MS. Germ. e. 10
Summary Catalogue no.: Not in SC (late accession)
Biblical and liturgical glossaries, in Latin and German; Song of Songs, in German. Germany (south east?), 15th century, middle
A highly selective ‘glossary’ (translating both individual words and longer phrases) covering in varying detail the Temporale from Advent to the 24th Sunday after Pentecost (fols. 1ra–15ra), followed by the feasts of the Purification (fol. 15ra-b), Assumption (fol. 15rb), and Nativity (fols. 15rb-16va) of the Virgin. Typically the Gospel and Epistle readings are treated, but on occasion also sequences (Pentecost, fol. 8r-v) and the introit (fol. 10r, dom. 2 in Pent.)
Similar ‘glossary’ for the Gospels (?)
Similar ‘glossary’ for the Pauline and Catholic Epistles
Identified by Hans-Ulrich Schmid as a late-medieval Bavarian translation based on the recension of the Latin text by Williram von Ebersberg (Hans-Ulrich Schmid, ‘Eine spätmittelalterliche bairische Übersetzung des Hohen Liedes’, in ed. Nikolaus Henzel and Nigel F. Palmer, Latein und Volkssprache im deutschen Mittelalter 1100–1500: Regensburger Colloquium 1988 (Tübingen 1992), pp. 199–208, at p. 201, listing 12 other copies). The present copy has been reported (e.g. Mike Malm, ‘Salomonische Schriften’, in Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon. Das Mittelalter, 2: Das geistliche Schrifttum des Spätmittelalters, Berlin/Boston 2011, cols. 793–797, at 795) as containing both the German version and the Latin text, but in contrast to other manuscripts of the translation it presents only the German.
Physical Description
Ruled very faintly in plummet(?) for 2 columns of 33–34 lines per page (horizontal rulings not usually visible). Written space c. 165 × 120 mm.
Cursive bookhand (one scribe); headings in slightly larger and more formal script.
None; spaces left for initials.
Modern grey cloth over pasteboards, c.1986; the edges of the leaves yellow.
Provenance and Acquisition
Stephen Mossman suggests that the watermark allows a dating to 1449–52: it is found on paper utilised in Aschaffenburg, Donauwörth, Füssen, Innsbruck, Mainz, Meran, Nürnberg, and Öttingen.
Inscribed in pencil by the Bodleian with the shelfmark and ‘P[urchased] 21 June 1979’ (fol. 1r). The source of acquisition has not been traced.
Record Sources
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)
Digital Bodleian (1 image from 35mm slides)
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2021-02-22: Revised description for Polonsky German digitization project.