MS. Auct. E. 1. 11
Summary Catalogue no.: 2040
Language(s): Greek
Physical Description
Copied by Bartholomeo Zanetti (RGK I, no. 31, cf. 74, reporting erroneous attribution to Georgios Truphon); additions on fols. 35r-v, 38r, 121v, 122r, 181v, 272r written by Nikolaos Sophianos according to RGK I no. 318.
Stamped red and black leather with gold ornament, re-backed; sides inlaid with plaquettes by Valerio Belli Vicentino (d. 1546); bound in Venice for Diego Hurtado de Mendoza (see Provenance) about 1545-6 (see A. Hobson, 'Two Venetian bindings for Diego Hurtado de Mendoza', The Book Collector 24 (1975), 33-6).
Provenance and Acquisition
The manuscript is an apograph of Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, gr. Z. 496 (coll. 843) and was copied for Diego Hurtado de Mendoza while he was ambassador at Venice (1539-1546): see Margherita Losacco, 'Théophile d’Antioche, Ad Autolycum: tradition manuscrite et histoire du texte', in Le livre manuscrit grec: écritures, matériaux, histoire: actes du IXe Colloque international de paléographie grecque, Paris, 10-15 septembre 2018, ed. M. Cronier and B. Mondrain (Paris, 2020), 699- at 716, with references to earlier studies. Probably the manuscript borrowed by Johannes Frisius for the editio princeps of Ad Autolycum (Basle, 1546) and also that used for the 1546 Venice edition of the Ammonius (ibid., p. 718).
Presented by sir Ralph Winwood in 1604; probably acquired by Winwood in Venice, as suggested by Hobson.
Record Sources
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (1 image from 35mm slides)
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Last Substantive Revision
2022-07: Description revised for publication on Digital Bodleian.