Preye we heo preye hire sone ihesus þat euer he haue merci on vs þat to his blisse he take vs to þat is and schal ben euer mo. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 164–166.
154. f. 126vc
Miracles of the Virgin: The incontinent monk (IMEV 90)
Incipit: A sexteyn was in an abbey Of þe ordre of monkes grey
Explicit: Gret wonder þei hedden hem among Whi þe sexsteyn was so long||
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 166–167.

Ff. 127–166 missing.

(fols. 167–318)

‘Part 3’, quires 23–41: Northern Homily Cycle and other texts.

155. f. 167ra
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for First Sunday in Advent (IMEV 2996)
Incipit: Er þe folfullyng of tyme was come
Language(s): Middle English
156. f. 167rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Story of Mary Magdalene (IMEV 4226)
Language(s): Middle English
157. f. 167vb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Second Sunday in Advent (IMEV 3790)
Language(s): Middle English
158. f. 168ra
Northern Homily Cycle: A Monk who Returned from Death (IMEV 26)
Language(s): Middle English
159. f. 168rb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Third Sunday in Advent (IMEV 3018)
Language(s): Middle English
160. f. 168va
Northern Homily Cycle: Herod and John the Baptist (IMEV 3623)
Language(s): Middle English
161. f. 168vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for the Feast of the Annunciation (IMEV 2084)
Language(s): Middle English
162. f. 169rb
Northern Homily Cycle: The Virgin comes to the Devil instead of his Victim (IMEV 1641)
Language(s): Middle English
163. f. 169va
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Friday of the Third Week in Advent (IMEV 3951)
Language(s): Middle English
164. f. 169vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Fourth Sunday in Advent (IMEV 3789)
Language(s): Middle English
165. f. 170rb
Northern Homily Cycle: The Pilgrim to St. James (IMEV 1642)
Language(s): Middle English
166. f. 170va
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'In vigilia Nativitatis' (IMEV 3991)
Language(s): Middle English
167. f. 170vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'In nocte natalis domini' (IMEV 4214)
Language(s): Middle English
168. f. 171rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Exempla (IMEV 3289)

Exempla concerning Saints Martin, Anthony, and Machary.

Language(s): Middle English
169. f. 171vb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'In die natalis ad altam missam' (IMEV 539)
Language(s): Middle English
170. f. 172ra
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for the Sunday after the Nativity (IMEV 3393)
Language(s): Middle English
171. f. 172rb
Northern Homily Cycle: The Archbishop and the Nun (IMEV 284)
Language(s): Middle English
172. f. 173ra
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for the Feast of the Circumcision (IMEV 2977)
Language(s): Middle English
173. f. 173rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'In vigilia Ephiphanie' (IMEV 1094)
Language(s): Middle English
174. f. 173vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Epiphany (IMEV 3492)
Language(s): Middle English
175. f. 174va
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'Dominica infra Oct. Epiphanie' (IMEV 1880)
Language(s): Middle English
176. f. 174vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'In Oct. Epiphanie' (IMEV 2134)
Language(s): Middle English
177. f. 175rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'Dominica infra Oct. Epiphanie' (IMEV 3395)
Language(s): Middle English
178. f. 175va
Northern Homily Cycle: St. John and the Boy (IMEV 3954)
Language(s): Middle English
179. f. 176ra
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Second Sunday after Epiphany (IMEV 2930)
Language(s): Middle English
180. f. 176rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Second Sunday after the Octave of Epiphany (IMEV 3012)
Language(s): Middle English
181. f. 176va
Northern Homily Cycle: Narratio: Giezi and Naaman (IMEV 3317)
Language(s): Middle English
182. f. 176vb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Third Sunday after the Octave of Epiphany (IMEV 3021)
Language(s): Middle English
183. f. 176vc
Northern Homily Cycle: The Knight who did penance among worms (IMEV 45)
Language(s): Middle English
184. f. 177rb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'Dominica iiij. post Oct. Epiph.' (IMEV 3740)
Language(s): Middle English
185. f. 177rc
Northern Homily Cycle: The Devil as Physician (IMEV 306)
Language(s): Middle English
186. f. 177va
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for the Feast of the Purification (IMEV 1494)
Language(s): Middle English
187. f. 178ra
Northern Homily Cycle: The Widow's Candle (IMEV 97)
Language(s): Middle English
188. f. 178rb
Northern Homily Cycle: Narratio: The Abbess who went with Child (IMEV 3290)
Language(s): Middle English
189. f. 178va
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Septuagesima (IMEV 1912)
Language(s): Middle English
190. f. 179rc
Northern Homily Cycle: The Hermit who returned to the World (IMEV 314)
Language(s): Middle English
191. f. 179va
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Sexagesima Sunday (IMEV 1519)
Language(s): Middle English
192. f. 179vb
Northern Homily Cycle: The Monk Mawryne (IMEV 89)
Language(s): Middle English
193. f. 180rb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Quinquagesima Sunday (IMEV 2971)
Language(s): Middle English
194. f. 180vb
Northern Homily Cycle: Pater noster for St. Bernard's palfrey (IMEV 3865)
Language(s): Middle English
195. f. 180vb-181rb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for the First Sunday in Lent (IMEV 1862)
Language(s): Middle English
196. f. 181rb
Northern Homily Cycle: Legend of St. Eustace (IMEV 43)
Language(s): Middle English
197. f. 183va
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Second Sunday in Lent (IMEV 3013)
Language(s): Middle English
198. f. 184ra
Northern Homily Cycle: How a Hermit put another into Wanhope (IMEV 3784)
Language(s): Middle English
199. f. 184rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for the Third Sunday in Lent (IMEV 2968)
Language(s): Middle English
200. f. 184vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Narratio: St. Bede and the Birds (IMEV 3288)
Language(s): Middle English
201. f. 185ra
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Passion Sunday (IMEV 2939)
Language(s): Middle English
202. f. 185rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Wife who hung her husband's shirt by her bed (IMEV 96)
Language(s): Middle English
203. f. 185vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Easter Sunday (IMEV 2999)
Language(s): Middle English
204. f. 186rb
Northern Homily Cycle: St. Martin and the Naked Pilgrim (IMEV 416)
Language(s): Middle English
205. f. 186rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Easter Monday (IMEV 2970)
Language(s): Middle English
206. f. 186vb
Northern Homily Cycle: The Devil in Church (IMEV 290)
Language(s): Middle English
207. f. 186vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Tuesday after Easter (IMEV 1100)
Language(s): Middle English
208. f. 187rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'Feria quarta post Pascha' (IMEV 1878)
Language(s): Middle English
209. f. 187vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Thursday after Easter (IMEV 1096)
Language(s): Middle English
210. f. 188rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'Feria sexta post Pascha' (IMEV 1348)
Language(s): Middle English
211. f. 189rb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for the First Sunday after Easter (IMEV 2941)
Language(s): Middle English
212. f. 189va
Northern Homily Cycle: St. Edmund and the Devil (IMEV 3298)
Language(s): Middle English
213. f. 189va
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for the Second Sunday after Easter (IMEV 2938)
Language(s): Middle English
214. f. 189vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Count Theobald (IMEV 1645)
Language(s): Middle English
215. f. 190rb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for the Third Sunday after Easter (IMEV 2927)
Language(s): Middle English
216. f. 190rc
Northern Homily Cycle: The monk who wished to see the least Joy in Paradise (IMEV 47)
Language(s): Middle English
217. f. 190va
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for the Fourth Sunday after Easter (IMEV 2926)
Language(s): Middle English
218. f. 190vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for the Fifth Sunday after Easter IMEV 2936 )
Language(s): Middle English
219. f. 191ra
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'Feria iiª in Rogationibus (IMEV 1098)
Language(s): Middle English
220. f. 191rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'Feria ivª in vigilia Ascensionis (IMEV 1795)
Language(s): Middle English
221. f. 191vb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'In die Ascensionis' (IMEV 3933)
Language(s): Middle English
222. f. 191vc
Northern Homily Cycle: The story of Carpus (IMEV 32)
Language(s): Middle English
223. f. 192ra
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'Sabbato in vigilia Pentecostes' (IMEV 1797)
Language(s): Middle English
224. f. 192rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Whitsunday (IMEV 3592)
Language(s): Middle English
225. f. 192vb
Northern Homily Cycle: The Obedient Servant (IMEV 289)
Language(s): Middle English
226. f. 192vb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Tuesday after Whit Sunday (IMEV 1782)
Language(s): Middle English
227. f. 193rb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'Feria ivª post Pentecoste' (IMEV 2712)
Language(s): Middle English
228. f. 193va
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Thursday after Whit Sunday (IMEV 1667)
Language(s): Middle English
229. f. 193vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Friday after Pentecost (IMEV 3833)
Language(s): Middle English
230. f. 194va
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'In vigilia sancte trinitatis' (IMEV 2020)
Language(s): Middle English
231. f. 194vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Trinity Sunday (IMEV 2928)
Language(s): Middle English
232. f. 195rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Whit Monday (IMEV 2937)
Language(s): Middle English
233. f. 195va
Northern Homily Cycle: Thais (IMEV 40)
Language(s): Middle English
234. f. 195va
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'Dominica infra Oct. Ascensionis' (IMEV 3741)
Language(s): Middle English
235. f. 195vb
Northern Homily Cycle: The Melancholy King (IMEV 385)
Language(s): Middle English
236. f. 195vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Trinity Sunday (IMEV 2301)
Language(s): Middle English
237. f. 196ra
Northern Homily Cycle: Homily on the Feast of Corpus Christi (IMEV 4250)
Language(s): Middle English
238. f. 197rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Extract from Robert of Brunne's Handlyng Synne (IMEV 937)
Language(s): Middle English
239. f. 199rb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for First Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 3683)
Language(s): Middle English
240. f. 199va
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Second Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 3739)
Language(s): Middle English
241. f. 199vb
Northern Homily Cycle: The Hermit and the Angel (IMEV 1464)
Language(s): Middle English
242. f. 199vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Third Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 3791)
Language(s): Middle English
243. f. 200ra
Northern Homily Cycle: The Fall of the Angels and the Creation of Man (IMEV 485)
Language(s): Middle English
244. f. 200rb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Fourth Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 1118)
Language(s): Middle English
245. f. 200rc
Northern Homily Cycle: The Monk who was Harsh in Judging (IMEV 3816)
Language(s): Middle English
246. f. 200va
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for the Fifth Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 2976)
Language(s): Middle English
247. f. 200vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Sixth Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 3708)
Language(s): Middle English
248. f. 201ra
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Seventh Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 3003)
Language(s): Middle English
249. f. 201rb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for the Eighth Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 2965)
Language(s): Middle English
250. f. 201rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for the Ninth Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 2969)
Language(s): Middle English
251. f. 201va
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Tenth Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 1657)
Language(s): Middle English
252. f. 202rb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Eleventh Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 1136)
Language(s): Middle English
253. f. 202rc
Northern Homily Cycle: King Oswald and the Hermit (IMEV 1482)
Language(s): Middle English
254. f. 202vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Twelfth Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 3002)
Language(s): Middle English
255. f. 203rb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 3738)
Language(s): Middle English
256. f. 203vc
Northern Homily Cycle: The Legend of Theophilus (IMEV 25)
Language(s): Middle English
257. f. 205rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 2978)
Language(s): Middle English
258. f. 205va
Northern Homily Cycle: The Adulterous Parish Priest (IMEV 291)
Language(s): Middle English
259. f. 206rb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 3829)
Language(s): Middle English
260. f. 206vb
Northern Homily Cycle: The Thrifty Gardener (IMEV 1646)
Language(s): Middle English
261. f. 207rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 1117)
Language(s): Middle English
262. f. 207va
Northern Homily Cycle: Dying Monk (IMEV 1144)
Language(s): Middle English
263. f. 208rb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 1648)
Language(s): Middle English
264. f. 208vb
Northern Homily Cycle: Pelagia (IMEV 1469)
Language(s): Middle English
265. f. 209vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 3009)
Language(s): Middle English
266. f. 210rb
Northern Homily Cycle: The Knight who forgave the Slayer of his Father (IMEV 1647)
Language(s): Middle English
267. f. 210va
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 1521)
Language(s): Middle English
268. f. 210vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Narratio for 19th Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 414)
Language(s): Middle English
269. f. 211ra
Northern Homily Cycle: Gregory and Trajan's Soul (IMEV 286)
Language(s): Middle English
270. f. 211rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Twentieth Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 3591)
Language(s): Middle English
271. f. 212ra
Northern Homily Cycle: Gregory's Aunts (IMEV 2907)
Language(s): Middle English
272. f. 212rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for the Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 2935)
Language(s): Middle English
273. f. 212vb
Northern Homily Cycle: The Despised Nun (IMEV 2859)
Language(s): Middle English
274. f. 213ra
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 3020)
Language(s): Middle English
275. f. 213vb
Northern Homily Cycle: The Backbiting Monk (IMEV 79)
Language(s): Middle English
276. f. 213vb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 3590)
Language(s): Middle English
277. f. 213vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Story of Queen Esther (IMEV 2094)
Language(s): Middle English
278. f. 214vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for the Twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity (IMEV 2940)
Language(s): Middle English
279. f. 214vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Piers Toller (IMEV 1643)
Language(s): Middle English
280. f. 215va
Northern Homily Cycle: 'Nisi granum frumenti cadens in terram' (IMEV 3952 )
Language(s): Middle English
281. f. 216rb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'In Vigilia Sancti Andree' (IMEV 2944)
Language(s): Middle English
282. f. 216va
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel 'In festo Sancti Andree' (IMEV 1095)
Language(s): Middle English
283. f. 217ra
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'In festo Conceptionis Marie' (IMEV 3316)
Language(s): Middle English
284. f. 217rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'In festo Sancti Thome apostoli' (IMEV 3663)
Language(s): Middle English
285. f. 217vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'In festo Sancti Stephani' (IMEV 1099)
Language(s): Middle English
286. f. 218vb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for the Feast of St. John the Apostle (IMEV 1090)
Language(s): Middle English
287. f. 219ra
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel 'In festo sanctorum Innocentium' (IMEV 188)
Language(s): Middle English
288. f. 219vb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for the Feast of St. Thomas of Canterbury (IMEV 1783)
Language(s): Middle English
289. f. 220ra
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul (IMEV 3105 )
Language(s): Middle English
290. f. 220rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for the Feast of St. Peter (IMEV 1109)
Language(s): Middle English
291. f. 220vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for the Feast of St. Matthew (IMEV 3841)
Language(s): Middle English
292. f. 221rb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for the feast of Saints Phillip and Jacob (IMEV 1763)
Language(s): Middle English
293. f. 221rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for Trinity Sunday (IMEV 2928)
Language(s): Middle English
294. f. 222ra
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel 'In vigilia apostolorum Petri et Pauli' (IMEV 1765)
Language(s): Middle English
295. f. 222rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel 'In Oct. apostolorum Petri et Pauli' (IMEV 1784)
Language(s): Middle English
296. f. 222vb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel 'In festo sancte Margarete' (IMEV 1696)
Language(s): Middle English
297. f. 223ra
Northern Homily Cycle: Story of Mary Magdalene (IMEV 4226)
Language(s): Middle English
298. f. 223va
Northern Homily Cycle: Six Exempla: marvellous beast, tree, fowls, fish etc. (IMEV 1476)
Language(s): Middle English
299. f. 223vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'In festo Sancti Iacobi maioris' (IMEV 3839)
Language(s): Middle English
300. f. 224rb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for the Feast of the Assumption (IMEV 2972)
Language(s): Middle English
301. f. 224rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'In festo Sancti Bartholomei' (IMEV 3842)
Language(s): Middle English
302. f. 224vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'In festo Exaltationis Crucis' (IMEV 1712)
Language(s): Middle English
303. f. 225rb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'In festo S. Matthei' (IMEV 395)
Language(s): Middle English
304. f. 225va
Northern Homily Cycle: Homily, 'In festo S. Michaelis' (IMEV 3326)
Language(s): Middle English
305. f. 226ra
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel 'In festo S. Luce Evangeliste' (IMEV 2720)
Language(s): Middle English
306. f. 226rc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel 'In festo SS. Simonis et Iude' (IMEV 1745)
Language(s): Middle English
307. f. 226vc
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'In festo omnium sanctorum' (IMEV 1102)
Language(s): Middle English
308. f. 227rb
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel for the Feast of St. Martin the Confessor (IMEV 1537)
Language(s): Middle English
309. f. 227va-c
Northern Homily Cycle: Gospel, 'In festo dedicationis ecclesie' (IMEV 1462)
Explicit: God and mon mayden sone. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
310. ff. 227vc-230rb
How a Man Shall Live Perfectly (IMEV 1512)
Rubric: Hou a man schal lyue parfytly
Incipit: In nome of him alweldyng þat is vr heiȝe heuene kyng
Explicit: And þei ben pore in querte þat han riches and louen pouerte
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 221–251.
311. f. 230rc
Vision of St. Paul (IMEV 1898)
Rubric: The visions of seynt poul wan he was rapt into paradys
Incipit: Lustneþ lordynges leof and dere ȝe þat wolen of þe sonday here
Explicit: Bi wȝuche seruyse we may come To vre lord god and wiþ him wone
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 251–260.
312. f. 231ra-vc
The Golden Trental (IMEV 1653)
Incipit: Writen i fynde a good stori þe pope hit wrot seint gregori
Explicit: þe same hom to god vs sende To wone wiþ him wiþouten ende. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 260–267.
313. f. 231va
Pater Noster
Rubric: Pater noster in a table ypeynted
Language(s): Middle English and Latin

Intricate diagram of the Pater Noster in Latin and English.

Henry 1990.
314. ff. 231va-265rc
William Nassington, Speculum Vitae (IMEV 245)
Incipit: Almihti God in trinite In who only the persons þre
Explicit: þat on þe cros for vs wolde hynge. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
315. ff. 265rc-284ra
Prick of Conscience (Main Version, IMEV 3428)
Rubric: Prikke of conciens hette þis book hose wole mai rede and look
Incipit: The miht of þe ffader almihti þe wit of þe sone alwitti þe grace and þe godnes of þe holigost þat ison god of mihtes most. Be wiþ vs at þe biginning and bring vs to god endyng. Amen
Explicit: þat for vre hele on roode can hinge. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
316. ff. 284ra-286rc
Prick of Love (IMEV 974)
Rubric: Her beginneþ þe prikke of loue þat profitable is to soule behoue
Incipit: God þat art of miȝtes most Ffader and sone and holigost
Explicit: þus endeþ þe spore of loue God grant vs þe blisse of heuene aboue
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 268–297.
317. ff. 286rc-287rb
Debate Between the Body and the Soul (IMEV 351)
Rubric: A disputacion bytwene þe bodi and þe soule
Incipit: As ich lay in winteres niht In a droupnynge tofore þe day
Explicit: Graunt vs god for þyn holy grace. Amen.
Printed from London, British Library, MS Additional 37787 in Baugh 1956, pp. 107–12. Conlee 1991, pp. 18–49.
Language(s): Middle English
318. ff. 287rc-288vc
Dialogue between St. Bernard and the Virgin Mary (IMEV 1869)
Rubric: Her is a gret lamentacion Betwene vr ladi & seint bernard Of cristes passion hire dere sone þat was so pyneful & so hard
Incipit: Lewed men be not lered in lore As clerkes ben in holi writ
Explicit: Whon we schul dye and henne go Schilde vs from þe pyne of helle. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 297–328.
319. ff. 288vc-291vb
Disputation between a Good Man and the Devil (IMEV 3247)
Rubric: A dispitison bitwene a god man and þe deuel
Incipit: Swiþe muche neode hit is þat vche mon be war and wys
Explicit: And kep vs from þe synnes seuene And graunt vs alle þe blisse of heuene
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 329–354.
320. ff. 291vb-293rc
Legend of St. Michael III/The Right Pit of Hell (IMEV 3453)
Incipit: þe riȝte put of helle'
Explicit: þat seint michel hire mote avenge And bifore him lede. Amen

Part 3 of the Legend of St. Michael.

Language(s): Middle English
321. ff. 293rc-296va
Robert Grosseteste, Castle of Love (IMEV 3270)
Rubric: Her byginnet a tretys þat is yclept castel off loue þat bisschop Grosteyȝt made ywis Ffor lewede mennes by houe'
Incipit: þat good þenkeþ good may do And god wol helpe him þerto'
Explicit: God leeue vs here so ende þat we ben worþi to heuene wende. Amen
Rubric: Here endyth the castel of love Made iwys for lewde mennis behove
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1892, pp. 355–406.
322. ff. 296va-297vc
Ypotis (IMEV 220)
Rubric: Her biginneþ a tretys þat me clepeþ ypotis
Incipit: Alle þat wolleþ of wisdom lere Listneþ nou and ȝe may here
Explicit: God graunt vs alle his swete blessyng Schrift & hosel and good endyng. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1881, p. 341–348.
323. ff. 297vc-298rb
Three Messengers of Death (IMEV 3419)
Rubric: Her biginneþ a tretis Of þreo messagers of deþ iwis
Incipit: þe mon þat is of wommon ibore His lyf nis heere but a þrowe
Explicit: þat heiþe sitteþ in trinite Graunt vs alle his blessyng. Amen Amen par charite
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 443–448.
324. f. 298rb-c
Song of Love-Longing to Jesus (IMEV 3238)
Incipit: Swete ihesu now wol i synge To þe a song of loue longinge'
Explicit: Bring me in to þat loue longyng To come to þe at myn endyng
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 449–451.
325. ff. 299rc-b
Poem appended to the song of love-longing (No IMEV)
Incipit: Marie moder mylde qween Send vs grace synne to flen
Explicit: Holygost his herte schal tille Ffrom synne him bringe & ffendes ille
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 451–462.
326. f. 299rb-c
A Treatise of Love of God's Passion (IMEV 1695)
Rubric: A luytel tretys of loue of godes passyon
Incipit: Ihesu crist þat is so fre To monnes soule spekeþ he
Explicit: ȝiue vs for þin holy miht Alle comen to heuene briht. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 462–464.
327. ff. 299rc-vb
Of Clean Maidenhood (IMEV 2605)
Rubric: Of clene maydenhod To be weddet clanly to god
Incipit: Off a trewe loue clene & derne I haue iwrite þe a ron
Explicit: þat to þe siht of þi swete face On domesday we may come tille

This is a later version of Thomas of Hales's Love Rune (IMEV 66).

Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 464–468.
328. ff. 299vb-300rb
Morning Song of the Love of God (IMEV 3760)
Rubric: A mournyng song of þe loue of God
Incipit: To loue I chulle beginne Ihesu boþe day and niht
Explicit: As was þe spere into þyn herte Whon þou suffredest deþ for me
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 469–476.
329. f. 300rb-c
Friar Henry (IMEV 419)
Rubric: A luytel sarmoun þat is of good edificacioun
Incipit: At a sarmoun þer iseet A comely clerk ich herde crauen
Explicit: He þat al þis world schal demen þou rihtwys lord þou rewe on mon. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 476–478.
330. ff. 300rc-301rc
King Robert of Sicily (IMEV 2780)
Rubric: Her is of kyng robert of cicyle Hou pride dude him begyle
Incipit: Princes proude þat beþ in pres I wol ou telle þing not lees In cisyle was a noble kynh
Explicit: Euermore to ben aboue þer is ioye cumfort and loue. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1878, pp. 209–219.
331. f. 301rc-vb
Jesus and the Masters (IMEV 1887)
Rubric: Her is a disputison bitwene child ihesu and maistres of þe lawe of iewes
Incipit: Lustneþ lordes leoue in londe Soþeli sawes I wol ȝou telle
Explicit: Preye we crist þat we so don To geten þe gle in his glorie. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Printed from this manuscript in Conlee 1991, pp. 167–177. Furnivall 1901, pp. 479–484. Horstmann 1878, pp. 204–208.
332. ff. 301vc-302rc
A Christian and a Jew (IMEV 167)
Rubric: A disputisoun bytwene a cristenemon and a iew
Incipit: Alle bliþe mote þei be þat folyes bleþeliche wole fle
Explicit: þus to vre god he hym kneuȝ And ȝeply him ȝolde
Language(s): Middle English
Printed from this manuscript in Conlee 1991, pp. 178–191. Furnivall 1901, pp. 484–493. Horstmann 1878, pp. 204–208.
333. ff. 302va-303vc
John Lydgate, How a Man Should Hear Mass (IMEV 4276)
Rubric: Her techeþ þys tretys þenne Hou mon scholde here hys masse Hit is ful nedful to alle menne To more and eke to lasse
Incipit: ȝong & old more and lasse Fful god hit is to here a masse
Explicit: Whon we schal dye no lengor dwelle Kep vs from þe pyne of helle. Amen ffor charite
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 493–511.
334. ff. 303vc-304rc
The Golden Trental (IMEV 1653)
Rubric: Here byginnet þe guldene trental þat ouȝte be loued swyþe wel
Incipit: Wryten I fynde a good stori þer pope hit wrot seint gregori
Explicit: þe same hom to vs seende To wone with him wiþouten ende. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
335. f. 304rc-vb
Sayings of St. Bernard: Man's Three Foes (IMEV 2865)
Rubric: Her telleȝ seynt bernard Mon haþ þreo enemys hard
Incipit: Seint bernard seiþ in his bok þat mon is worm & wormes cok
Explicit: And þat we mote þi sone seen World wiþouten ende. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 511–522.
336. ff. 304vb-307ra
The King of Tars (IMEV 1108)
Rubric: Her bigenneþ of þe kyng of tars And of þe soudan of dammas Hou þe soudan of dammas was icristned þoru gods gras
Incipit: Herkneþ now boþe olde and ȝyng Ffor marie loue þat swete þyng
Explicit: Graunt vs alle in heuene liht To seo þi swete face. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
337. ff. 307rb-309va
Proverbs of Prophets, Poets and Saints/ Proverbs of Old Philosophers (IMEV 3501)
Rubric: Cher amys receueȝ de moy'
Incipit: þe wyse mon in his bok haþ þis seying
Explicit: And god þat made alle þing ȝif vs alle good endyng. Amen. Amen
Language(s): Middle English and Anglo-Norman
Furnivall 1901, pp. 522–553.
338. ff. 309va-314rb
Distichs of Cato/Parvus & Magnus Cato (IMEV 247)
Rubric: Her biginneþ luytel caton
Incipit: Almihti god in trinite Leeue vs wel to spede
Explicit: God hem graunte þorw his grace Of heore sunnes be clene. Amen
Language(s): Middle English and Latin
Furnivall 1901, pp. 553–609.
339. ff. 314rb-315vc
The Stations of Rome (IMEV 1962)
Incipit: Lord ihesu crist in trinite þreo persones in vnite
Explicit: Graunt vs part of þis pardoun And þerto his benisoun. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Prologue printed in Furnivall 1901, pp. 553–611.
340. ff. 315vc-316vc
Dispute between Mary and the Cross (IMEV 2718)
Incipit: Oure ladi freo on rode treo made hire mon Heo seid on þe þe fruit of me is wo bigon
Explicit: And marie preiers þat ben ful goode grant vs þe lyf of grace. Amen
Rubric: Explicit disputacio inter mariam et crucem secundum apocrafum
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 612–626.
341. f. 317ra-vb
The Pistill of Susan (IMEV 3553)
Incipit: þer was in babiloine a bern in þat borw riche
Explicit: Graunt us alle þe blisse of heuene. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 626–636.
342. ff. 317vb-318rb
Long Charter of Christ (IMEV 1718)
Incipit: Ihesu kyng of heuene and helle Mon and wommon i wol þe telle
Explicit: þe blisse þat loste oure frende To þe whuche blisse criste vs bringe withouten ende. Amen. Amen

A text. F. 318v blank.

Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 636–657.
(fols. 319–406)

‘Part 4’, quires 42–52: miscellaneous prose and verse.

343. ff. 319ra-334ra
Prick of Love (IPMEP 46)
Rubric: Now a mon schal haue cristes passion...in heuenly ierusalem. c.xxxvij
Incipit: Al forwondred of vreself ouhte vs for to be ȝ we biþouhte vs inwardlyche of þe grete vnmesurable loue þat god to vs haþ schewed and of þe grete vnkyndenes þat we don him aȝeyn for his gode dede for ȝif vre lord loueþ vs so muche þat to vre kynde so knittet wolde be þat neuer wolde from vs twinne
Explicit: and loue þi lord rys vp syon and preise þi lord ȝ heuene and eorþe and al þat is þerinne loueþ vr lord and so mot vre tretys ende is louynge of god so þat alle blessede spirites mote louen vre lord in þe blisse of heuene amen
Colophon: Here endeþe þe tretis þat is cald prikke of loue made bi a ffrere menour bonaventure þat was a cardinal in þe court of rome
Language(s): Middle English
A translation of the pseudo-Bonaventuran Stimulus Amoris.
344. f. 334ra
Nine Points Most Pleasing to God (IPMEP 410)
Rubric: A tretis hou god apered to an holi mon
Incipit: Hit was an holi mon and bisouȝte god sende him grace such vertues forto vse þat weore best to lyf and to soule þenne apeered vr lord iesus godes sone to him and seide ȝif þin herte to me and þin almus to þe pore mon for þe loue of me and hit schal lyke me betere þen þauh þou ȝiue al þe gold of þis world aftur þi day
Explicit: þen þou preyed my moder and al þe halewes of heuene to preye for þe loue me wiþ al þin herte to haue my blisse and hit schul lyke me bettere þen þou made a piler rechyng vp to heuene stikyng ful of rasours al þi bodi to renden on
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1895, pp. 110–111.
345. f. 334ra
Christ's appeal to man (IMEV 3826)
Incipit: Unkuinde mon ȝif kep to me And seo what pyne i soffre for þe
Explicit: In eorþe my grace in heuene my blis
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1895, p. 71.
346. f. 334ra-vb
Richard Rolle, The Commandment (IPMEP 660)
Rubric: Her is a tretis þat techeþ to loue god with al þin herte
Incipit: þe comaundement of god is þat we loue vr lord iesus in al vre herte in al vre soule in al vre herte þoruout in al vre herte þat is in al vre vnderstonding wiþouten aȝeynseyȝing in al vre þouȝt þat is þat we þenke on him wiþouten forȝetynge in þis manere is
Explicit: loue hit more þen þi lyf roote hit in þi muynde loue iesus in al þyn herte for he made þe and bouȝte þe ful deore ȝif þin herte to him for hit is his dette forþi loue iesus wiþ al þin herte wiþ al þi soule wiþ al þi þouht amen
Language(s): Middle English
Ogilvie-Thompson 1988, pp. 34–39.
347. ff. 334vb-338ra
Richard Rolle, Form of Perfect Living (IMEV 4056 and IPMEP 351)
Rubric: Her biginneþ þe fourme of parfyt liuyng þe wȝuche holi richard þe hermit of hampulle wrot to a recluse þat was clepet margarete
Incipit: In euerich synful mon or wommon þat is bounden in ded[..] synne beoþ þreo wrecchednesses þe wȝuche bringeþ he[..] to deþ of helle þe furste is defaute of gostliche strengþe þat þei ben so feynte wiþinne in heore heortes þat þei mowe not stonden aȝeynes þe fondyng of þe deuel ne þei mowe not lifte heore wil to
Explicit: þe fourme of louynge and hou þou maist comen to perfeccion and to louen him þat þou hast taken þe to ȝif hit do þe good and profyt þonke god and preye for me þe grace of vr lord god be with þe and kepe þe worþily to him amen
Language(s): Middle English
Ogilvie-Thompson 1988, pp. 1–25.
348. ff. 338ra-339ra
Richard Rolle, Ego Dormio (IPMEP 160 with IMEV 2250 and IMEV 2270)
Incipit: þow þat desirest loue hold þin eren and here of loue in þe song of loue i fynde iwriten þat i sette at my biginnynge of my writyng i slepe and myn herte wakeþ muche loue he scheweþ þat neuer is weori of loue but euere sittyng stondyng going or eny oþur dede doyng is euere of loue þenkyng and oftesiþes þerof
Explicit: þat i miȝte beo with þe to loke on þe and to loue þe mi setel ordeyne redi and sette þou me þerinne for þenne schul we neuer twynne of loue þen schul we synge þorw siȝt of þi schinynge in heuene withouten endynge amen
Language(s): Middle English
Ogilvie-Thompson 1988, pp. 26–33.
349. ff. 339ra-341ra
Walter Hilton (?), Qui habitat (IPMEP 554)
Rubric: Her is a psalm of þe psauter expouned in englisch qui habitat
Incipit: ||Qui habitat in adiutorio altissimi in proteccione dei celi commorabitur alle men þat wol liuen in þis world cristenliche schal suffre persecucions as þe apostel seiþ or fro withouten bi malice of men or fro withinne bi temptacion of þe fend þerfore þat no mon schulde ouurtaken of himself be fals sikernes on þat
Explicit: and hiȝeþ so brennyndliche to mi siȝt þerfore i schal fulfillen his desire and schewen me fulli to him in my ful blisse i schal speke aperteliche to him not in prouerbes for hose loueþ me i schal louen him and i schal schewen myself to him
Language(s): Middle English
350. ff. 341rb-342vb
Walter Hilton?, Bonum Est (IPMEP 115.5)
Rubric: Her is a psalm of þe psauter in englisch bonum est confiteri domino
Incipit: Bonum est confiteri domino et psallere nomini tuo altissime hit is good to schriuen to vre lord and singen to þi name þou allerhiȝest no man mai liuen in þis lyf þat he ne schal sinne sumtyme and þerfore hit is good to vche mon to schriuen him to vre lord and syngen to his name schrift goþ bifore and song
Explicit: and he is good in alle his werkes þer is no wontyng of goodnes in him for he is fulfild of his owne kynde not takyng part of anoþer þing and forþi þer is in him no wikkednesse but he is goode and alle goode and souereyn godnesse
Language(s): Middle English
351.1. f. 343ra-b
Incipit: þa þe inner hauyng of man be lyt to þe vtter of actyf lyf
Explicit: þat hit was made vnto

A tabula dividing the following text into 93 chapters.

Language(s): Middle English
351.2. ff. 343va-353va
Walter Hilton, Scale of Perfection (IPMEP 255)
Incipit: Gostly broþer or suster in iesus crist i preye þe þat in þe callyng wȝuche vre lord haþ called þe to his seruice þou hold þe payed and stond studefastli þerin trauayling bisyli with al þe miȝtes of þi soule by grace of iesus crist forte fulfille in soþfastnes of good lyuyng þe state wȝuche þou hast taken in liknes and in
Explicit: ouþur for lakkyng of englische or wantyng of reson i prey þe amende hit only þer ned is þei longe not alle to o man wȝuch haþ actyf lyf but to þe or to anoþer whuch haþ stat of lyf contemplatyf þe grace of vre lord iesus crist be with þe amen

Book 1 only.

Language(s): Middle English
Underhill 1923; Bestul 2000.
352. ff. 353vb-356rb
Walter Hilton, Epistle of Mixed Life (IPMEP 147)
Rubric: Here begineþ a luitel boc þat was writen to a worldli lord to teche him hou he schulde haue him in his state in ordeynd loue to god and to his euencristene
Incipit: þe grace and þe goodnes of vr lord iesus þat he haþ schewed to þe in wiþdrawyng of þin herte from loue and lyking of worldli vanyte and vse of fleschli synnes and in turnyng of þi wille enterli to his seruise and his plesaunce bringeþ into myn herte muche matere for to loue him in his merci and also hit stereþ
Explicit: and of þe maieste withoute gret clannes and meknes schal be ouurleyd and oppressed of himself

Between the rubric and the incipit is an outline of the chapters beginning, 'Whi gode desyres neodeþ to be reuled be discrecion & medeful werkes to be wrouȝt' and ending, '& wisely use þe grace þat god haþ ȝeue to him./ caº xxvijº þe prologe

Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1895, pp. 264–292.
353. ff. 356rb-359vb
The Mirror of St. Edmund (IPMEP 706)
Rubric: Heer biginneþ a good tretis þat seint edmond þe bisschop made wiþ þe mirour of seint edmound i cleped hit is þat techeþ mon to heuene blis
Incipit: þe word of þe apostele falleþ to men of religion and to alle gode cristene men seoþ þe stat wherto ȝe beoþ clept þis he seiþ for to drawe vs to perfecion and þerfore what time i þenke on myself bi day or bi niht on on half i haue gret ioye and on anoþur half gret serwe ioye for þe grete religion and godnesse
Explicit: iesu cryst graunte vs god so honouren vre breþeren louen and vreself meken þat we mouwen for vre honouring ben honoured for vre loue ben loued and for vre meokyng beon heiȝed in þe ioye of heuene þat is ordeyned to vs amen iesus graunt hit vs amen

An English translation of St. Edmund's Speculum Ecclesie written c. 1240 by Edmund Rich, Archbishop of Canterbury. An outline of chapters between the rubric and the incipt begins as follows, 'þis is þe Bok sikerly þat techeþ to heuen parfytliche hit is clept þe mirour of seynt Edmound' and ends, 'What is to liuen honurabliche loueredenliche and mekeliche

Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1895, pp. 240–261.
354. ff. 359vb-361rb
Abbey of the Holy Ghost (IPMEP 39)
Rubric: Heer biginneþ a tretis þat is clept þe abbey of þe holy gost þat is concience of monnes herte schulde ben in þis abbey most
Incipit: Mi deore breþren and sustren i seo wel þat monie wolde ben in religion but þei mowe not for pouert or for age or for drede of heore kun or for bond of mariage and þerfore i make her a book of religion of herte þat is of þe abbeye of þe holi gost þat alle þo þat mouwe not ben in bodi religion þei mowe ben in gostly
Explicit: In whuche ben foundet alle goode virtues and alle foule vices ben driven out

There is a connecting passage between this text and the one that follows.

Language(s): Middle English
Consacro 1971. Horstmann 1895, pp. 321–337.
355. ff. 361rb-363vb
The Charter of the Abbey (IPMEP 590)
Rubric: And þus bigynneþ þe chartre of þe same abbey of þe holigost
Incipit: Her is þe bok þat spekeþ of a place þat is cleped þe abbey of þe holigost
Incipit: Witeþe ȝe þat now heere And þei þat beþ to comen
Explicit: þat is to seye goode vertues in vre soules þat we mowe come to þat ioie and to þat blisse þat iesus crist bouȝte vs to with his precious blood to þat ioye and blisse bring vs he þat for loue of monnes soule diȝede on þe roode tre amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1895, pp. 337–362. Fanning 1975.
356. ff. 363vb-366vb
The Spirit of Guy (IPMEP 229)
Rubric: Heer begynneþ a good tretis þat men clepeþ spiritus gwydonis
Incipit: For as muche as seint austin seiþ to peter in þe booc of beleeue þat is a miracle what heih þing oþur vncostumable þing so comeþ ouur monnus faculte to be strengþing of vr feiþ forwhi alle þinges þat beoþ writen ben writen to vr techyng þyng þat we mouwe haue hope þorw soffraunce and cumfort of writynges
Explicit: and in þe day of ester þat next com þe pope sent þidere and fond nouȝt for foreseide spirit forwhi men trouweþ wel þat he is nou in heuene to wȝuche heuene bring vs godes sone þat liueþ and regneþ wiþ þe fader and wiþ þe holy gost amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1896, pp. 292–293.
357. ff. 366vb-367vb
Form of Confession (IPMEP 309)
Rubric: Heer is good Confession þat techeþ mon to sauacion How þat mon schal schriue him here To techen him wel þe maneere
Incipit: I knowleche me gulti and ȝelde me to god almihti and to his blessed moder seynte marie and to al þe holy cumpanye of heuene and to þe mi gostliche fader here in godes stude of alle þe sunnes þat ich haue greuousliche sunged inne from þe tyme þat i was bore into þis day as in word in werk in wille in þouȝt
Explicit: in iust demynge wherin stondeþ temperaunce in mesurable etyng and drinkyng spekyng sleping and trauaylyng wherinne stondeþ strengþe in mihti wiþstondyng of temptacion continueliche seruyng god god ȝiue vs grace to serue god amen
Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1896, pp. 340–345.
358. ff. 367vb-371vb
A Talking of the Love of God (IPMEP 749)
Rubric: Heer is a tretys a talkyng of þe loue of god
Incipit: þis tretys is a talkyng of þe loue of god and is mad for to sturen hem þat hit reden to louen him þe more and to fynde lykyng and tast in his loue hit falleþ for to reden hit esyliche and softe so as men may mest in inward felyng and deplich þenkyng sauour fynden and þat not beodene but biginnen and leten
Explicit: my lyues loue mi lyf mi deþ mi blisse for þou ordeyndest me to þi deore lemmon bitwene þin armes ley i me bitwene myn armes cluppe i þe nou ȝif me felyng in þe withouten ending and hold me in þi kepyng swete iesus heuenkyng amen

A modernised version of the thirteenth-century Wooing of Our Lord.

Language(s): Middle English
Horstmann 1896, pp. 345–366. Westra 1950.
359. ff. 371vb-392ra
Ancrene Riwle/ Ancrene Wisse (IPMEP 559 with IMEV 3568)
Incipit: Lourd seiþ godes spouse to hire derworþe spous þe rihte loueþ þe
Explicit: þenne habbeþ heo strengþe wel to ben vnderstonden now is þis al iseid now iesus crist þat me gurde i þe mouþ and galle ȝaf to drynke with mouþes sunne witeþ ow and þoleþ sum pyne in þat wit as he was þerinne i pynet
Language(s): Middle English

A modernised version of the thirteenth-century text.

Savage and Watson 1991. Zettersten and Diensberg 2000.
360. ff. 392rb-393rb
The Pains of Sin and Joys of Heaven (not in IPMEP)
Incipit: Salamon seiþ in al þin werkes þenk on þin eende and þou schalt neuere do sinne þenk þat þou schalt dyȝe and þou ne wost whenne ne in what stude ne in what tyme ne on what deþ ne in what state and þerfore seiþ seint austine þat euure schulde vre last dai be in vre þouht for whenne þou arysest vp of þi bedde
Explicit: þe world iloren for þat heo mowen neuere hemseluen helpen ne non oþur ȝif ȝe vnderstonde wel þis þing ȝe ouhten to haue þis world in despit and luitel to leten of heore wordes god ȝeue vs grace to be goode and to make heer a good ende amen
Language(s): Middle English
Hanna (1997, p. 8) notes other copies in Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys 2498 pp. 212b-26b, and MS. Bodl. 938, fols. 13–16.
361. ff. 393rb-394vb
Life of Adam and Eve (IPMEP 53)
Rubric: þis tretys is hou þe word was wrouȝt and adam and eue & þe wo þat adam & eue in heore lyue hedden
Incipit: Alle þat bileeuen on iesus crist lusteneþ and ȝe mowen heere how muche is þe miht of vre heuenekyng furst he schop heuene and siþen þe eorþe to beren treo and gras þe eorþe was fruyȝe and withouten moisture þer nas noþing þat was quik neiþer more ne lasse þe holi gost was euere withouten bigining and schal be
Explicit: and so heo weoren alle ablent and þerfore god almihti adreynt al þe world he dreynte al þat was quik abouen þe eorþe but onliche eihte soules now ichaue ȝow told al of þe furste worlde and to þe world þat euer schal laste god us þider bringe
Horstmann 1878, pp. 220–227.
Language(s): Middle English
362. ff. 394vb-401v
William Langland, Piers Plowman, A text (IMEV 1459)
Incipit: In a somer sesun whon softe was the sonne
Explicit: A lyf is ihoten housebondes hit usen||

A-text. F. 402 is missing.

Language(s): Middle English
Ed. Skeat 1867. Kane 1960.
363. ff. 403ra-404vb
Joseph of Arimathia (IMEV 49)
Incipit: ||...sire he seid and sonenday is nouwe
Explicit: And þei lenden of þe toun and leuen hit þeres
Language(s): Middle English
364. ff. 404vb-406ra
South English Legendary: Life of Pilate and Judas (IMEV 1809 and IMEV 2755)
Incipit: Judas was a luþer brid þat ihesus solde to þe rode
Explicit: God schilde vche cristene mon from so deolful cas. Amen

F. 406 has been cut vertically so that only half of the page remains, the second column is therefore missing. The text ends half way down the page with the remainder of the column remaining blank. However, there is a catchword for the next text in the bottom right-hand corner of the page.

Language(s): Middle English
(fols. 407–13)

‘Part 5’, quire 53: the ‘Vernon Lyrics’.

365.1. f. 407ra-c
Mercy passes all things (IMEV 583)
Incipit: In west vnder a wylde wode syde In a launde þer i was lente
Explicit: Bifore þi face þat we mai sai Now merci passeþ alle þinge

Items 367.1–26 are known collectively as the Vernon Lyrics.

Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 658–663.
365.2. f. 407rc-va
Deo Gracias (IMEV 1448)
Incipit: In a chirche þer i con knel þis ender day in on morwenynge
Explicit: And sitte among his seintes hende And þer synge deo gracias
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 664–666.
365.3. f. 407va-b
Against my will I take my leave (IMEV 2302)
Incipit: Nou bernes buirdus bolde and blyþe To blessen ow her nou am i bounde
Explicit: Crist kepe ow out of cares colde Ffor nou is tyme to take my leue
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 666–668.
365.4. f. 407vb
Deus caritas est (IMEV 678)
Incipit: A deore god omnipotent Lord þou madest boþe fould & best
Explicit: þenkeþ nouþe on deus caritas And bring vs alle to good endyng
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 668–670.
365.5. f. 407vc
Deo gracias (IMEV 2280)
Incipit: Mi word is deo gracias In world wher me be wel or wo
Explicit: And afterward into heuene go þer to synge deo gracias. Amen
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 670–671.
365.6. ff. 407vc-408ra
Each man ought himself to know (IMEV 1455)
Incipit: In a pistel þat poul wrouȝt i fond hit writen & seide riht þis
Explicit: þat cristes face mai ben vr foode ffor vche mon ouȝte him self to knowe
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 672–675.
365.7. f. 408ra-va
Think on yesterday (IMEV 3996)
Incipit: Whon men beoþ muriest at heor mele In mete & drink to maken hem glade
Explicit: Whon men beoþ muryest at heor mele I rede ȝe þenke on ȝusterday
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 675–680.
365.8. f. 408va-b
Keep well Christ's Commandments (IMEV 1379)
Incipit: I warne vche leod þat liueþ in londe And do hem dredles out of were
Explicit: Fforþi i preye þat crist vs spede Kuyndely to kepe his comaundement
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 680–683.
365.9. f. 408vb-c
Who says sooth he shall be shent (IMEV 3420)
Incipit: þe mon þat luste to liuen in ese Or eny worschupe her to ateyne
Explicit: þis lesson lerneþ alle at me Ho seiþ þe soþe he schal be schent
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 683–686.
365.10. ff. 408vc-409ra
Fy on a faint friend (IMEV 872)
Incipit: Frenschipe faileþ & fullich fadeþ Ffeiþful frendes fewe we fynde
Explicit: Do we so þat crist beo payet And þenne we hauen a syker frend
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 686–688.
365.11. f. 409ra-c
Thank God of all (IMEV 562)
Incipit: Bi a wey wandrynge as I went Sore I syked for serwyng sad
Explicit: þouȝ we haue not al vr wil Euermore þonke we god of al
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 688–692.
365.12. f. 409rc-va
This world fares as a fantasy (IMEV 1402)
Incipit: I wolde witen of sum wys wiht Witterly what þis world were
Explicit: And her we stunteþ but a stounde Ffor þis world is but fantasye
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 692–696.
365.13. f. 409va-c
Ay mercy, God (IMEV 374)
Incipit: As I wandrede her bi weste Ffaste vnder a forest syde
Explicit: þi swete face þat we may se Nou merci god and graunt merci
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 696–699.
365.14. ff. 409vc-410ra
Truth ever is best (IMEV 4158)
Incipit: Hose wolde him wei avyse Of þis wrecched world iweene
Explicit: We schul him hunte as cat doþ mys Whon trouþe him cheues þat euer is best
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 699–701.
365.15. f. 410ra-b
Charity is no longer dear (IMEV 4157)
Incipit: Hose wolde beþenke him weel Ou þis world is went iwis
Explicit: And let concience bere þe keye Ffor þen schal charite be most chere
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 701–704.
365.16. f. 410rb-c
Of women comes this world's weal (IMEV 1596)
Incipit: In worschupe of þat mayden swete Mylde marie moder and may
Explicit: þouȝ i þus schortliche make an ende Of wymmen comeþ þis worldes wele
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 704–708.
365.17. f. 410rc-vb
Mary, mother of Christ (IMEV 2607)
Incipit: Off alle floures feirest fall on And þat is marie moder fre
Explicit: In heuene of þe to haue a siht Laid to þe my mone i mene
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 708–711.
365.18. f. 410vb-c
Fleur de Lys (IMEV 2108)
Incipit: Marie mayden moder mylde þat blisful bern in bosum beere
Explicit: Heuene blisse þat we may wynne And wone þer wiþ þi fflourdelys
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 711–715.
365.19. ff. 410vc-411rb
Death of Edward III (IMEV 5)
Incipit: A dere god what mai þis be þat alle þing & wasteþ awai
Explicit: And nou heore los biginneþ to swage þat selde iseȝe is sone forȝete
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 715–718.
365.20. f. 411rb-c
Earthquake of 1382 (IMEV 4268)
Incipit: Yit is god a curteis lord And mekeliche con schewe his miht
Explicit: Of his gret godnesse and his gras Sende vs such warnyng to beware
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 719–721.
365.21. ff. 411rc-va
Love Holy Church and its Priests (IMEV 606)
Incipit: Crist ȝiue vs grace to loue wel holichirch Or elles certes we don riht nouht
Explicit: Ihesu bring vs and socoure Out of þis world whon we schal go
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 721–723.
365.22. f. 411va
Try to say the best (IMEV 2790)
Incipit: Qween of heuene moder and may Saue hem alle nou þat ben here
Explicit: Nou to þis word ȝe take goode hede Ffor marie loue to seye þe beste
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 723–725.
365.23. f. 411va-b
Tomorrow (IMEV 1443)
Incipit: Ilke a wys wiht scholde wake And waite with werk heuen to wynne
Explicit: He ȝiue vs grace to wone him by þen schal vs tyde no teone to morn
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 725–727.
365.24. ff. 411vb-412ra
Make amends for thy sins (IMEV 563)
Incipit: Bi a wode as i gon ryde Walkynge al mi self alone
Explicit: In heuene of þi sone to haue a siht And heer in eorþe amendes make
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 727–730.
365.25. f. 412ra-b
Suffer in time and that is best (IMEV 3925)
Incipit: Whon alle soþes ben souht and seene Euerichone at heore deuys
Explicit: þer bi god and vre ladi Suffre in hym and þat is beste
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 730–733.
365.26. f. 412rb-c
Mane nobiscum Domine (IMEV 1532)
Incipit: In somer bifore þe ascenciun At euensong on a sonundai
Explicit: Out of þis world whon we be brouȝt Mane nobiscum domine
Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 733–735.
365.27. f. 412rc
Ave maris stella (IMEV 1081)
Rubric: Ave maris stella dei mater alma Atque semper virgo felix celi porta
Incipit: Heil sterre of þe see so briht þow graunt vs to ben vr gyde
Explicit: Ffader and sone and holygost Beo wiþ us nou and euere. Amen

Furnivall misses lines 13 and 14 in his edition.

Language(s): Middle English
Furnivall 1901, pp. 735–739.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: i (modern paper, unfoliated) + 8 (contemporary supplementary quire, modern foliation i-viii) + 342 + i (modern paper, foliated 414) folios, foliated i-viii, 1–414, the modern foliation (not present on every folio) following the medieval (see below) and including 71 leaves now missing (the former fols. 37, 57–64, 81–88, 102, 106–113, 127–166, 248, 389–391, 402); the original extent was therefore 8 + 413 folios.
Dimensions (leaf): 544 × 393 mm.
Foliation: Medieval foliation in red Roman numerals on the verso of many ff. The foliation appears to be by one of the scribes. The first, later, quire has not been foliated but has been paginated as a-k.


Normally eights.


Pricking where visible - rounded or slits. Inner and outer margins are pricked for horizontal ruling. Writing space of 412–20 × 284–94 mm. . Double and triple columns with 80 lines. Double columns - 132–37 mm wide. Triple columns - 88–91 mm wide. Ruled in brownish plummet.


Scribe 1/Scribe A (ff. i-viii and rubrics left blank by Scribe 2 in later quires) writing in an Anglicana hand. Characteristics: flat-topped t; Majuscules: several forms of A with a long approach stroke on the left, exaggerated in the margin; one or two forms of B, wide V with first stroke from low left or higher right; uncial M with closed first compartment; occasional composite S; Minuscules: convex top right segment of the loop of b; frequent 8-like s in initial and final position and 6-like deep-bowled cursive form; flat-topped t; w with first stroke rising from low left; unlooped l (Doyle, 1987, pp. 12–13, colour plate 1).

This scribe also copied several Warwickshire documents, notably the cartulary of Stoneleigh Abbey (Horobin, 2013, pp. 40–5).

Scribe 2/Scribe B: Completed all texts apart from Quire 1 and some of the rubrics left blank in the quires he copied. Characteristics: 'steady set round anglicana' without Secretary influence (Doyle, 1987, pp. 11–12).

This scribe was also responsible for most of the Simeon manuscript (London, British Library, Add. MS. 22283) but has not yet been identified in any other manuscripts or documents.


One-line coloured (normally blue or red) or gold initials, which normally have contrasted and alternating penwork. Quires 32–36, and 41 have one-line gold initials with brown penwork and blue or orange paraphs. Quires 44–47 have violet penwork. There are c. 3250 illuminated initials and c. 365 flourished initials.

Two-line indented initials, in gold or deep crimson or blue grounds, with or without marginal extension of more than one sort begin secondary divisions of text or Latin quotations.

Four or five-line initials start primary divisions (single legends, miracles, or chapters within work) with the larger marginal extensions called at the beginning of items and of parts of the volumes.

One twenty-two-line historiated initial for the Prick of Conscience on f. 265rc. God the Father holding a Crucifix between angels with censers with a monk in white habit kneeling in front, holding a scroll, 'miserere mei deus secundum magnam misericordiam' (Doyle, 1987, pl. XIV). Possibly by the La Estorie del Euangelie artist. The initial shows a similar technique and colouring, green flowers with red centres and is accompanied by the work of Border Artist D; D also worked on the borders of the Euangelie. Doyle notes that the columbines which hang from the vine at the bottom of the page are also included in some other manuscripts of similar date: Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 316 c. 1394–7 (Pächt and Alexander, 3, no. 674, pl. LXX), Oxford, Bodleian Library, Canon misc. 110 (Pächt and Alexander, 3, no. 775, pl. LXXIV) produced for the Benedictines of Norwich Cathedral Priory, c. 1394–1400, and Durham Chapter Library, A 1.3 in 1386.

This initial is attributed by Dennison (2013, pp. 183–9) to 'Illustrator C', also dubbed 'Border artist D1', an imitator of Border Artist D (see below).

One full border and c. 340 border extensions by c. nine Border Artists. (For a summary of different identifications of the artists, and interpretations of their division of labour, see The Making of the Vernon Manuscript, ed. W. Scase (2013), pp. 227–8.)

Border Artist A: ff. iii-viii (Doyle, 1987, pl. I). Stylistically close to Border Artist F with its characteristic style being 'brief sprigs of coloured balls or buds and untinted squiggles in pale brown ink on initials (or no sprigs) and well defined white patterns on and in initials (Scott, 1996, p. 22).

Border Artist B: ff. 1r-96v, 167r-222v (Doyle, 1987, pl. II; ill. 2). Scott notes that Border Artist B is the second most accomplished Border Artist but writes that he 'has a provincial air, noticeable in the initial sprays with either rather feebly executed coloured balls, pairs of daisy-buds sometimes placed oddly with other motifs on initials (e.g. ff. 19v, 21r, 24r), and in the occasional lack of balance in handling vine-and-leaf branches (e.g. ff. 14r-v, 173v, 180v). His partial borders are characterised by a vine that curls back on itself in a large loop by staggered leaf motifs on vines, by trefoil leaves with white circles on two lobes, rather like eyes or Romanesque beaker heads, and by pairs of barbed, rounded daisy buds. His main colour range is orange, a murky or pale rose, and blue in two tones. Border Artist B had the distinction of making the only full border in the volume (f. 1), on two sides a filigree band and on the others a bar frame. Initials within the work allotted to Border Artist B have mainly coloured balls on extended pen lines' (Scott, 1996, pp. 22–23). Some of the characteristics of Border Artist D also occur in the work of other hands, for example on ff. 350v and 365v (Doyle, 1987, Pl. VXI). Border Artist B was responsible for the whole of part I of Vernon apart from the final quire, as well as quires 23–29 in part III.

Border Artist C: ff. 97r-104v. The work of Border Artist C is only found in one quire of the manuscript, ff. 97r-104v. The partial borders of his work are characterised by 'straight sprays of rose and blue trefoil leaves alternating with gold balls not attached to the vine; his initials are deeply serrated around the letter form and hedged with coloured balls (no sprays)' (Scott, 1996, p. 22). A difference in intensity of colour is discernible with his rose and blue hues being brighter than than those painted by Border Artist B. Scott notes that the technique of this artist is closely related to Border Artists: G, G1, and G2 (Scott, 1996, p. 22).

Border Artist D: ff. 105r, 114r-120v, 223r-278r (Doyle, 1987, pls. III, IX, XIII, XIV; ill. 3). This artist is considered by both Doyle and Scott to be the most sophisticated of the illuminators. His style is seen as being more refined and probably the result of London influence and training. Scott writes that he drew 'lively sprays of three slim daisy-buds (and sometimes a larger flower bud), whose small size was appropriate to their frequent occurrence on the page (e.g. f. 117). On larger initials this illuminator also used the "tally" style of initial exetension (e.g. ff. 229v, 234r), and also ending in daisy-bud sprays. Border Artist D's borders were executed in bright colours with pairs of (rather than staggered) motifs on border sprays, with ball-and-squiggle motifs along bar-frames (a new idea; see e.g. ff. 236v, 237r), and with, in the later section, grotesques. Some uses of bright orange are quite bright for the period (e.g. ff. 113v-117r). The fine initials f. 117 with large "maple" leaves on stippled gold are indicative of the quality of his training, possibly in London' (Scott, 1996, p. 22; Doyle, 1987, p. 8, pls. III, IV, XIV).

Similar work can be found in two copies of Higden's Polychronicon, Cambridge University Library, Ii.2.24, f. 13, and Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 316, f. 8. It is also thought that this artist was responsible for the partial border on f. 7 of London, British Library, Harley 401, a copy of the Floretum dated 1396 (Scott, 1996, p. 22).

Dennison (2013, pp. 183–94) attributes the border on fol. 117v, and the small initials on fols. 114–120v, to the artist of Holkham Hall, MS. 26 (her artist D), to whom she attributes MS. Bodl. 316 and Harley MS. 401. Other decoration on fols. 105r-120v and 223r-278r, including the initial on fol. 265rc, she attributes to a less talented follower (her artist D1 who as the same as Scott and Doyle's artist D).

Border Artist E: ff. 121r-126v, 412r (Doyle, 1987, pls. V-XII, ill. 5). Border Artist E can be found in only one quire working with the Miracles artist and on the last leaf (f. 412) of the manuscript. Scott sees the sprays on the initials done by this Border Artist as being 'less structured'. They are drawn in black ink and have 'roughly executed' trefoil leaves. There are also coloured balls against the initial ground (Scott, 1996, p. 22).

Border Artist F: ff. 279r-286v, 305r, and one intial on verso, 319r-322v, 324r-326v, 351r-352v, 354r-355v, 357r-358v, 394r-395v, 396v, 398r. Border Artist F is stylistically close to Border Artist A although they are not the same artist. Border Artist F is more accomplished than A and his work is 'characterised by two-line initials either without sprays but hedged by rose or blue balls (usually without squiggles) or, more rarely, with stiff, tally-bar extensions (e.g. f. 281), also with balls, and by the use of brown or pale brown for pen squiggles, and on border spray-work sometimes by a leaf and ball paired opposite each other on a vine (e.g. f. 284), but more frequently by pairs of motifs' (Scott, 1996, p. 22).

Border Artist G: ff. 287r-294v. Scott describes the work of this artist as being some of the 'uglier work' in the manuscript. His style is characterised by 'daisy-buds on some initials (e.g. ff. 287r, 288r), a group of three buds or leaves from one flower (e.g. f. 288), variant white designs on initial grounds, much use of three dot design, and gold balls attached to the vine'. Scott also notes that the hand uses green tint on some pen squiggles (Scott, 1996, p. 22). Early use of green tint on pen squiggles is also found in a provincial context in the work of Border Artist B in London, British Library, MS Additional 37787, a textually related north Worcestershire manuscript.

Border Artist G1: ff. 295r-310v, 323r, 327r-350v, 353r, 356r, 359r-393v (Doyle, 1987, pl. XV), 396r, 397r. It is thought that this artist was trained by Border Artist G. However, Scott sees some differences in technique; she writes that he 'differs from his mentor in two respects: he does not use green, and his partial borders have, at first, mainly smaller rounded leaf shapes, rather than the trefoil shapes of G's work. G1 made the majority of the tally initials. G1 began his second stint in the middle of a quire and on a leaf (f. 323r) started by Border Artist F, and later G1 and F worked together on a quire between ff. 351r-358v' (Scott, 1996, pp. 22–23).

Border Artist G2: ff. 311r-318; 399r-411v. Scott sees this as another amateurish artist and describes it as being one of the 'rough hands'. His work is characterised by 'sinuous vines on initials with a variety of coloured motifs' (Scott, 1996, p. 23).

Historiations in borders or initials: historiations are present in a number of borders including a grotesque head and grotesque animals, columbines, animal heads and a lion mask (see Scott, 1996, p. 19 for a comprehensive list).

Illustrator A - La estorie del Euangelie: 1. f. 105rb: 'The Annunciation to Mary', with lily pot (faces damaged); 2. f. 105rc, top: 'The Visitation of Elizabeth by Mary'; 3. f. 105rc: 'The angel appearing to Zacharias' (face damaged); 4. f. 105va: 'The birth of John the Baptist' (two faces damaged); 5. f. 105vb: 'The angel reassuring Joseph'; 6. f. 105vc, top: 'The birth of Jesus'; 7. f. 105 vc: 'The angel appearing to the shepherds' (faces damaged).

Only seven miniatures survive for this text although it is thought that others would have decorated the texts contained in the seven leaves now missing from the end of the Euangelie. A similar sequence is found in the Clopton manuscript which has thirty-three miniatures accompanying the text (the Euangelie is found in the London, University Library, MS S. V.17 portion of this now tripartite manuscript). The Clopton Euangelie also has a north Worcestershire dialect and it could share a common exemplar with Vernon (Turville-Petre 1990, p. 31). Each miniature is eight to twelve lines deep and drawn across one column. Frames vary between having one, two, three, or four sides.

Characteristics: The figures have flattened body forms, with little modelling of drapery, apart from outlining in black. Faces are modelled to some extent, with those features not damaged rendered in orange-brown (pink on f. 265r); female figures often have rusty coloured hair. Heads or haloes frequently protrude onto the upper frame. The colour range is rose, bright orange, and blue, with landscape features in green. Backgrounds are of stippled gold or coloured with a flower or chainlink design in white, and two scenes (f. 105vb and c bottom) show the narrow foreground with a hilly landscape and stylised trees.

Illustrator B - The Miracles of Our Lady: 1. F. 124rb: 'How Chartres was Saved': The Saving of the city of Crotey (Chartres) from Rollo, led by Bishop Waltelin and the mayor, bearing the Virgin's shift; the besieging army of Rollo blinded by the relic (damaged). 2. F. 124va: 'Miracle of the Boy Singer'/'The child in Paris killed by Jews': a) A Jew beckons the boy into his house; b) The Jew cutting the boy's throat; c) The Jew dumping the body in a privy; d) The mother pleading before the mayor and bailiff; e) The bishop [in margin] holding the lily found in the boy's throat, with the boy's corpse beside in a burial cloth; inscribed scrolls. 3. F. 124vc: 'The Harlot's Prayer': 'The harlot of Rome saved by Prayer': a) The harlot, with a stick, attempting to seduce a hermit, with beads; b) the harlot praying before the Virgin and Child. 4. F. 125rb: 'The Jewish Boy of Bourges'/'The Jewish child thrown into an oven': a) The Jew with a whip leading his son from the Christian church; b) The Jew throwing his child in an oven; c) The child miraculously alive in a burning oven, with his mother and the mayor seated beside. 5. F. 125vb: 'Miracle of the Amputated Leg'/The restoration of an amputated foot: a) a man with an axe amputating the diseased leg of another man, a woman watches; b) Mary restoring the leg; an image of the Virgin, with sprig, and Child beside. 6. F. 126ra: 'The Merchant's Surety'/'The merchant of Constantinople who borrowed from a Jew': a) The merchant Theodorus and Jew Abraham making a money-pledge before an image of the Virgin and Child; b) Theodorus putting a chest with money into the sea; c) Abraham finding the chest in the sea; d) Abraham confesses his deceit to Theodorus. 7. F. 126rc: 'The Fornicating Priest'/'The priest who lay with a nun': a) A monk lying with a priest [error for a nun]; b)The Priest's friend praying before an image of the Virgin and Child; c) The Priest giving the Eucharist to the same priest, who is commended by the Virgin. 8. F. 126va: 'The Quinsied Monk'/'The dying monk healed by Our Lady's milk': A monk seated on a trestle, head in hands; Virgin offering her milk to a monk with quinsy; monk seated on floor beside bed. 9. F. 126vc: 'The Incontinent Monk'/'The incontinent monk drowned but revived': An image of the Virgin and Child in a chapel; a monk with covered head sneaking away from the cloister; Virgin standing on a bridge, separating angels from devils and regarding the drowning sacristan in the river, draped figure on the riverbank.

Whilst only nine miniatures remain it is probable that the manuscript carried thirty-three illustrations before the loss of forty-one leaves. The miniatures, apart from the first, are sixteen lines deep and one column wide.

Characteristics: Illustrations regularly break into and out of the frame into the margins, lending the illustrations vitality and animation. Presentation of a series of events within a story and not just one incident. Realistic, more plastic, form of human figure. Faces heavily modelled through the use of grey and white, a complexion tone, and tinting of the lips. Fabrics have curved outlines with folds that fall gently, and sometimes outline the figure beneath. Muted shades with various shades of green. The Jew is consistently dressed in a rose-rust gown. The work of Illustrator B is accompanied by the work of Border Artist E.

Diagrammatic text entitled 'Pater Noster in a table ypeynted' in the list of contents. The Pater Noster is presented in the form of a grid with the seven petitions of the Pater Noster presented in relation to the seven gifts of the spirit, the seven virtues and their contrary virtues (f. 231v, Doyle, 1987, pl. XIII; Henry, 1990, opp. p. 90).

F. 105r, lower border, blank shield for an owner's or donor's arms.


On f. 239v, written in a hurried script, contemporary with the manuscript, is 'De scripcione trium quaternorum vel quatuor primum verbum oþur dignite & trium foliorum'. This inscription is written next to the same words in the text of Speculum Vitae as those which appear in an inscription in the related Simeon manuscript. In the Simeon, on f. 38ra (modern)/ f. 219 (old), the copyist has written 'Memorandum quod Johannes Scryveyn scribet domino Thome Heneley tres quaternos vel quatuor & tria folio Et incipit ad ista verba in isto columine Oþur dignite. or benefys' (Doyle, 1987, p. 13, pl. 7a). It would appear that both the Vernon and Simeon manuscripts were being used as exemplars (see Doyle, 1987, p. 13).

These figures are probably identifiable as Thomas Hanley (d. 1422, chancellor of Hereford, prebendary and chancellor of Lichfield, and dean of Tettenhall), and John Scryvein of Lichfield (fl. c. 1392–1414): see Doyle (2013), p. 14 and Horobin (2013), pp. 29–34.


Not medieval; nineteenth century. Covered in crushed russet leather with rectangular gold frame around the edge tooled in blind. Border of the frame is formed of square compartments with alternate fleur-de-lys and lion passant guardant. The internal rectangle is decorated with a lattice design formed by double fillets. The remains of tanned calf are visible beneath the current binding. Bevelled oak boards, possibly medieval. Sewn with six double spine cords, probably in the position of the medieval thongs. Six bands across the spine. Depressions of two clasps are visible on the outer edge of the upper cover of the exterior.


Origin: c. 1390–1400 ; English

Provenance and Acquisition

Not before 1381. The translator of Aelred of Rievaulx's De Institutione inclusarum refers to Lollard proposals for church disendowment of after 1381 and a further text refers to the earthquake of 1382 (On the Earthquake of 1382 (f. 411rb, IMEV 4268 (Brown, 1924, no. 113, pp. 186–8)) whilst another mentions the treatment of a Carmelite Friar in 1384 (Who says sooth he shall be shent (f. 408vb, IMEV 3420 (Brown, 1924, no. 103, pp. 152–54).

The origin and patronage of the manuscript are still debated; for a recent summary see The Making of the Vernon Manuscript, ed. W. Scase (2013). Textual and scribal affiliations, scribal language, and the later history of the manuscript suggest that the manuscript was produced (to quote Ralph Hanna) for ‘a religious establishment or a large secular household somewhere in a rough triangle Lichfield-Coventry-Worcester’ (Hanna, 1992, p. 1028). Images on fols. 126va and 265rc, which may illustrate Cistercian monks, perhaps suggest a connection with that order (for discussion, and a dissenting view, see Scase, ‘Patronage symbolism’, 234–8).

Sixteenth century: Walter Vernon (?) - f. 413v, late, record of the marriage of Walter, son of Thomas Vernon of Houndhill (Staffordshire, near Sudbury) and Mary Littleton on 8 September 1583. The births of their children are also recorded: their son Edward on 14 December 1584, and twins Walter and Elinore on 20 September 1585. The death of the twins on that same day is also recorded. Colonel Edward Vernon, who gave the manuscript to the Bodleian was the grandson of Mary to her second marriage to Walter's cousin, John Vernon of Sudbury, Staffordshire (Quinn, 1952, pp. 133–137). Various other names, now cut off with half of the leaf are also written. A list of the Christian names of five sons and four daughters is written in a different hand: probably also the children of Walter Vernon and Mary Littleton (Mary's funeral monument confirms the numbers: J. Charles Cox, Notes on the Churches of Derbyshire (1877), p. 322). F. 343va - 'Gruffyth Smyth'. He was possibly a Shrewsbury man whose will was registered at Lichfield in 1557. Ff. 316v and 317v - indecipherable sixteenth/seventeenth-century inscriptions.

Seventeenth century: f. 413v - 'Thomas Brooke the senior'; f. 53rb, bottom - 'Mary Harpur'.

Given to the Bodleian by Colonel Edward Vernon in c. 1677, probably on the occasion of the award of his honorary D. C. L. degree by the University of Oxford.

Record Sources

Description adapted with some updates (September 2018) from description of July 2003 by Rebecca Farnham for Manuscripts of the West Midlands: A Catalogue of Vernacular Manuscript Books of the English West Midlands, c. 1300 - c. 1475, v.2 (University of Sheffield: 2009), Wendy Scase with the assistance of Rebecca Farnham and Orietta Da Rold, funded by the AHRC and the University of Birmingham, used by permission. Previously described in the Summary Catalogue.


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Digital Images

Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)
Digital Bodleian (54 images from 35mm slides)


Last Substantive Revision

2018-09-04: Description fully revised: MWM description incorporated and adapted.