A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Germ. e. 5

Summary Catalogue no.: Not in SC (late accession)

Collection for a female religious community (Dominican nuns?) following the rule of St Augustine; Germany, c. 1395


1. (fols. 1r-7r)
Rule of St. Augustine (ad seruos Dei) (German translation)
Incipit: In xpi nomine · Incipit Regula b(ea)ti augustini ep(iscopi) · Die Regel Sant Augustinus dez Byschofz · vahet an In dem namen xpi · Hec sunt que vt obseruetis precipimus in Monasterio constituti Ir zemen getănen · Im Munster · diz sint die ding die wir gebieten · d(a)z Ir si behaltint Daz erst ist d(a)z ir wandligind ain mütklich Im huse · vmb d(a)z sint Ir gesamlet in ains
Explicit: Hie hăt ain end Sant Augustin(us) regel · Sant B(ernhardus) spricht waz du got ze lob tu/ost la/vsset du vnderwege(n) d(a)z dv solt tu/on · so ha/vst ze luzel ta/vn
Colophon: Translata et scripta anno domini MoCCCXCo quinto

In the first hand; translation in German, with Latin chapter headings (each of which is immediately translated). German text in black (a small textura), with Latin headings in red; red title and initials, with rubricated majuscules.

This manuscript is not known to wider scholarship of the field. For various single-manuscript editions of this text from other codices, see further: G. de Smet, Gilbert, ‘Augustinerregeln (mhd.)’, Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters: Verfasserlexikon, 11 vols. (Berlin, 1978-) ed. Kurt Ruh et al, vol. I (1978), 545–550 and vol. XI (2000), 189.

Language(s): German and Latin
2. (fols. 7r-8r)
Ordinal of Holy Week (Palm Sunday – Good Friday – Holy Saturday) with list of those prohibited from entering the choir on Maundy Thursday
Incipit: Primo ante o(mn)ia b(ene)dicat(ur) aq(ua) i(m)ponat(ur) · Sitie(n)tes · cu(m) P(ri)mo · Atte(n)dite · et gl(or)ia p(at)ri ·
Explicit: Exto(r)qu(en)tib(us)(?) ab homi(ni)bus res p(reter) iusticia(m) Detractorib(us) honoris

Addition, in the second hand; black, though weaker, ink with rubricated majuscules. Van Dijk notes that a plebanus is mentioned in the section for Palm Sunday.

Language(s): Latin
3. (fols. 9r-53r)
Hugh of St. Victor, Expositio in Regulam S. Augustini (St. Katharinental translation)
Incipit: Disu gebot du vns hie nach geschriben sint · haizent da von ain regil · daz man vns mit in leret · ain ordenunge rehtes lebens · Da von haizit ez ain regil · d(a)z si rehte rihte vn(d) lere · D(a)z wir haizent ain regel · daz nement · die trichen Canoni
Explicit: . vn(d) d(a)z er der in anbetende ist an im gv|onlichi habe vn(d) nit an im selber Tu autem vnd fro|vde dich d(a)z dv ieze bist in der geselleschaft der hailige(n) engel

In first hand; headings derived from Rule in black ink with red initials and underlined in red; otherwise text in black ink with rubricated majuscules. The Latin original is edited PL 176.881–924.

I. M. Kramp, Mittelalterliche und frühneuzeitliche deutsche Übersetzungen des pseudo-hugonischen Kommentars zur Augustinusregl (2008); ending here after 'im selber' varies from that printed by Kramp, 160–1..
Language(s): German
4. (fols. 53v-55r)
Sermon on love of God
Incipit: Dv solt got minnen dar vmbe d(a)z er d(a)z ewige gv|ot ist · vn(d) was dv nach im minnest · d(a)z solt dv minnen vn(d) liep han durch in · vn(d) solt got minnen mit friger minne
Explicit: Got gebe dir hie vf ertriche d(a)z dv mit im gangest vn(d) zu|o im gahest an dem ende · vn(d) iemer eweclichen in im an ende · nach dirre welte vnfride Amen ·

In first hand; black ink with red majuscules. The sermon is clearly aimed at those living an enclosed life, referring to the canonical hours and to places within a monastic institution.

Language(s): German
5. (fols. 55r-64r)
Der Minnebaum (German translation of Pseudo-Bonaventura, ‘Arbor Amoris’)
Incipit: Ezechiel sprichet Ich sach ainen bovm en mitten vf dem ertrich · hoht vnze an den himel · groz vn(d) starc · brait als allez ertrich · Sinv bleter aller schoneste · Siner fruht ze vil aller hande spise dar vf Dar vnder woneten dv tier · vn(d) in den esten wandelten
Explicit: vn(d) mit den gedenken vf ertriche vn(d) ane mitili · vn(d) vnverborgenliche sehende iemer eweclich in dem himelriche Am(en) ·

In first hand; black ink with red majuscules and red incipient initial. The tract begins with an erroneous attribution of the scriptural citation (Daniel 4, 10–12) to Ezekiel. There are various redactions of the ‘Arbor Amoris’ in German and this is the ‘Predigtform’ (sermon form) version, found also in St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. 1066. For an edition according to that (later) manuscript, see Urs Kamber, Arbor Amoris. Der Minnebaum. Ein Pseudo-Bonaventura-Traktat herausgegeben nach lateinischen und deutschen Handschriften des XIV. und XV. Jahrhunderts, Philologische Studien und Quellen 20 (Berlin 1964), pp. 143–56, with the original Latin text edited pp. 44–59.

Fols. 64v-65r blank.

Language(s): German
6. (fols. 66r-99r)
Statutes for female religious following the rule of St Augustine
(fols. 66r-68r)


Incipit: An disem bu|echlin vindet man geschriben wie sich die swestran halten su|olin die den orden vnd die regel sant augustins hant gelobet · vnd daz su dest · e · vinden an disem bu|och d(a)z su su|oche(n)t so sint dez ersten gezaichent dv capitel dv hierine stant nach diser ordnung ·
Explicit: Dar nach wie man ain maistrinun suli erwellen Dar nach wie die maistrin suli sin ·

In first hand; black ink, with red majuscules.

(fols. 68r-99r)


Incipit: Diz ist waz ze tu|onn si so man dez ordens mu|otet Ez ist nieman lihteclich ze enpfahen(n) in den orden der mensch sie den(n) als erkant daz den co(n)ue(n)t dunke d(a)z er dem closter nutz sie · aber ain vnerkanter mensch ist als lang ze versu|ochen(n) vntz d(a)z kunt werd wie er sie · vn(d) so man in wil versu|ochen so sol er gefu|ert werden da der co(n)uent aller zegegni ist ·
Explicit: Die mu|ezin alle die niezend werden den wir dez son wunsche(n) vn(d) bitte(n) Am(en) · Went ir an der sel genesen · so son ir vil dikke lesen · diz bu|och · so mugint ir dest me behalten vwers ordens E vn(d) vermiden ewiges we · vn(d) vch fro|uwen iemer me · Bittent daz der were rat du dis bu|och geschribe(n) hat Amen ·

In first hand; black ink, with red initials, rubricated majuscules and headings (as per contents list) underlined in red.

Language(s): German
7. (fol. 99v)
Rubric: Oratio
Incipit: Deus origo pietatis pater mis(ericordiarum) solamen tristiu(m) indultor criminu(m) decui(s) munere
Explicit: . eode(m) unigenito tuo d(omino) n(ostro) ihv xpo · qui tecu(m) uiuit et regnat i(n) unitate sp(iritus) s(ancti) d(eus) p(er) om(n)ia · C · C · A

In first hand; black ink, with the heading oratio and incipient initial in red.

Fol. 100r blank.

Language(s): Latin
8. (fols. 100v-103r)
Prayer of contrition prior to reception of the Holy Sacrament
Incipit: O hochster priester vn(d) wa|urer bischoff · du dich da opfretest got dinem vatter ain luter vnd ain vnbeflectes opfer an dem alta|ur dez crutzes · vmb vns sunder ze losent ·
Explicit: da ich dich sol ansehen vo(n) o|uge(n) ze o|uge(n) als du da bist · da solt du mich also din setten daz mich nummer me gehungre noch gedurste Amen

Addition, in third hand; black ink. Hereafter an irregular number of lines per page (between 26–28); no longer full ruling of pages.

Language(s): German
9. (fols. 103r-104r)
Guide to contemplation and prayer on reception of the Holy Sacrament
Rubric: Dise betrahtung sol der mensch hån so er unsern herren enphåhlen wil
Incipit: Miner sund ist als gar vil das ich dir nie gebessren mag
Explicit: den(ne) sol der mensch vnsern herre(n) bitte(n) daz er alles daz an im totde daz im missualle an im vn(d) er sin naturlich min(ne) verwandle in gotlich minne vn(d) sin naturlich begird in go|etlich begird vnd daz er allain in got werd lebend hie vff ertrich vn(d) mit fro|uden eweklich in himelrich ame(n)

Addition, in third hand; black ink.

Language(s): German
10. (fol.104v)
Formula for confession
Incipit: . Ich sundiger mensch ich ergib mich schuldig vnser(m) herre(n) got vn(d) der [virgin(n)] Marien vnd allen gottes hailge(n) daz ich laider
Explicit: vn(d) bit iuch priester mir gna(u)d da(u)r vb(er) vb(er) got ze erwerbe(n) vn(d) abla(u)s ze spreche(n) vb(er) dez wille(n) ich ovh wil v(er)gen alle(n) dene(n) die in mich gesu(n)det ha(u)nd

In third hand; black ink. 104v is heavily smudged and in places only partially legible.

Fol. 105v blank with some pen trials of the letters M and A.

Language(s): German

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: woltin villiht
Form: codex
Support: Paper; three watermarks: steer's head, not in Briquet or Piccard, steer's head, similar, though not identical, to Briquet 14667 (Orleans 1385), steer's head, not in Piccard, identical to Briquet 14093 (Regensburg 1393–96), of the variant without eyes (cf. the full entry for 14093: vol. II, p. 715).
Extent: i (modern paper) + 106 leaves.
Dimensions (leaf): 207 × 152 mm.
Dimensions (written): 150 × 105 mm.
Foliation: Foliated in modern pencil: i, 1–52a, 52b-105.


1(8), 2(12)–5(12), 6(10), 7(12), 8(12), 9(10), 10(8) (4, 7 canc.) Quires 3–6 numbered ii–v on the last leaf


30 long lines


Textualis. Mostly one hand (fols. 1r-7r, 9r-99v), with contemporary additions by two other hands (fols. 7r-8v, fols. 100v-105r). Hand 3 with some cursive forms.


Plain initials in red (rarely, red-and-black) sometimes with modest decoration.

Rubrication varies according to the text; see above.


Contemporary binding: sewn on three double/split cords and bound in white pigskin over wood boards, with strap-and-pin fastening (top to bottom; pin missing); thread place-markers attached to the tab at the head of the spine; see also under Provenance

Accompanying Material

The lower pastedown is from a printed book. For the upper board see below.


Origin: 14th century, late, mainly 1395 ; Germany

Provenance and Acquisition

Provenance unknown, presumably a community of female religous (Dominican nuns?) following the rule of St Augustine. Dialect of SW Germany (Nigel Palmer, personal communication, Oct. 2020)

'Die regel | mit der auss|legung | .56.' inscribed on the spine in a 15th-cent. hand; a perhaps similar inscription, now mostly illegible, is on a paper label on the lower board.

On inside front cover: (top left) '117' in blue pencil, and in 19th century hand, 'Manuscript aus dem 14. Jahrhundert'.

Bought, 1922

MS. Germ. e. 5 - offset on upper board


Language(s): Latin

Rule of St. Augustine (ad servos Dei) (German translation, fragment)

From c. 2 (Rursus etiam illi qui) to beginning of c. 4 (Carnem vestram domate) ending ‘mit vasten und ent⟨haben⟩[’. Apparently not the same translation as on fols. 1r-7r.

Offset from a pastedown, now lost: dialect of SW Germany (High Alemannic) (Nigel Palmer, personal communication, Oct. 2020). Latin text in red.

Language(s): German

Physical Description

Form: codex


Origin: 13th century, late, or 14th century, early ; Germany

Additional Information

Record Sources

Adapted (Oct. 2020) from an unpublished description by Stephen Mossman, c. 2003, with additional description of the offset text.

Digital Images

Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)
Digital Bodleian (1 image from 35mm slides)


Last Substantive Revision

2020-10-21: Revised description of offset.